
UMLGraph allows the declarative specification and drawing of UML class and sequence diagrams. The specification is done in text diagrams, that are then transformed into the appropriate graphical representations.

There is no rule specifying that models should appear in a graphical form. A model is a simplification of reality, so a model for a software artifact could really be an outline of that artifact; think of a class definition without code in the method bodies. However, we usually prefer to examine many of our models in a graphical representation: UML employs ten different diagrams for visualizing different perspectives of a system.

Designers typically create their model diagrams using a drawing editor. However, all drawing editors require the tedious placing and manipulation of drawing shapes on the canvas. The effort and the motor coordination skills required for this activity are mostly irrelevant to the end result: unlike architectural or mechanical engineering models the appearance of a software system's model diagram is only marginally related to the quality of the represented software design.

Computer power and automatic graph drawing algorithms have now sufficiently advanced so as to allow the automatic placement of graph nodes on the canvas and the near optimal routing of the respective edges. We can therefore design models using a declarative textual representation and subsequently view, publish, and share them in graphical form. UMLGraph's support for declaratively specifying class and sequence diagrams is part of an ongoing effort aiming to support all ten types of UML diagrams.

Creating models in a declarative, textual notation offers a number of advantages.

Consider how your favorite model editor handles the following tasks and how you could handle them using a simple Perl script or a text-processing pipeline applied to the declarative model specification: All the above tasks can be easily performed in text files using Unix commands such as grep, wc, grep ... | sort ..., and diff.