Class Diagram Example: Fonts, Colors, Global and Local Options

 * @opt edgecolor "yellow"
 * @opt nodefontname "Times"
 * @opt bgcolor ".7 .9 1"
 * @opt nodefillcolor "#a0a0a0"
 * @opt nodefontsize 14
 * @hidden
class UMLOptions{}

 * @opt nodefontname "Helvetica-Bold"
 * @opt nodefontcolor "white"
 * @composed - - - Red
 * @composed - - - Green
 * @composed - - - Blue
 * @opt attributes
 * @opt visibility
 * @opt types
class Pixel {
        private int x, y;
        public void setColor(ColorValue v) {}

/** @opt nodefillcolor red */
class Red {}

/** @opt nodefillcolor green */
class Green {}

/** @opt nodefillcolor blue */
class Blue {}

/** @hidden */
class ColorValue{}
UML diagram demonstrating the use of colors
package net.sf.whatever.test;

 * @hidden
 * @opt postfixpackage
 * @opt edgefontname arialbd
 * @opt nodefontname arial
 * @opt nodefontsize 9
 * @opt nodefontabstract ariali
 * @opt nodefontclassname arialbd
 * @opt nodefontclassabstractname arialbi
 * @opt nodefonttagsize 6
 * @opt nodefonttagname ariali
 * @opt nodefontpackagesize 8
 * @opt operations
 * @opt attributes
 * @opt qualify
 * @opt types
class UMLOptions{}

 * @stereotype base
 * @tagvalue since 1.0
abstract class AbstractBase {
    /** @tagvalue since 1.5 */
    private int field;
    public abstract void abstractMethod();
    public int concreteMethod() { return 1; }

 * @composed 1 has * from.Outer.Space.AlienClass
class Composite extends AbstractBase {}

public class Style extends AbstractBase {}
UML diagram demonstrating the use of fonts