Class Diagram Example: Views for Different Packages

Views are especially interesting in big projects, since they allow to generate package specific diagrams and overview diagrams in a quick and consistent way.
As an example we include a few class diagrams that have been generated from the DBCP connection pool, without altering the sources and using association and dependency inference instead.
The base view defines commons options, in particular the use of inference, common class coloring and class visibility (in particular, we hide the java runtime classes, with the exclusion of a few java.sql classes). To avoid visual clutter, we have first shown the java.sql package contents, and then hid selected classes. The Overview view provides a full view of the DBCP package, generating quite a big diagram (click on the diagram to show a full size version).
package org.apache.commons;

 * @view
 * @opt inferrel
 * @opt inferdep
 * @opt useimports
 * @match class .*
 * @opt nodefillcolor LightGray
 * @match class org.apache.commons.*
 * @opt nodefillcolor PaleGreen
 * @match class org.apache.commons.dbcp.*
 * @opt nodefillcolor LemonChiffon
 * @match class java.*|org.xml.*
 * @opt hide
 * @match class java.sql.*
 * @opt !hide
 * @match class java.sql\.(Ref|Time|Timestamp|Array|Date|Time|Clob|Blob|SQLException|.*MetaData.*|SQLWarning)
 * @opt hide
public abstract class BaseView {

 * @view
public class Overview extends BaseView {

The CommonsDbcp view concentrates on the content of org.apache.commons.dbcp package, hiding other packages and subpackages available in the sources (click on the diagram to show a full size version).

package org.apache.commons;

 * @view
 * @match class org.apache.commons.*
 * @opt hide
 * @match class org.apache.commons.dbcp..*
 * @opt !hide
 * @match class org.apache.commons.dbcp..*\..*
 * @opt hide
public class CommonsDbcp extends BaseView {}

Finally, the Statement view shows only the Statement related classes and their dependencies.

package org.apache.commons;

 * @view
 * @match class org.apache.commons.*
 * @opt hide
 * @match class org.apache.commons.dbcp\..*Statement.*
 * @opt !hide
 * @match class org.apache.commons.dbcp..*\..*
 * @opt hide
public class Statement extends BaseView {