The CScout Refactoring Browser

Diomidis Spinellis
Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens, Greece


CScout is a source code analyzer and refactoring browser for collections of C programs. It can process workspaces of multiple projects (we define a project as a collection of C source files that are linked together) mapping the complexity introduced by the C preprocessor back into the original C source code files. CScout takes advantage of modern hardware advances (fast processors and large memory capacities) to analyze C source code beyond the level of detail and accuracy provided by current compilers, linkers, and other source code analyzers. The analysis CScout performs takes into account the identifier scopes introduced by the C preprocessor and the C language proper scopes and namespaces.

CScout has already been applied on

CScout as a source code analyzer can:

More importantly, CScout helps you in refactoring code by identifying dead objects to remove, and automatically performing accurate global rename identifier refactorings, and various function argument refactorings. CScout will automatically rename identifiers

Furthermore, CScout allows you to refactor the arguments of functions and macros, introducing new arguments, deleting existing ones, or changing their order.


If you are impatient, you can get an immediate feeling of CScout, by building it (make), entering the example directory and typing You will then be able to use CScout and your browser to explore the source code of the one true awk (

For a more structured walkthrough, read on. Consider the following C file, idtest.c

#define getval(x) ((x).val)

struct number {
	int id;
	double val;
} n;

struct character {
	int id;
	char val;
} c;

static int val;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int val;

	if (argc > 2)
		goto val;
	return getval(n) + getval(c);
	val: return 0;
Even though the file forms a contrived example, it will serve us to illustrate the basic concepts behind CScout's operation. Consider what would the correct renaming of one of the identifiers named val entail. CScout will help us to automate this process.

Although, we are dealing with a single file we need to specify its processing within the context of a workspace. In a realistic concept a workspace will specify how numerous projects consisting of multiple files will be processed; think of a workspace as a collection of Makefiles. CScout will operate across the many source files and related executables in the same way as it operates on our example file idtest.c.

A workspace specifies the set of files on which CScout will operate. Each workspace consists of a number of projects; a project is a set rules for linking together C files to form an executable. The workspace definition file is in our case very simple:

workspace example {
	project idtest {
		file idtest.c
Our workspace, named example, consists of a single project, named idtest, that consists of a single C source file, idtest.c.

Our first step will be to transform the declarative workspace definition file into a processing script: a file with imperative processing directives that CScout will handle.

prompt> cswc example.csw >example.c
We then invoke CScout on the processing script (the compiled workspace definition file) example.c.
prompt> cscout example.c
Processing workspace example
Processing project idtest
Processing file idtest.c
Done processing file idtest.c
Done processing project idtest
Done processing workspace example
Post-processing our_path/example.c
Post-processing our_path/idtest.c
Processing identifiers
We are now ready to serve you at http://localhost:8081
The output of CScout is quite verbose; when processing a large source code collection, the messages will serve to assure us that progress is being made.

The primary interface of CScout is Web-based, so once our files have been processed, we fire-up our Web browser and navigate to the CScout's URL. We leave the CScout process running; its job from now on will be to service the pages we request and perform the operations we specify.

Our browser will show us a page like the following:

Scout Main Page

File Dependencies

Main page — Web: Home Manual

In our first example we will only rename an identifier, but as is evident from the page's links CScout provides us with many powerfull tools.

By navigating through the links All files, idtest.c, and Source code with identifier hyperlinks we can see the source code with each recognised identifier marked as a hyperlink:

Source Code With Identifier Hyperlinks: your_path/idtest.c

(Use the tab key to move to each marked element.)

#define getval(x) ((x).val)

struct number {
        int id;
        double val;

struct character {
        int id;
        char val;

static int val;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int val;

        if (argc > 2)
                goto val;
        return getval(n) + getval(c);
        val: return 0;

Main page

Clicking on the first identifier val (in the macro definition) we are taken to a page specifying the identifier's details. There we can specify the identifier's new name, e.g. value.

Identifier: val

  • Read-only: No
  • Tag for struct/union/enum: No
  • Member of struct/union: Yes
  • Label: No
  • Ordinary identifier: No
  • Macro: No
  • Undefined macro: No
  • Macro argument: No
  • File scope: No
  • Project scope: No
  • Typedef: No
  • Crosses file boundary: No
  • Unused: No
  • Matches 3 occurence(s)
  • Appears in project(s):
    • idtest
  • Substitute with:

Dependent Files (Writable)

Dependent Files (All)

Main page

Clicking on the marked source hyperlink, CScout will show us again the corresponding source code, but with only the identifiers val matches marked as hyperlinks:

Identifier val: C:\dds\src\Research\cscout\refactor\idtest.c

(Use the tab key to move to each marked element.)

#define getval(x) ((x).val)

struct number {
        int id;
        double val;
} n;

struct character {
        int id;
        char val;
} c;

static int val;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int val;

        if (argc > 2)
                goto val;
        return getval(n) + getval(c);
        val: return 0;

Main page

The marked identifiers will be all the ones and the only ones the replacement we specified will affect. Similarly we can specify the replacement of the val label, the static variable, or the local variable; each one will only affect the relevant identifiers.

Selecting the hyperlink Exit - saving changes from the CScout's main page will commit our changes, modifying the file idtest.c.

Installation and Setup

System Requirements

To build run CScout your system must satisfy the following requirements:

Installation and Configuration

From this point onward we use the term Unix to refer to Unix-like systems like GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, and Windows to refer to Microsoft Windows systems.

You install CScout in five steps:

  1. Clone the source code from GitHub (
  2. Enter the CScout directory with cd cscout
  3. Run make
  4. Run make test (optional, but highly recommended)
  5. Run sudo make install. If you want the installation to use a different directory hierarchy than the default /usr/local
  6. , you can specify this on the command line with the PREFIX variable. For example, you run make install PREFIX=/home/mydir to install CScout under your home directory or sudo make install PREFIX=/usr to install CScout under /usr.

By default the installation will create in /usr/local/include/cscout headers corresponding to a generic standard C compilation and to your host's specific configuration. If you want to process programs based on other host configurations you can modify these files or create a local version of the files in your home or the project's current directory.

In most cases you want CScout to process your code using the include files of the compiler you are normally using. This will allow CScout to handle programs using the libraries and facilities available in your environment (e.g. Unix system calls or the Windows API). In the other hand it exposes CScout to the extensions and quirks that might reside in your system's header files. You can typically reslove these problems by adding a few additional macro definitions that neutralize unknown compiler extensions. As an example, if your compiler supports a quad_double type and associated keyword with semantics roughly equivalent to double you would add a line in host-defs.h:

#define quad_double double
Have a look in the existing host-defs.h file to see what might be required. If your programs are written in standard C and do not use any additional include files, you can use the generic header files.


The following diagram illustrates the data flow when working with CScout.
Data flow in a CScout project
The thick-lined objects depict active processes; the thin-lined objects depict data. CScout will analyze and process C source code under the directions of a processing script. After some user interactions through a web browser CScout can write out the modified source code. CScout can also convert the C source code into an SQL script that can be further analyzed and processesed through an RDBMS.

There are three ways to generate the processing script:

  1. Through a workspace definition file, processed by the workspace compiler cswc.
  2. By having the csmake command monitor the build process.
  3. By tailoring a project's build process to generate a processing script.
Each method has different advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should probably select the method that better suits your needs, and not bother with the others.

Workspace definition files offer by far the most readable and transparent way to setup a CScout workspace. They are declarative and express exactly the operations that CScout will perform. On the other hand, they can be difficult to specify for an existing large project and they must be kept in sync with the project's build process.

Running your make process under the csmake command is a very easy way to generate a CScout processing script. This method however only works if the essentials of your make process aren't too contrived. csmake can handle builds implemented through the Unix-related make, gcc, ld, ar, and mv commands. It has been successfuly tested on the Linux and FreeBSD kernels and the Apache web server. If csmake can deal with your project, you will be up and running in minutes; if not, you will only have lost those few minutes. Another advantage of the csmake method is that csmake will obtain from the compiler the predefined macros and the include file path. As a result you often don't have to tailor the files host-incs.h and host-defs.h to match you environment; you can directly use the supplied file gcc-defs.h, which provides workarounds for GCC extensions.

Tailoring your project's build process to generate a CScout processing script is a final possibility. Here you gain maximum flexibility and integration with the project build system at the expense of having to modify the project's build procedure. If the project is relatively large and the build procedure is under your control, this may be an option worth investigating.

Defining Workspaces

A workspace definition provides CScout with instructions for parsing a set of C files; the task that is typically accomplished when compiling programs through the use of makefiles. CScout must always process all its source files in a single batch, so running it for each file from a makefile is not possible. Workspace definition files provide facilities for specifying linkage units (typically executable files - projects in the workspace definition file parlance) grouping together similar files and specifying include paths, read-only paths, and macros.

Workspace definition files are line-oriented and organized around C-like blocks. Comments are introduced using the # character. Consider the following simple example:

workspace echo {
	project echo {
		cd "/usr/src/bin/echo"
		file echo.c
The above workspace definition consists of a single program (echo), which in turn consists of a single source file (echo.c).

See how we could expand this for two more programs, all residing in our system's /usr/src/bin directory:

workspace bin {
	cd "/usr/src/bin"
	ro_prefix "/usr/include"
	project cp {
		cd "cp"
		file cp.c utils.c
	project echo {
		cd "echo"
		file echo.c
	project date {
		cd "date"
		file date.c
In the new bin workspace we have factored out the common source directory at the workspace level (cd "/usr/src/bin"), so that each project only specifies its directory relatively to the workspace directory (e.g. cd "date"). In addition, we have specified that files residing in the directory /usr/include are to be considered read-only (ro_prefix "/usr/include"). This is typically needed when the user running CScout has permission to modify the system's include files. Specifying one or more read-only prefixes allows CScout to distinguish between application identifiers and files, which you can modify, and system identifiers and files, which should not be changed.

The CScout workspace compiler cswc will read from its standard input, or from the file(s) specified on its command line, a workspace definition and produce on its standard output a processing script: a C-like file that CScout can process. You will have to redirect the cswc output to a file that will then get passed as an argument to CScout.

Workspace Definition Details

You can see the complete syntax of CScout workspaces in the following BNF grammar.
	workspace NAME { WORKSPACE_ELEMENT ... }

	cd "PATH"

	ipath "PATH"
	define MACRO

	ro_prefix "PATH"
	readonly "FILENAME"

	project NAME { PROJECT_ELEMENT ... }

	cd "PATH"

	directory PATH  { DIRECTORY_ELEMENT ... }


	file FILENAME ...
	file "FILENAME" { FILESPEC ... }

	cd "PATH"
The above grammar essentially specifies that a workspace consists of projects, which consist of files or files in a directory. At the workspace level you can specify files and directories that are to be considered read-only using the readonly and ro_prefix commands. Both commands affect the complete workspace. The scoped commands (define and ipath) are used to specify macro definitions and the include path. Their scope is the block they appear in; when you exit the block (project, directory, or file) their definition is lost. You can therefore define a macro or an include path for the complete workspace, a specific project, files within a directory, or a single file. The syntax of the define command is the same as the one used in C programs. The cd command is also scoped; once you exit the block you return to the directory that was in effect in the outside block. Within a project you can either specify individual files using the file command, or express a grouping of files in a directory using the directory command. The directory command's name is the directory where a group of files resides and serves as an implicit cd command for the files it contains. Finally, files can be either specified directly as arguments to the file command, or file can be used to start a separate block. In the latter case the argument of file is the file name to process; the block can contain additional specifications (scoped commands or the readonly command without an argument) for processing that file.

The following workspace definition was used for processing the apache web server and includes most of the features and formulations we discussed.

workspace apache {
	cd "/usr/local/src/apache/src"

	ro_prefix "/usr/local/src/apache/src/include/ap_config"

	# Global project definitions
	define HTTPD_ROOT "/usr/local/apache"
	define SUEXEC_BIN "/usr/local/apache/bin/suexec"
	define SHARED_CORE_DIR "/usr/local/apache/libexec"
	define DEFAULT_PIDLOG "logs/"
	define DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD "logs/httpd.scoreboard"
	define DEFAULT_LOCKFILE "logs/httpd.lock"
	define DEFAULT_XFERLOG "logs/access_log"
	define DEFAULT_ERRORLOG "logs/error_log"
	define TYPES_CONFIG_FILE "conf/mime.types"
	define SERVER_CONFIG_FILE "conf/httpd.conf"
	define ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE "conf/access.conf"
	define RESOURCE_CONFIG_FILE "conf/srm.conf"

	define AUX_CFLAGS
	define LINUX 22 
	define USE_HSREGEX 
	define NO_DL_NEEDED

	# Give project-specific directory and include path properties
	project gen_uri_delims {
		cd "main"
		ipath "../os/unix"
		ipath "../include"
		file gen_uri_delims.c

	# Alternative formulation; specify per-file properties
	project gen_test_char {
		file gen_test_char.c {
			cd "main"
			ipath "../os/unix"
			ipath "../include"

	# httpd executable; specify directory-based properties
	project httpd {
		directory main {
			ipath "../os/unix"
			ipath "../include"
 			file alloc.c buff.c http_config.c http_core.c
			file http_log.c http_main.c http_protocol.c
			file http_request.c http_vhost.c util.c util_date.c
			file util_script.c util_uri.c util_md5.c rfc1413.c
		directory regex {
			ipath "."
			ipath "../os/unix"
			ipath "../include"
			file regcomp.c regexec.c regerror.c regfree.c
		directory os/unix {
			ipath "../../os/unix"
			ipath "../../include"
			file os.c os-inline.c
		directory ap {
			ipath "../os/unix"
			ipath "../include"
			file ap_cpystrn.c ap_execve.c ap_fnmatch.c ap_getpass.c 
			file ap_md5c.c ap_signal.c ap_slack.c ap_snprintf.c 
			file ap_sha1.c ap_checkpass.c ap_base64.c ap_ebcdic.c
		directory modules/standard {
			ipath "../../os/unix"
			ipath "../../include"
			file mod_env.c mod_log_config.c mod_mime.c
			file mod_negotiation.c mod_status.c mod_include.c
			file mod_autoindex.c mod_dir.c mod_cgi.c mod_asis.c
			file mod_imap.c mod_actions.c mod_userdir.c
			file mod_alias.c mod_access.c mod_auth.c mod_setenvif.c
		directory . {
			ipath "./os/unix"
			ipath "./include"
			file modules.c buildmark.c

Automated Generation of the Processing Script

In CScout from version 2.2 and onward you can you can also use the supplied tool csmake to directly generate CScout processing scripts by monitoring a project's make-based build process. For this to work your project's build must (probably) be based on a Unix or Unix-like system, and use make and gcc. The make process can also invoke ld, ar, and mv. Recursive make invocations among different directories are also supported.

The way to use csmake is fairly simple. You first arrange for performing a full build, for example by running

make clean

Then, instead of running make on the project's top-level directory you run csmake. When the build process has finished, csmake will leave in the directory where you started it a CScout processing script named make.cs.

csmake has been used out-of-the-box to run CScout on the Linux kernel version and the Apache httpd version 2.2.3. It has also been used to process the FreeBSD 7-CURRENT kernel under its three Tier-1 architecture configurations by cross-compiling each configuration separately and merging the resulting CScout processing scripts. This is the shell script that did the job.

for a in amd64 i386 sparc64
                cd sys/$a/conf/
                make LINT
                config LINT
        export MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/home/dds/src/fbsd-head/obj/$a
        csmake buildkernel TARGET_ARCH=$a  KERNCONF=LINT
        mv make.cs make.$a.cs
cat make.*.cs >all.cs
sed -n 's/#pragma process "\(.*hack.c\)"/\1/p' all.cs | xargs touch
cscout all.cs

Finally, for processing a couple of C files, you can create a project file by invoking the cscc tool with the arguments you would pass to the C compiler.

Tailoring the Build Process to Generate the Processing Script

It is relatively easy to integrate CScout into an existing IDE (such as Eclipse) or to provide an alternative method for specifying workspaces by directly creating a processing script from existing Makefiles. A processing script (what results from compiling a workspace file) is a C file containing a number of #pragma preprocessor directives. CScout uses the following pragmas:
#pragma echo "STRING"
Will display the STRING on CScout's standard output when that part of the file is reached.


#pragma echo "Processing workspace date\n"
#pragma ro_prefix "STRING"
Will add STRING to the list of filename prefixes that mark read-only files. This is a global setting.


#pragma ro_prefix "C:\gcc"
#pragma define_immutable macro definition
Will define a macro similarly to a #define command, but mark the definition as one that cannot be later be undefined or redefined. This is useful for defining macros that handle compiler extensions so that code cannot change them.
#pragma project "STRING"
Will set the current project to STRING. All identifiers and files processed from then on will belong to the given project.


#pragma project "date"
#pragma block_enter
Will enter a nested scope block. Two blocks are supported, the first block_enter will enter the project scope (linkage unit); the second encountered nested block_enter will enter the file scope (compilation unit).

#pragma block_exit
Will exit a nested scope block. The number of block_enter pragmas should match the number of block_exit pragmas and there should never be more than two block_enter pragmas in effect.

#pragma process "STRING"
Will analyze (CScout's equivalent to compiling) the C source file named STRING.


#pragma process "date.d"
#pragma pushd "STRING"
Will set the current directory to STRING, saving the previous current directory in a stack. From that point onward, all relative file accesses will start from the given directory.


#pragma pushd "cp"
#pragma popd
Will restore the current directory to the one in effect before a previously pushed directory. The number of pushd pragmas should match the number of popd pragmas.

#pragma set_dp "STRING INTEGER
Enable the debug point for the file named STRING at line INTEGER. This can be used for targetted troubleshooting and debugging: rather than enabling a debug point globally using the dbpoints file, it is enabled at a particular code instance using the #pragma set_dp.


#pragma set_dp "macro.cpp" 486
#pragma includepath "STRING"
Will add STRING to the list of directories used for searching included files (the include path).


#pragma includepath "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/include"
#pragma clear_include
Will clear the include path, allowing the specification of a new one.

#pragma clear_defines
Will clear all defined macros allowing the specification of new ones. Should normally be executed before processing a new file. Note that macros can be defined using the normal #define C preprocessor directive.
The following is a complete example of a CScout processing script.

// workspace bin
#pragma echo "Processing workspace bin\n"
#pragma ro_prefix "/usr/include"
#pragma echo "Entering directory /usr/src/bin"
#pragma pushd "/usr/src/bin"
// project date
#pragma echo "Processing project date\n"
#pragma project "date"
#pragma block_enter
#pragma echo "Entering directory date"
#pragma pushd "date"
// file date.c
#pragma echo "Processing file date.c\n"
#pragma block_enter
#pragma clear_defines
#pragma clear_include
#include "/home/dds/src/cscout/cscout_defs.h"
#include "/home/dds/src/cscout/cscout_incs.h"
#pragma process "date.c"
#pragma block_exit
#pragma echo "Done processing file date.c\n"
#pragma echo "Exiting directory date\n"
#pragma popd
#pragma block_exit
#pragma echo "Done processing project date\n"
#pragma echo "Exiting directory /usr/src/bin\n"
#pragma popd
#pragma echo "Done processing workspace bin\n"

Case Study: Processing the FreeBSD Kernel (the Hard Way)

As a further example consider the steps for applying CScout on the FreeBSD kernel, before the existence of the csmake command.
  1. Configure a LINT or GENERIC version of each architecture's kernel.
    Example: config LINT
  2. Go to the compilation directory, update the dependencies (make depend) and compile (make). This step is used to create all automatically generated C and header files. Also during this step note the include path used, in order to provide CScout with the same specification.
  3. Remove the generated object files to force a make operation to rebuild them (rm *.o).
  4. Replace the C compiler invocation command in the Makefile with an appropriate series of shell commands.
    .include "$S/conf/"
    The code below was added after the line above
    NORMAL_C= echo '\#pragma echo "Processing file ${.IMPSRC}\n"' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma block_enter' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma clear_defines' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma clear_include' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#include "cscout_defs.h"' >>kernel.cs ;\
          for i in $(INCLUDES) ; \
          do \
                  case $$i in \
                  -nostdinc) continue ;; \
                  -I-) continue ;; \
                  esac ; \
                  i=`echo $$i | sed 's/-I//'` ; \
                  echo '\#pragma includepath "'$$i'"' >>kernel.cs ; \
          done ; \
          echo '\#define _KERNEL 1' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma process "opt_global.h"' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma process "${.IMPSRC}"' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma block_exit' >>kernel.cs ;\
          echo '\#pragma echo "Done processing file ${.IMPSRC}\n"' >>kernel.cs
  5. Create a cscout_incs.h file for each different architecture.
  6. Remove kernel.cs The existing file documents the way to do it.
  7. Run make on the custom Makefile
  8. Repeat for each different architecture
  9. Create a top-level CScout file to process all architectures:
    #pragma echo "Processing workspace FreeBSD kernel\n"
    #pragma echo "Entering directory sys/i386/compile/LINT\n"
    #pragma pushd "sys/i386/compile/LINT"
    #pragma echo "Processing project i386\n"
    #pragma project "i386"
    #pragma block_enter
    #include "kernel.cs"
    #pragma echo "Exiting directory sys/i386/compile/LINT\n"
    #pragma popd
    #pragma echo "Done processing project i386\n"
    #pragma block_exit
    #pragma echo "Entering directory sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC\n"
    // [...]
    // and so on for all architectures
    // [...]
    #pragma echo "Exiting directory sys/sparc64/compile/LINT\n"
    #pragma popd
    #pragma echo "Done processing project sparc64\n"
    #pragma block_exit
    Note that the block_enter and block_exit pragmas are furnished by this top-level file.
The run of the above specification (2 million unique lines) took 330 CPU minutes on a Rioworks HDAMA (AMD64) machine (2x1.8GHz Opteron 244 (in UP mode) - AMD 8111/8131 chipset, 8192MB mem) and required 1474MB of RAM. These are the complete metrics:

CScout Home

File Metrics

Writable Files
Number of files: 4310

File metricTotalMinMaxAvg
Number of characters625057700100834514502
Comment characters159217520850593694
Space characters79364010739681841
Number of line comments19040
Number of block comments1762530433740
Number of lines2063096027336478
Length of longest line3370490186778
Number of C strings13251901929630
Number of defined functions2958403336
Number of preprocessor directives26754202733662
Number of directly included files35408016088
Number of C statements67982504465157

Troubleshooting CScout processing

When processing a project for the first time, Cscout may terminate its processing with a syntax error. The errors are typically occurring because of incompatibilities between CScout and C compiler extensions or features of a particular version of the C Standard used in the project. Here is advice for troubleshooting such errors.

CScout Execution

The CScout engine (cscout) requires as an argument a processing script, for example a cswc-compiled workspace definition file or the make.cs script generated by csmake. It will serially process each project and directory parsing the corresponding files specified in the workspace definition file, and then process once more each one of the files examined to establish the location of the identifiers. Note that the bulk of the work is performed in the first pass. During the first pass CScout may report warnings, errors, and fatal errors. Fatal errors will terminate processing, all other errors may result in an incorrect analysis of the particular code fragment. CScout only checks the code to the extend needed to perform its analysis; CScout will hapily process many illegal constructs.

The following lines illustrate the output of CScout when run on the bin workspace.

Entering directory /usr/src/bin
Processing project cp
Entering directory cp
Processing file cp.c
Done processing file cp.c
Processing file utils.c
Done processing file utils.c
Exiting directory cp
Done processing project cp
Processing project echo
Entering directory echo
Processing file echo.c
Done processing file echo.c
Exiting directory echo
Done processing project echo
Processing project date
Entering directory date
Processing file date.c
Done processing file date.c
Exiting directory date
Done processing project date
Exiting directory /usr/src/bin
Done processing workspace bin
Post-processing /home/dds/src/cscout/cscout_defs.h
Post-processing /home/dds/src/cscout/cscout_incs.h
Post-processing /usr/home/dds/src/cscout/bin.c
Post-processing /usr/include/ctype.h
Post-processing /usr/include/err.h
Post-processing /usr/include/errno.h
Post-processing /usr/include/fcntl.h
Post-processing /usr/include/fts.h
Post-processing /usr/include/limits.h
Post-processing /usr/include/locale.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/ansi.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/endian.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/limits.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/param.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/signal.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/trap.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/types.h
Post-processing /usr/include/machine/ucontext.h
Post-processing /usr/include/runetype.h
Post-processing /usr/include/stdio.h
Post-processing /usr/include/stdlib.h
Post-processing /usr/include/string.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/_posix.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/inttypes.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/param.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/signal.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/stat.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/time.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/types.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/ucontext.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sys/unistd.h
Post-processing /usr/include/sysexits.h
Post-processing /usr/include/syslog.h
Post-processing /usr/include/time.h
Post-processing /usr/include/unistd.h
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/cp/cp.c
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/cp/extern.h
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/cp/utils.c
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/date/date.c
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/date/extern.h
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/date/vary.h
Post-processing /vol/src/bin/echo/echo.c
Processing identifiers
We are now ready to serve you at http://localhost:8081
After processing your files CScout will start operating as a Web server. At that point you must open a Web browser and connect to the location printed on its output. From that point onward your CScout contact is the Web browser interface; only fatal errors and progress indicators will appear on CScout's standard output. Depending on the access control list specified, you may also be able to perform some operations over the network. However, since CScout operates as a single-threaded process, you may experience delays when another user sends a complex query.

Preprocessor invocation

As an aid for configuring CScout for a different compiler you can run CScout with the optional -E command-line argument. The -E option will orchestrate CScout to act as a simple C preprocessor for the file(s) specified through a regular expression as the option's argument. (Typically the name of the file, and in some cases a few distinguishing elements of its path should be enough.) The corresponding output of CScout will be the file with all preprocessor commands evaluated. If CScout reports an error in a place where a macro is invoked, you can examine the preprocessed output to see the result of the macro execution. During the CScout trials, this feature often located the use of nonstandard compiler extensions, that were hidden inside header files. To search for the corresponding error location in the postprocessed file use the name of a nearby identifier as a bookmark, since the line numbers will not match and CScout will not generate #line directives. Alternatively, you can rerun CScout on the preprocessed file.

Checking invocation

There are cases where you may only want to run CScout to see its error diagnostic messages. As an example, you may be running CScout as part of your daily build cycle to verify that the source code can always be parsed by CScout. The -c command-line option will cause CScout to immediately exit after processing the specified file.

The -c option is often used in conjunction with the -r option. The -r command-line option instructs CScout to report all superfluously included header files and identifiers that are either unused or wrongly scoped. Although it is easy to recognise when a header file must be included (if you do not follow the specification of the respective API, a compiler's error message will act as a reminder) detecting when an included header is no longer needed is a lot more difficult. Thus, as code changes, entire files are duplicated as source code templates, and functions are moved to different files, header files that were once needed may no longer be required. Their existence can confuse the programmers reading the code (why is this header file included?) and unnecessarily burden the compilation process. CScout can detect such files by keeping track of dependencies across files, and report included files that are not required. The following is an example of CScout's output:

$ cscout -rc awk.cs
Processing workspace awk
Processing project awk
Entering directory awk
Processing file awkgram.y
Done processing file awkgram.y
Processing file tran.c
Done processing file tran.c
Exiting directory awk
Done processing project awk
Done processing workspace awk
Post-processing /home/dds/src/cscout/example/.cscout/cscout_defs.h
Post-processing /home/dds/src/cscout/include/time.h
Processing identifiers
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/run.c:84: jexit: unused project scoped writable identifier
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/awkgram.y:93: LASTTOKEN: unused file scoped writable identifier
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/awk.h:152: CFREE: unused writable macro
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/tran.c:44: CONVFMT: writable identifier should be made static
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/lib.c:36: file: writable identifier should be made static
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/lib.c:33: unused included file /home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/ytab.h
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/main.c:29: unused included file /home/dds/src/cscout/include/ctype.h
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/main.c:35: unused included file /home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/ytab.h
/home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/tran.c:32: unused included file /home/dds/src/cscout/example/awk/ytab.h
Notice that there are two types of unused include files:
  1. Directly included files
  2. Included files that are only indirectly included
You will typically remove the #include directives for the directly included files. The files that are indirectly included and unused are a lot more tricky. They are brought into your file's compilation by the inclusion of another file. Even if you have control over the header file that included them and even if your file has no use for their contents, another file may require them, so in most cases it is best not to mess with those files. Finally note that it is possible to construct pathological examples of include files that CScout will not detect as being required. These will contain just parts of a statement or declaration that can not be related to the file including them (e.g. a single operator, or a comma):

/* Main file main.c */
main(int argc
#include "comma.h"
char *argv[])

/* File comma.h */
Although such a construct is legal C it is not used in practice.

CScout has processed a 190KLOC project that was under active development since 1989. The project consisted of 231 files, containing 5249 include directives. Following CScout's analysis 765 include directives from 178 files were removed, without a single problem.

Basic Concepts

Before we begin our in-depth description of CScout's operation it is important to define the basic concepts we will encounter: identifiers, functions, and files. Although you may think you know what these elements stand for, in the CScout universe they have meanings sligthly different from what you may be used to.


A CScout identifier is the longest character sequence that can be correctly modified (e.g. renamed) in isolation. Identifiers that will have to be renamed in unison to obtain a correct program are grouped together and are treated as a single entity. Although you may think that, according to our definition, CScout identifiers are the same as C identifiers, this is the case only in the absence of the C preprocessor.

First of all, the preprocessor token concatenation feature can result in C identifiers that are composed of multiple CScout identifiers. Consider the following example, which uses a macro to define a number of different functions. (Yes, I am familiar with the C++ templates, this is just an example.)

#define typefun(name, type, op) \
type type ## _ ## name(type a, type b) { return a op b; }

typefun(add, int, +)
typefun(sub, int, -)
typefun(mul, int, *)
typefun(div, int, /)
typefun(add, double, +)
typefun(sub, double, -)
typefun(mul, double, *)
typefun(div, double, /)

	printf("%d\n", int_add(5, 4));
	printf("%g\n", double_mul(3.14, 2.0));
In the CScout environment the int_add C identifier is actually composed of three separate parts:
  1. int
  2. _
  3. add
Renaming the int identifier into integer would change it in five different places: the argument to the four typefun macro invocations, and the part of int_add.

In addition, preprocessor macro definitions can confuse the notion of the C scope, bringing together scopes that would be considered separate in the context of the C language-proper. Consider the following (slightly contrived) example:

struct foo {
	int foo;

struct bar {
	int foo;

#define getpart(tag, name) (((struct tag *)p)->name)
#define getfoo(var) (
#define get(name) (name(0) + ((struct name *)p)->name)
#define conditional(x) do {if (!x(0)) goto x; return x(0);} while(0)

foo(void *p)
	struct foo f;
	struct bar b;

	if (p && getpart(foo, foo))
		return getpart(bar, foo);
	else if (getfoo(f))
		return get(foo);
	else if (getfoo(b))
		return 0;
The identifier foo is occuring in a number of different scopes: Yet, the preprocessor macros and their use bring all the scopes together. If we decide to change one instance of the foo identifier, CScout will change all the instances marked below, in order to obtain a program that has the same meaning as the original one.

Identifier foo: test.c

(Use the tab key to move to each marked element.)

struct foo {
        int foo;

struct bar {
        int foo;

#define getpart(tag, name) (((struct tag *)p)->name)
#define getfoo(var) (
#define get(name) (name(0) + ((struct name *)p)->name)
#define conditional(x) do {if (!x(0)) goto x; return x(0);} while(0)

foo(void *p)
        struct foo f;
        struct bar b;

        if (p && getpart(foofoo))
                return getpart(bar, foo);
        else if (getfoo(f))
                return get(foo);
        else if (getfoo(b))
                return 0;


CScout, with its integrated C preprocessor, considers as functions both the normal C functions and the function-like macros. It can therefore identify: The following example illustrates all the above cases.

#define macro() middlemacro()
#define middlemacro() innemacro()
#define innemacro() function1()
function1() {}
function2() {}
main() {
The corresponding call graph is as follows:

Calls from the main function

Note that in CScout functions are separate entities from identifiers. The name of a function can consist of multiple identifiers; an identifier can exist in more than one function names.

For instance, the page for the _ (underscore) identifier in the typefun macro example we saw earlier will appear as follows.

Identifier: _

Main page - Web: Home Manual

CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12

Note how each function name is composed of three separate parts, and that this instance of the _ identifier occurs in 8 different function names.


Given the complexities we discussed above, you may be pleased to know that in CScout files are more or less equivalent to the notion of file you are familiar with. The important thing to keep in mind is that CScout will consider all references to the same underlying file as equivalent, no matter how the file was named. Thus, different paths to the same file, or references to the same file via different symbolic links will end-up appearing as the same file in CScout.

One important feature of CScout concerning files has to do with the handling of files that are exact copies of each other. These may occur in the building of a large system for the sake of convenience; for example, one header file may be copied to various parts of the source code tree. CScout will locate identical files and group them together when reporting a file's details. Identifiers occuring in the same position of two identical files are considered equivalent; if you change the name of one of them the name of the other will also change. Moreover, when CScout reports unused identifiers it takes into account uses of an identifier from all instances of the identical files, not just one of them.

Writable and Read-Only Entities

CScout uses file access permissions (or the equivalent readonly and ro_prefix definitions provided in workspace definition files) to determine which elements of the compiled source code are under your control and which elements are part of the development system. Often the CScout user-interface allows you to specify whether you are interested in writable (i.e. your project's), read-only (i.e. the system's) or all elements. Therefore, all of the files that belong to your project must be writable. Any other files used by your project but not belonging to it (e.g. header files of third-party libraries or auto-generated code) must either be read-only or must be flagged for treatment as read-only using the readonly and ro_prefix workspace definition commands.

Since CScout is not just a browser, but a refactoring browser, you are expected to ensure that every file in your project is writable. This is how CScout figures out which files are part of your project and which are system files (for instance the standard library header files). System files should not be writable; if any system files happen to be writable, use the readonly and ro_prefix workspace definition commands to tell CScout to treat them as if they are not writable.

The Web Interface

The main screen CScout presents to your browser is divided into four sections: Most pages CScout sends to your browser are dynamically generated and may contain elements that can vary from one CScout invocation to the next. Therefore you should not bookmark source listings, or file or identifier detail pages, and expect them to be available on another CScout invocation. On the other hand, the pages containing results of identifier, function, or file queries can be freely bookmarked and are identified with a comment specifying the fact and a corresponding link.

File-spanning Writable Identifiers

Matching Identifiers


Elements 1 to 20 of 416.
Select page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 next all
You can bookmark this link to save the respective query.

Main page

You can therefore use your browser's bookmark facility to ``store'' such queries for future use, or pass the URL around so that others can reproduce your results.

Also note that often a query's results are split into pages. The program's options allow you to specify how many elements you want to see on each page. Keep in mind that some browsers may choke on huge pages, so keep this number down to a reasonable number (say below 1000). You can navigate between result pages using the links at the bottom of each result page page. The link titled all will present all the query's results. It is most useful as a way to save all the query's results into a file, using a browser command like Save Link Target As ...

We will examine CScout's functionality using as an example the bin workspace we presented in the previous section.

File Elements

Although some of the file queries operate on identifier properties, all file queries produce file-list data as their result. Clicking on an element of a file list leads you to a page with a summary of the file.

File: C:\dds\src\Research\cscout\example\awk\main.c


  • Read-only: No
  • Used in project(s):
    • awk
  • Other exact copies: (none)
  • File's directory



File Dependencies

  • Graph of files that depend on this file at compile time: writable, all
  • Graph of files on which this file depends at compile time: writable, all
  • Graph of files whose functions this file calls (control dependency): writable, all
  • Graph of files calling this file's functions (control dependency): writable, all
  • Graph of files whose global variables this file accesses (data dependency): writable, all
  • Graph of files accessing this file's global variables (data dependency): writable, all

Include Files


Number of characters5155
Number of comment characters1878
Number of space characters754
Number of line comments0
Number of block comments27
Number of lines190
Maximum number of characters in a line107
Number of character strings25
Number of unprocessed lines0
Number of C preprocessor directives9
Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)0
Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros0
Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros1
Number of preprocessed tokens893
Number of compiled tokens921
Number of copies of the file1
Number of statements123
Number of defined project-scope functions3
Number of defined file-scope (static) functions0
Number of defined project-scope variables13
Number of defined file-scope (static) variables0
Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations0
Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members0
Number of complete enumeration declarations0
Number of declared enumeration elements0
Number of directly included files8

Main page — Web: Home Manual

The page starts with the projects using this file, whether the file also exists as an exact duplicate in other locations, and a link to browse within CScout the directory where the file is located. Four subsequent sections provide links for
  • examining the functions defined in the file,
  • listing various file dependencies, and
  • exploring the file's include relationships. The page ends with representative metrics for the given file.

    Source Code Views

    You can view a file's source code in five different forms:

    1. The plain source code, will only provide you the file's code text
    2. The source code with unprocessed regions marked, will enable you to see which parts of the file was not processed due to conditional compilation instructions. You may want to use the marked parts as a guide to construct a more inclusive workspace definition (perhaps by processing the project multiple times, with different preprocessor options).
        360 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__STDC__)
        361 static __inline int __sputc(int _c, FILE *_p) {
        362         if (--_p->_w >= 0 || (_p->_w >= _p->_lbfsize && (char)_c != '\n'))
        363                 return (*_p->_p++ = _c);
        364         else
        365                 return (__swbuf(_c, _p));
        366 }
        367 #else
        368 /*
        369  * This has been tuned to generate reasonable code on the vax using pcc.
        370  */
        371 #define __sputc(c, p) \
        372         (--(p)->_w < 0 ? \
        373                 (p)->_w >= (p)->_lbfsize ? \
        374                         (*(p)->_p = (c)), *(p)->_p != '\n' ? \
        375                                 (int)*(p)->_p++ : \
        376                                 __swbuf('\n', p) : \
        377                         __swbuf((int)(c), p) : \
        378                 (*(p)->_p = (c), (int)*(p)->_p++))
        379 #endif
    3. Source code with identifier hyperlinks, will provide you with a page of the file's code text where each identifier is represented as a hyperlink leading to the identifier's page. The following is a representative example.
              struct stat *from_stat;
              int exists;
              if (exists && unlink(to.p_path)) {
                      warn("unlink: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              if (mkfifo(to.p_pathfrom_stat->st_mode)) {
                      warn("mkfifo: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              return (pflag ? setfile(from_stat, 0) : 0);

    4. As the above display can be overwhelming, you may prefer to browse the source code with hyperlinks only to project-global writable identifiers, which are typically the most important identifiers. Consider again how the above example would be displayed:
      copy_fifo(from_stat, exists)
              struct stat *from_stat;
              int exists;
              if (exists && unlink(to.p_path)) {
                      warn("unlink: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              if (mkfifo(to.p_path, from_stat->st_mode)) {
                      warn("mkfifo: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              return (pflag ? setfile(from_stat, 0) : 0);
    5. Source code with hyperlinks to function and macro declarations provides you hyperlinks to the function pages for each function declaration (implicit or explict) and macro definition. Again, here is an example:
      #if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
      int     digittoint __P((int));
      int     isascii __P((int));
      int     isblank __P((int));
      int     ishexnumber __P((int));
      int     isideogram __P((int));
      int     isnumber __P((int));
      int     isphonogram __P((int));
      int     isrune __P((int));
      int     isspecial __P((int));
      int     toascii __P((int));

      #define __istype(c,f)    (!!__maskrune((c),(f)))

      #define isalnum(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_A|_CTYPE_D)
      #define isalpha(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_A)
      #define iscntrl(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_C)
      #define isdigit(c)       __isctype((c), _CTYPE_D) /* ANSI -- locale independent */
      #define isgraph(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_G)
      #define islower(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_L)
      #define isprint(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_R)
      #define ispunct(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_P)
      #define isspace(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_S)
      #define isupper(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_U)
      #define isxdigit(c)      __isctype((c), _CTYPE_X) /* ANSI -- locale independent */
      #define tolower(c)       __tolower(c)
      #define toupper(c)       __toupper(c)

    Finally, you can also choose to launch your editor on the file. The way the editor is launched is specified in CScout's options page.

    File Metrics

    File metrics produces a summary of the workspace's file-based metrics like the following:

    File Metrics

    Writable Files

    Number of elements: 13

    Number of characters15726819234329712097.5
    Number of comment characters30152063072319.38
    Number of space characters2870729887352208.23
    Number of line comments0000
    Number of block comments760019058.4615
    Number of lines64321001913494.769
    Maximum number of characters in a line10542410781.0769
    Number of character strings684015452.6154
    Number of unprocessed lines12080.923077
    Number of C preprocessor directives27409221.0769
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)6030.461538
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros300222.30769
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros16109212.3846
    Number of preprocessed tokens39529393121893040.69
    Number of compiled tokens4411925140203393.77
    Number of copies of the file13111
    Number of statements429301589330.231
    Number of defined project-scope functions16805112.9231
    Number of defined file-scope (static) functions2010.153846
    Number of defined project-scope variables14913611.4615
    Number of defined file-scope (static) variables1090928.38462
    Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations12060.923077
    Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members560324.30769
    Number of complete enumeration declarations0000
    Number of declared enumeration elements0000
    Number of directly included files62094.76923

    Read-only Files

    Number of elements: 15

    Number of characters4309422798762872.93
    Number of comment characters2696710756951797.8
    Number of space characters317913948211.933
    Number of line comments120120.8
    Number of block comments1280608.53333
    Number of lines11981327579.8667
    Maximum number of characters in a line1073488571.5333
    Number of character strings620584.13333
    Number of unprocessed lines17051.13333
    Number of C preprocessor directives288110219.2
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)27061.8
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros300132
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros870315.8
    Number of preprocessed tokens3461161068230.733
    Number of compiled tokens17790602118.6
    Number of copies of the file15111
    Number of statements0000
    Number of defined project-scope functions0000
    Number of defined file-scope (static) functions0000
    Number of defined project-scope variables6030.4
    Number of defined file-scope (static) variables0000
    Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations7030.466667
    Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members560233.73333
    Number of complete enumeration declarations0000
    Number of declared enumeration elements0000
    Number of directly included files240201.6

    Main page — Web: Home Manual

    All files

    The "All files" link will list all the project's files, including source files, and directly and indirectly included files. You can use this list to create a "bill of materials" for the files your workspace requires to compile. The following is an example of the output:

    All Files

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Read-only files

    The "Read-only files" link will typically show you the system files your project used. The following output was generated using the "Show file lists with file name in context" option.

    Read-only Files

    /usr/include/ ctype.h
    /usr/include/ err.h
    /usr/include/ errno.h
    /usr/include/ fcntl.h
    /usr/include/ fts.h
    /usr/include/ limits.h
    /usr/include/ locale.h
    /usr/include/machine/ ansi.h
    /usr/include/machine/ endian.h
    /usr/include/machine/ limits.h
    /usr/include/machine/ param.h
    /usr/include/machine/ signal.h
    /usr/include/machine/ trap.h
    /usr/include/machine/ types.h
    /usr/include/machine/ ucontext.h
    /usr/include/ runetype.h
    /usr/include/ stdio.h
    /usr/include/ stdlib.h
    /usr/include/ string.h
    /usr/include/sys/ _posix.h
    /usr/include/sys/ cdefs.h
    /usr/include/sys/ inttypes.h
    /usr/include/sys/ param.h
    /usr/include/sys/ signal.h
    /usr/include/sys/ stat.h
    /usr/include/sys/ syslimits.h
    /usr/include/sys/ time.h
    /usr/include/sys/ types.h
    /usr/include/sys/ ucontext.h
    /usr/include/sys/ unistd.h
    /usr/include/ sysexits.h
    /usr/include/ syslog.h
    /usr/include/ time.h
    /usr/include/ unistd.h

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page - Web: Home Manual

    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12

    Writable files

    Correspondingly the "Writable files" link will only show you all your workspace's source files:

    Writable Files

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Files containing unused project-scoped writable identifiers

    The link ``files containing unused project-scoped writable identifiers'' performs an identifier query, but lists as output files containing matching identifiers. Specifically, the link will produce a list of files containing global (project-scoped) unused writable identifiers. Modern compilers can detect unused block-local or even file-local (static) identifiers, but detecting global identifiers is more tricky, since it requires processing of all files that will be linked together. The restriction to writable identifiers will filter-out noise generated through the use of the system's library functions.

    In our example, the following list is generated:

    Files Containing Unused Project-scoped Writable Identifiers

    Matching Files

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/date/ date.cmarked source

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page - Web: Home Manual

    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    The output contains the path to each file, and a link that will generate the file's source code with the offending identifiers marked as hyperlinks. You can use the ``marked source'' link to inspect the identifiers in the context of their source code; simply follow the link with your browser and press tab to go to each hyperlink. In our example the identifier will appear as follows:

    setthetime(fmt, p, jflag, nflag)
            const char *fmt;
            register const char *p;
            int jflag, nflag;
            register struct tm *lt;
            struct timeval tv;
            const char *dot, *t;
            int century;

    (In our case the function setthetime is declared as static, but not defined as such.)

    Files containing unused file-scoped writable identifiers

    The link ``files containing unused file-scoped writable identifiers'' performs an identifier query, but lists as output files containing matching identifiers. Specifically, the link will produce a list of files containing file-scoped (static) unused writable identifiers. Although some modern compilers can detect file-local identifiers, they fail to detect macros and some types of variable declarations. The CScout query is more general and can be more reliable. The restriction to writable identifiers will filter-out noise generated through the use of the system's library functions.

    In our example, the following list is generated:

    Files Containing Unused File-scoped Writable Identifiers

    Matching Files

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ utils.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/date/ date.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/echo/ echo.cmarked source

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page - Web: Home Manual

    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    In our case all identifiers located were the copyright and the rcsid identifiers.

    #ifndef lint
    static char const copyright[] =
    "@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993\n\
            The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
    #endif /* not lint */

    #ifndef lint
    #if 0
    static char sccsid[] = "@(#)echo.c      8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93";
    static const char rcsid[] =
      "$FreeBSD: src/bin/echo/echo.c,v 2001/08/01 02:33:32 obrien Exp $";
    #endif /* not lint */

    Later on we will explain how an identifier query could have used a regular expression to filter-out the noise generated by these two identifiers.

    Writable .c files without any statements

    The ``writable .c files without any statements'' will locate C files that do not contain any C statements. You can use it to locate files that only contain variable definitions, or files that are #ifdef'd out.

    In our example, the result set only contains the processing script (the compiled workspace definition file).

    Writable .c Files Without Any Statments

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51
    The processing script (the compiled workspace definition file) follows the C syntax, but only contains preprocessor directives (mostly CScout-specific #pragma commands) to drive the CScout's source code analysis.

    Writable files containing unprocessed lines

    The ``writable files containing unprocessed lines'' link will present you C files containing lines that were skipped by the C preprocossor, due to conditional compilation directives. The files are ordered according to the number of unprocessed lines (files with the largest number will appear on the top).

    In our case the results are:

    Writable Files Containing Unprocessed Lines

    DirectoryFileNumber of unprocessed lines
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ utils.c30
    /home/dds/src/cscout/ cscout_defs.h3
    /vol/src/bin/echo/ echo.c2
    /vol/src/bin/date/ date.c2
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.c2
    /home/dds/src/cscout/ cscout_incs.h2

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page - Web: Home Manual

    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    Lines skipped by the C preprocessor can be detrimental to the analysis and the refactoring you perform. If those lines contain live code that will be used under some other circumstances (a different platform, or different configuration options), then any results you obtain may miss important data. The list of files allows you to see if there are any large chunks of code that CScout ignored. If there are, think about specifying additional configuration options as preprocessor variables. If some configuration options are mutually exclusive you can process the same source multiple times, with different preprocessor variables set.

    Writable files containing strings

    The ``writable files containing strings'' link will present you C files containing C strings. In some applications user-messages are not supposed to be put in the source code, to aid localization efforts. This file query can then help you locate files that contain strings.

    In our case the results are:

    Writable Files Containing Strings

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Writable .h files with #include directives

    Some coding conventions dictate against recursive #include invocations. This query can be used to find files that break such a guideline. As usual, read-only system files are excluded; these typically use recursive #include invocations as a matter of course.

    In our example, the result is:

    Writable .h Files With #include directives

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Generic File Queries

    A generic file query is a powerful mechanism for locating files that match the criteria you specify. All the ready-made file queries that CScout provides you are just URLs specifying saved instances of generic queries.

    You specify the query through the following form:

    File Query

    Number of characters
    Number of comment characters
    Number of space characters
    Number of line comments
    Number of block comments
    Number of lines
    Maximum number of characters in a line
    Number of character strings
    Number of unprocessed lines
    Number of C preprocessor directives
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
    Number of preprocessed tokens
    Number of compiled tokens
    Number of copies of the file
    Number of statements
    Number of defined project-scope functions
    Number of defined file-scope (static) functions
    Number of defined project-scope variables
    Number of defined file-scope (static) variables
    Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations
    Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members
    Number of complete enumeration declarations
    Number of declared enumeration elements
    Number of directly included files
    Entity name

    Reverse sort order

    Match any of the above         Match all of the above

    File names should ( not) match RE

    Query title   

    Main page — Web: Home Manual


    You start by specifying whether the file should be writable (i.e. typically part of your application) and/or readable (i.e. typically part of the compiler or system). Next come a series of metrics CScout collects for each file. For each metric (e.g. the number of comments) you can specify an operator ==, !=, < or > and a number to match that metric against. Thus to locate files without any comments you would specify
    Number of block comments == 0.

    On the left of each metric you can specify whether that metric will be used to sort the resulting file list. In that case, the corresponding number will appear together with each file listed. A separate option allows you to specify that files should be sorted in the reverse order.

    You can request to see files matching any of your specifications (Match any of the above) or to see files matching all your specifications (Match all of the above).

    Sometimes you may only want to search in a subset of files; you can then specify a regular expression that filenames should match (or not match) against: "File names should (not) match RE".

    Finally, you can also specify a title for your query. The title will then appear on the result document annotating the results, and will also provide you with a sensible name when creating a bookmark to it.

    Include Graphs

    CScout can create include graphs that list how files include each other.

    Two global options specify the format of the include graph and the content on each graph's node. Through these options you can obtain graphs in

    All diagrams follow the notation
    including file -> included file

    Two links on the main page (file include graph - writable files and file include graph - all files) can give you the include graphs of the complete program. For programs larger than a hundred thousand lines, these graphs are only useful in their textual form. In their graphical form, even with node information disabled, they can only serve to give you a rough idea of how the program is structured. The following image depicts how writable (non-system) files are included in the awk source code.

    and the following is a part of the include file structure of the Windows Research Kernel

    More useful are typically the include graphs that can be generated for individual files. These can allow you to see what paths can possibly lead to the inclusion of a given file (include graph of all including files) or what files a given file includes (include graph of all included files). (call graph of all callers), which functions can be reached starting from a given function, and how functions in a given file relate to each other.

    As an example, the following diagram depicts all files that main.c includes

    while the following diagrams shows all the files including (directly or indirectly) proto.h.

    C Namespaces

    To understand identifier queries it is best to refresh our notion of the C namespaces. The main way we normally reuse identifier names in C programs is through scoping: an identifier within a given scope such as a block or declared as static within a file will not interfere with identifiers outside that scope. Thus, the following example will print 3 and not 7.
    int i = 3;
    	int i = 7;
    	printf("%d\n", i);
    CScout analyzes and stores each identifier's scope performing substitutions accordingly.

    In addition, C also partitions a program's identifiers into four namespaces. Identifiers in one namespace, are also considered different from identifiers in another. The four namespaces are:

    1. Tags for a struct/union/enum
    2. Members of struct/union (actually a separate namespace is assigned to each struct/union)
    3. Labels
    4. Ordinary identifiers (termed objects in the C standard)
    Thus in the following example all id identifier instances are different:
    /* structure tag */
    struct id {
    	int id;		/* structure member */
    /* Different structure */
    struct id2 {
    	char id;	/* structure member */
    /* ordinary identifier */
    id:	/* label */
    Furthermore, macro names and the names of macro formal arguments also live in separate namespaces within the preprocessor.

    Normally when you want to locate or change an identifier name, you only consider identifiers in the same scope and namespace. Sometimes however, a C preprocessor macro can semantically unite identifiers living in different namespaces, so that changes in one of them should be propagated to the others. The most common case involves macros that access structure members.

    struct s1 {
    	int id;
    } a;
    struct s2 {
    	char id;
    } b;
    #define getid(x) ((x)->id)
    	printf("%d %c", getid(a), getid(b));
    In the above example, a name change in any of the id instances should be propagated to all others for the program to retain its original meaning. CScout understands such changes and will propagate any changes you specify accordingly.

    Finally, the C preprocessor's token concatenation feature can result in identifiers that should be treated for substitution purposes in separate parts. Consider the following example:

    int xleft, xright;
    int ytop, ybottom;
    #define coord(a, b) (a ## b)
    	printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
    		coord(x, left),
    		coord(x, right),
    		coord(y, top),
    		coord(y, bottom));
    In the above example, replacing x in one of the coord macro invocations should replace the x part in the xleft and xright variables. Again CScout will recognize and correctly handle this code.

    Identifier Elements

    All identifier queries produce identifier lists data as their result. Clicking on an identifier in the list will lead you to a page like the following.

    Identifier: copy_file

    • Read-only: No
    • Tag for struct/union/enum: No
    • Member of struct/union: No
    • Label: No
    • Ordinary identifier: Yes
    • Macro: No
    • Undefined macro: No
    • Macro argument: No
    • File scope: No
    • Project scope: Yes
    • Typedef: No
    • Enumeration constant: No
    • Function: Yes
    • Crosses file boundary: Yes
    • Unused: No
    • Matches 5 occurence(s)
    • Appears in project(s):
      • cp
    • The identifier occurs (wholy or in part) in function name(s):
      1. copy_file - function page

    • Substitute with:

    Dependent Files (Writable)

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ extern.hmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ utils.cmarked source

    Dependent Files (All)

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ extern.hmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ utils.cmarked source

    Main page - Web: Home Manual

    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    As you see, for each identifier CScout will display: The substitution will globally replace the identifier (or the identifier part) in all namespaces, files, and scopes required for the program to retain its original meaning. No checks for name collisions are made, so ensure that the name you specify is unique for the appropriate scope. Performing the substitution operation will not change the identifier's name in the current invocation of CScout. However, once you have finished your browsing and replacing session, you have an option to terminate CScout and write back all the subtitutions you made to the respective source files.

    Finally, the identifier's page will list the writable and all files the specific identifier appears in. Clicking on the ``marked source'' hyperlink will display the respective file's source code with only the given identifier marked as a hyperlink. By pressing your browser's tab key you can then see where the given identifier is used. In our example the cp.c source code with the copy_file identifier marked would appear as follows:

                    case S_IFBLK:
                    case S_IFCHR:
                            if (Rflag) {
                                    if (copy_special(curr->fts_statp, !dne))
                                            badcp = rval = 1;
                            } else {
                                    if (copy_file(curr, dne))
                                            badcp = rval = 1;
                    case S_IFIFO:
                            if (Rflag) {
                                    if (copy_fifo(curr->fts_statp, !dne))
                                            badcp = rval = 1;
                            } else {
                                    if (copy_file(curr, dne))
                                            badcp = rval = 1;
                            if (copy_file(curr, dne))
                                    badcp = rval = 1;

    Identifier Metrics

    The identifier metrics page displays a summary of metrics related to identifier use. In our example, the metrics are as follows:

    Identifier Metrics

    Writable Identifiers

    Identifier classDistinct # idsTotal # idsAvg lengthMin lengthMax length
    All identifiers1439104723.72272117
    Tag for struct/union/enum10244.729
    Member of struct/union567214.21429110
    Ordinary identifier114983423.51175117
    Undefined macro228.5611
    Macro argument3069111
    File scope15914935.47799217
    Project scope27724426.28881212
    Enumeration constant00-00

    Read-only Identifiers

    Identifier classDistinct # idsTotal # idsAvg lengthMin lengthMax length
    All identifiers37511806.36118
    Tag for struct/union/enum5145.427
    Member of struct/union56677.80357217
    Ordinary identifier1646046.04878314
    Undefined macro171549415
    Macro argument33831.4242414
    File scope121317.25414
    Project scope1524735.95395313
    Enumeration constant00-00

    Main page - Web: Home Manual


    You can use these metrics to compare characteristics of different projects, adherance to coding standards, or to identify identifier classes with abnormally short or long names. The ratio between the distinct number of identifiers and the total number of identifiers is the number of times each identifier is used. Notice the difference in our case between the read-only identifiers (which are mostly declarations) and the writable identifiers (which are actually used).

    All identifiers

    The all identifiers page will list all the identifiers in your project in alphabetical sequence. In large projects this page will be huge.

    Read-only identifiers

    The ``read-only identifiers'' page will only list the read-only identifiers of your project in alphabetical sequence. These typically become part of the project through included header files.

    Writable identifiers

    The ``writable identifiers'' page will only list the writable identifiers of your project in alphabetical sequence. These are typically the identifiers your project has defined. In large projects this page will be huge.

    File-spanning writable identifiers

    The ``file-spanning writable identifiers'' page will only list your project's identifiers that span a file boundary. Refactoring operations and coding standards typically pay higher attention to such identifiers, since they tend occupy the project's global namespace. In our example, the following page is generated:

    File-spanning Writable Identifiers

    Matching Identifiers


    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Unused project-scoped writable identifiers

    The unused project-scoped writable identifiers are useful to know, since they can pinpoint functions or variables that can be eliminated from a workspace.

    Unused file-scoped writable identifiers

    The unused file-scoped writable identifiers can also pinpoint functions or variables that can be eliminated from a file. In our example the following list is generated:

    Unused File-scoped Writable Identifiers

    Matching Identifiers


    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51
    Notice how distinct identifiers appear as separate entries.

    Unused writable macros

    Finally, the unused writable macros page will list macros that are not used within a workspace. In our case the list contains an identifier that was probably used in an earlier version.

    Unused Writable Macros

    Matching Identifiers


    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Generic Identifier Queries

    The generic identifier query feature of CScout is one of its most powerfull features, allowing you to accurately specify the properties of identifiers you are looking for, by means of the following form.

    Identifier Query

    Tag for struct/union/enum
    Member of struct/union
    Ordinary identifier
    Undefined macro
    Macro argument
    File scope
    Project scope
    Enumeration constant
    Yacc identifier
    Crosses file boundary

    Match any marked         Match all marked         Exclude marked         Exact match

    Identifier names should ( not) match RE
    Select identifiers from filenames ( not) matching RE

    Query title   

    Main page — Web: Home Manual

    In the form you specify: Through the query's submission button can choose to obtain as a result In the second case (matching files), each file in the file list will provide you with a link (marked source) showing the file's source code with all matched identifiers marked using hyperlinks.

    As an example, the following query could be used to identify unused file-scoped writable identifiers, but excluding the copyright and rcsid identifiers:

    Identifier Query

    Tag for struct/union/enum
    Member of struct/union
    Ordinary identifier
    Undefined macro
    Macro argument
    File scope
    Project scope
    Enumeration constant
    Crosses file boundary

    Match any marked         Match all marked         Exclude marked         Exact match

    Identifier names should ( not) match RE
    Select identifiers from filenames matching RE

    Query title   

    Main page

    CScout 1.16 - 2003/08/17 12:13:01

    Function Elements

    Every function (C function or function like macro) is associated with a page like the following.

    Function: format (C function)



    Number of characters3237
    Number of comment characters204
    Number of space characters767
    Number of line comments0
    Number of block comments7
    Number of lines133
    Maximum number of characters in a line95
    Number of character strings15
    Number of unprocessed lines0
    Number of C preprocessor directives0
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)0
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros0
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros0
    Number of preprocessed tokens962
    Number of compiled tokens1012
    Number of statements or declarations113
    Number of operators176
    Number of unique operators15
    Number of numeric constants22
    Number of character literals43
    Number of if statements17
    Number of else clauses2
    Number of switch statements2
    Number of case labels19
    Number of default labels2
    Number of break statements14
    Number of for statements2
    Number of while statements1
    Number of do statements0
    Number of continue statements2
    Number of goto statements0
    Number of return statements1
    Number of project-scope identifiers53
    Number of file-scope (static) identifiers2
    Number of macro identifiers9
    Total number of object and object-like identifiers259
    Number of unique project-scope identifiers12
    Number of unique file-scope (static) identifiers2
    Number of unique macro identifiers5
    Number of unique object and object-like identifiers34
    Number of global namespace occupants at function's top1063
    Number of parameters4
    Maximum level of statement nesting4
    Number of goto labels0
    Fan-in (number of calling functions)2
    Fan-out (number of called functions)14
    Cyclomatic complexity (control statements)23
    Extended cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators)27
    Maximum cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators and all switch branches)44
    Structure complexity (Henry and Kafura)784
    Halstead volume3416.45
    Information flow metric (Henry and Selig)18032

    Main page — Web: Home Manual

    From this page you can refactor the function's arguments (more on this in the next section) and obtain the following data.

    All Functions

    The all functions page will list all the functions (C functions and function-like macros) defined or declared in the CScout workspace. In moderately sized projects, you can use it as a starting point for jumping to a function; in larger projects it is probably useful only as a last resort.

    Project-scoped writable functions

    This page contains all the writable functions that are globaly visible. The page does not list function-like macros.

    File-scoped writable functions

    This page contains all the writable functions that are visible only within the context of a single file. This include C functions declared as static, and function-like macros.

    Writable functions that are not directly called

    This page will list all writable functions that are never directly called. The most probable cause is that the corresponding functions are called through a pointer, but some may be historic leftovers - candidates for removal.

    Writable functions that are called exactly once

    Functions that are called exactly once may be candidates for inlining.

    Refactoring Function Arguments

    A text box appearing on a function's page allows the refactoring of a function's arguments across all identified calls of the function. This box will appear only for functions whose identifiers are writable (i.e. all instances of them appear in writable files), and where there is a one to one correspondence between the function name and the corresponding identifier. If the same identifier is aliased through a macro to refer to various functions or if a function's name is generated by pasting together multiple identifiers, then the function argument refactoring facility will not be made available for that function. The requirement for the function's identifier to be writable can be overridden through the options page.

    To refactor the function's arguments, one simply enters in the text box a template describing the argument replacement pattern. The template consists of text, which is copied verbatim as a function's argument, and elements starting with the operator @, which have a special meaning. The combined effect of this template mechanism allows you to

    The following types of @ operator are supported. N is always an integer starting from 1, and denotes the function's Nth argument.
    pastes the original Nth argument passed to the function. Thus, @1 will get replaced with the function's first argument. Specifying in a template for a function taking two arguments "@2, @1" will swap their order, while specifying "@1, sizeof(@1), stdin" as the arguments for gets will refactor them in a form suitable for calling fgets (if the original argument refers to a fixed-size character array).
    pastes the Nth argument and all subsequent ones, separated by commas. This is useful for handling functions with a variable number of arguments, like printf. Specifying in a template for the printf function "stdout, @1, @.2" will introduce an extra first parameter, named stdout. (Presumably the function will also be renamed to fprintf.)
    pastes the text in the braces, if the specific function being replaced has an Nth argument. The text in the braces can include arbitrary text, including nested @ operators.
    pastes the text in the braces, if the specific function being replaced does not have an Nth argument.
    The last two operators can often be combined to achieve more complex results. For instance, the template "@1, @2, @+3{@3}@-3{NULL}" will add to any call to the function missing a third argument, a third argument with a value of NULL.

    Note that the refactorings will take place on all instances where the identifier is found to match the function or macro. This includes declarations and definitions (which might require some hand-editing if arguments are introduced), and the appearance of the name in the replacement text of a macro, when that macro is used in a way that makes the function match the one being refactored. The replacements will not be performed to function calls that are executed through a function pointer.

    Call Graphs

    CScout can create call graphs that list how functions call each other. Keep in mind that the graphs only indicate the calls detected by statically analyzing the program source. Calls via function pointers will not appear in the call graph.

    Two global options specify the format of the call graph and the content on each graph's node. Through these options you can obtain graphs in

    All diagrams follow the notation
    calling function -> called function

    Two links on the main page (function and macro call graph, and non-static function call graph) can give you the call graphs of the complete program. For any program larger than a few thousand lines, these graphs are only useful in their textual form. In their graphical form, even with node information disabled, they can only serve to give you a rough idea of how the program is structured. The following image depicts how the three different programs we analyzed in the bin example relate to each other.

    More useful are the call graphs that can be generated for individual functions or files. These can allow you to see what paths can possibly lead to a given function (call graph of all callers), which functions can be reached starting from a given function, the function in context, and how functions in a given file relate to each other.

    As an example, the following diagram depicts all paths leading to the setfile function.

    Correspondingly, the functions that can be reached starting from the copy_file function appears in the following diagram.

    while the following shows the function setsymtab in context, depicting all the paths leading to it (callers) and leaving from it (called functions).

    Finally, the following is an example of how the functions in a single file (parse.c) relate to each other.

    Generic Function Queries

    The generic function query allows you to select functions by means of the following form.

    Function Query

    C function
    Function-like macro
    Writable declaration
    Read-only declaration
    Project scope
    File scope
    Number of characters
    Number of comment characters
    Number of space characters
    Number of line comments
    Number of block comments
    Number of lines
    Maximum number of characters in a line
    Number of character strings
    Number of unprocessed lines
    Number of C preprocessor directives
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
    Number of preprocessed tokens
    Number of compiled tokens
    Number of statements or declarations
    Number of operators
    Number of unique operators
    Number of numeric constants
    Number of character literals
    Number of if statements
    Number of else clauses
    Number of switch statements
    Number of case labels
    Number of default labels
    Number of break statements
    Number of for statements
    Number of while statements
    Number of do statements
    Number of continue statements
    Number of goto statements
    Number of return statements
    Number of project-scope identifiers
    Number of file-scope (static) identifiers
    Number of macro identifiers
    Total number of object and object-like identifiers
    Number of unique project-scope identifiers
    Number of unique file-scope (static) identifiers
    Number of unique macro identifiers
    Number of unique object and object-like identifiers
    Number of global namespace occupants at function's top
    Number of parameters
    Maximum level of statement nesting
    Number of goto labels
    Fan-in (number of calling functions)
    Fan-out (number of called functions)
    Cyclomatic complexity (control statements)
    Extended cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators)
    Maximum cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators and all switch branches)
    Structure complexity (Henry and Kafura)
    Halstead volume
    Information flow metric (Henry and Selig)
    Entity name

    Reverse sort order

    Match any marked         Match all marked         Exclude marked         Exact match

    Number of direct callers
    Function names should ( not) match RE
    Names of calling functions should ( not) match RE
    Names of called functions should ( not) match RE
    Select functions from filenames ( not) matching RE

    Query title   

    Main page — Web: Home Manual


    On the top you can specify whether each function you want listed:

    As is the case in file queries, next comes a series of metrics CScout collects for each defined function. For each metric (e.g. the number of comments) you can specify an operator ==, !=, < or > and a number to match that metric against. Thus to locate functions containing goto statement you would specify
    Number of goto statements != 0.

    On the left of each metric you can specify whether that metric will be used to sort the resulting file list. In that case, the corresponding number will appear together with each file listed. A separate option allows you to specify that files should be sorted in the reverse order.

    Similarly to the identifier query, you can also specify whether the specified properties should be treated

    In addition you can specify:

    Global Options

    The operations CScout provides group together functions that globally affect its operation. The global options link leads you to the following page.

    Global Options

    File and Identifier Pages
    Show only true identifier classes (brief view)
    Show associated projects
    Show a list of identical files
    Source Listings
    Show line numbers
    Tab width
    Allow the renaming of read-only identifiers
    Allow the refactoring of function arguments of read-only functions
    Check for renamed identifier clashes when saving refactored code
    Case-insensitive file name regular expression match
    Query Result Lists
    Number of entries on a page
    Show file lists with file name in context
    Sort identifiers starting from their last character
    Call and File Dependency Graphs
    Graph links should lead to pages of:dot GIF HTML PDF plain text PNG SVG
    Call graphs should contain:only edges function names file and function names path and function names
    File graphs should contain:only edges file names path and file names
    Maximum number of call levels in a call graph
    Maximum dependency depth in a file graph
    Include URLs in dot output
    Graph options
    Node options
    Edge options
    Saved Files
    When saving modified files replace RE
    ... with the string
    External editor invocation command

    Main page — Web: Home Manual

    The meaning of each option is described in the following sections.

    File and Identifier Pages

    Show Only True Identifier Classes

    Setting the option ``show only true identifier classes (brief view)'' will remove from each identifier page all identifier properties marked as no, resulting in a less verbose page.

    Identifier: argc

    • Ordinary identifier: Yes
    • Matches 8 occurence(s)
    • Appears in project(s):
      • cp
    • Substitute with:

    Dependent Files (Writable)

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source

    Dependent Files (All)

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source

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    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12

    Show Associated Projects

    Normally, each identifier or file page lists the projects in which the corresponding identifier or file has appeared during processing. When the CScout workspace typically consists only of a single project, or consists of hundreds of projects, listing the project membership can be useless or result into too volumneous output. The corresponding option can be used to control this output.

    Show Lists of Identical Files

    CScout will detect during processing when a file is an exact duplicate of another file (typically the result of a copy operation during the building process). On the file information page it will then list the files that are duplicates of the one being listed. The corresponding option can be used to control this output.

    Source Listings

    Show Line Numbers

    The "show line numbers in source listings" option allows you to specify whether the source file line numbers will be shown in source listings. Line numbers can be useful when you are editing or viewing the same file with an editor. A file with line numbers shown appears as follows:

       78 fa *makedfa(const char *s, int anchor)  /* returns dfa for reg expr s */
       79 {
       80         int i, use, nuse;
       81         fa *pfa;
       82         static int now = 1;
       84         if (setvec == 0) {      /* first time through any RE */
       85                 maxsetvec = MAXLIN;
       86                 setvec = (int *) malloc(maxsetvec * sizeof(int));
       87                 tmpset = (int *) malloc(maxsetvec * sizeof(int));
       88                 if (setvec == 0 || tmpset == 0)
       89                         overflo("out of space initializing makedfa");
       90         }
       92         if (compile_time)       /* a constant for sure */
       93                 return mkdfa(s, anchor);
       94         for (i = 0; i < nfatab; i++)    /* is it there already? */
       95                 if (fatab[i]->anchor == anchor
       96                   && strcmp((const char *) fatab[i]->restr, s) == 0) {
       97                         fatab[i]->use = now++;
       98                         return fatab[i];
       99                 }
      100         pfa = mkdfa(s, anchor);
      101         if (nfatab < NFA) {     /* room for another */
      102                 fatab[nfatab] = pfa;
      103                 fatab[nfatab]->use = now++;
      104                 nfatab++;
      105                 return pfa;
      106         }

    Tab Width

    The ``code listing tab width'' option allows you to specify the tab width to use when listing source files as hypertext (8 by default). The width should match the width normally used to display the file. It does not affect the way the modified file is written; tabs and spaces will get written exactly as found in the source code file.


    Allow the renaming of read-only identifiers

    Setting this option will present a rename identifier box, in an identifier's page, even if that identifier occurs in read-only files. When CScout exist saving refactoring changes, replacements in those files may fail due to file system permissions.

    Allow the refactoring of function arguments of read-only functions

    Setting this option will present a function argument refactoring template input box in an function's page, even if that identifier associated with the function occurs in read-only files.

    Check for renamed identifier clashes when saving refactored code

    Setting this option will reprocess the complete source code (re-execute the processing script) before saving code with renamed identifiers, in order to verify that no accidental clashes were introduced. Identifier clashes are reported on the command-line console as errors. The check is enabled by default. For very large projects and if you are sure no clashes were accidentally introduced you may disable the check in order to save the additional processing time.


    Case-insensitive File Name Regular Expression Match

    Some environments, such as Microsoft Windows, are matching filenames in a case insensitive manner. As a result the same filename may appear with different capitalization (e.g. Windows.h, WINDOWS.h, and windows.h). The use of the ``case-insensitive file name regular expression match'' option makes filename regular expression matches ignore letter case thereby matching the operating system's semantics.

    Query Result Lists

    Number of Entries on a Page

    The number of entries on a page, specifies the number of records appearing on each separate page resulting from a file, identifier, or function query. Too large values of this option (say above 1000) may cause your web browser to behave sluggishly, and will also reduce the program's responsiveness when operating over low-bandwidth network links.

    Show File Lists With File Name in Context

    Setting the ``Show file lists with file name in context'' option will result in file lists showing the file name (the last component of the complete path) in the same position, as in the following example:

    Read-only Files

    /usr/include/ ctype.h
    /usr/include/ err.h
    /usr/include/ errno.h
    /usr/include/ fcntl.h
    /usr/include/ fts.h
    /usr/include/ limits.h
    /usr/include/ locale.h
    /usr/include/machine/ ansi.h
    /usr/include/machine/ endian.h
    /usr/include/machine/ limits.h
    /usr/include/machine/ param.h
    /usr/include/machine/ signal.h
    /usr/include/machine/ trap.h
    /usr/include/machine/ types.h
    /usr/include/machine/ ucontext.h
    /usr/include/ runetype.h
    /usr/include/ stdio.h
    /usr/include/ stdlib.h
    /usr/include/ string.h
    /usr/include/sys/ _posix.h
    /usr/include/sys/ cdefs.h
    /usr/include/sys/ inttypes.h
    /usr/include/sys/ param.h
    /usr/include/sys/ signal.h
    /usr/include/sys/ stat.h
    /usr/include/sys/ syslimits.h
    /usr/include/sys/ time.h
    /usr/include/sys/ types.h
    /usr/include/sys/ ucontext.h
    /usr/include/sys/ unistd.h
    /usr/include/ sysexits.h
    /usr/include/ syslog.h
    /usr/include/ time.h
    /usr/include/ unistd.h

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    This results in lists that are easier to read, but that can not be easilly copy-pasted into other tools for further processing.

    Sort Identifiers Starting from their Last character

    Some coding conventions use identifier suffixes for distinguishing the use of a given identifier. As an example, typedef identifiers often end in _t. The following list contains our example's typedefs ordered by the last character, making it easy to distinguish typedefs not ending in _t
    [... 40 lines removed]

    Call and File Dependency Graphs

    Call Graph Links Should Lead to Pages of

    Function and macro call graphs can appear in four different formats.

    Call Graphs Should Contain

    This option allows you to specify the level of detail you wish to see in the call graph nodes.

    File Graphs Should Contain

    This option allows you to specify the level of detail you wish to see in the file dependency graph nodes.

    Maximum number of call levels in a graph

    Call graphs can easily grow too large for viewing, printing, or even formatting as a graph. This option limits the number of functions that will be traversed from a specific function when computing a call graph or a list of calling or called functions.

    Maximum dependency depth in a file graph

    File dependency graphs can easily grow too large for viewing, printing, or even formatting as a graph. This option limits the number of edges that will be traversed from the root file when computing a file dependency graph.

    Include URLs in dot output

    By checking this option URLs to CScout's interface will be included in plain dot output. In typical cases, URLs outside the context of CScout's operation don't make sense, but there are specialized instances where you might want to post-process the output with a tool, and then display the graph in a way that will provide you links to CScout.

    Graph options

    A semicolon-separated list of options that will be passed to dot as graph attributes. Graph attributes accepted by dot include size, page, ration, margin, nodesep, ranksep, ordering, rankdir, pagedir, rank, rotate, center, nslimit, mclimit, layers, color, href, URL, and stylesheet.

    Node options

    A comma-separated list of options that will be passed to dot as node attributes. Node attributes accepted by dot include height, shape, fontsize, fontname, color, fillcolor, fontcolor, style, layer, regular, peripheries, sides, orientation, distortion, skew, href, URL, target, and tooltip. Note that node options are ignored, if the option to draw empty nodes is set.

    Edge options

    A comma-separated list of options that will be passed to dot as edge attributes. Edge attributes accepted by dot include minlen, weight, label, fontsize, fontname, fontcolor, style, color, dir, tailclip, headclip, href, URL, target, tooltop, arrowhead, arrowtail, arrowsize, headlabel, taillabel, headref, headURL, headtarget, headtooltip, tailref, tailURL, tailtarget, tailtooltip, labeldistance, decorate, samehead, sametail, constraint, and layer.

    The graph, node, and edge options can be used to fine tune the graph's look. See the GraphViz documentation ( for more details. For instance, the following diagram
    include diagram
    was created using

    Graph options bgcolor=lightblue
    Node options color=yellow,fontname="Helvetica",fillcolor=yellow,style=filled
    Edge options arrowtail=odiamond

    Saved Files

    When Saving Modified Files Replace

    When saving files where an identifier has been modified it is often useful to use a different directory than the one where the original version of the source code resides. This allows you to To use this option, specify a regular expression that will match a path component of the original source code files (often just a fixed string), and a corresponding substitution string. As an example, if your project files are of the type /home/jack/src/foo/filename.c, you could specify that /foo/ should be changed into /../

    Note than when this option is specified the existing and new locations of the file must reside on the same drive and partition (under Windows) or file system (under Unix).


    The "External editor invocation command" allows the specification of the editor that wil be used for hand-editing files. This string can contain two %s placeholders. The first is substituted by a regular expression that is associated with the identifier for which the file is edited, while the second is substituted with the corresponding file name. The default string under Unix is
    xterm -c "$VISUAL +/'%s' '%s'"
    and under Windows
    echo Ignoring search for "%s" & start notepad "%s"
    Under Windows a more sensible default could be something like
    start  C:\Progra~1\Vim\vim70\gvim.exe +/"%s" "%s"
    which fires off the VIM editor in a new window.

    Option Files

    The link on the right of global options allows you to save the CScout global options into a file. A directory .cscout will be created in the current directory (if it does not already exist), and a file named options will be written in it, listing the options you specified.

    When CScout starts-up it will attempt to load the options file by searching in $CSCOUT_HOME, $HOME/.cscout, or .cscout in the current directory.

    The options file is text based and contains key-value pairs. The order of the entries is not significant. This is an example of an options file.

    show_true: 1
    show_projects: 1
    show_identical_files: 1
    show_line_number: 0
    tab_width: 8
    rename_override_ro: 1
    refactor_fun_arg_override_ro: 1
    file_icase: 0
    entries_per_page: 20
    fname_in_context: 1
    sort_rev: 0
    cgraph_type: s
    cgraph_show: n
    fgraph_show: n
    cgraph_depth: 5
    fgraph_depth: 5
    cgraph_dot_url: 0
    sfile_re_string: sfile_repl_string:
    sfile_repl_string: entries_per_page:
    start_editor_cmd: start  C:\Progra~1\Vim\vim71\gvim.exe +/"%s" "%s"


    The operations CScout provides group together functions that globally affect its operation. The following sections describe all operations appart from the global options.

    Identifier Replacements

    This operation allows you to review the identifier replacements you have specified in identifier pages, and modify or selectively deactivate some of them. This page, together with the "save and continue" operation and the file path substitution option provide you a way to test and revoke source code changes, while operating CScout.

    The following is an example of the identifier replacements page. You see all identifiers for which replacements have been specified. All specified replacements are originally active. If a particular replacement appears to be causing problems you can deactivate it from this page. In addition, you can change the replaced name of any of the replaced identifiers. Finally, clicking on an identifier name will lead you to the corresponding identifier page.

    Identifier Replacements


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    Select Active Project

    When using a workspace with multiple projects, you can restrict the results of all identifier and file queries (read-made and those you explicitly specify) to refer to a particular project or to all projects. The metric results displayed are not affected. When a project is delected, all pages end with a remark indicating the fact. The following shows our example's project selection page.

    Select Active Project

    Project cp is currently selected

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Save Changes and Continue

    Through this option you can save changes you have made to the program's identifiers, and continue CScout's operation. CScout bases its source code display facilities on the source code it has analyzed. Therefore, this operation can only be executed if a file substitution regular expression has been specified as an option.

    Exit - Saving Changes

    Once you have changed the name of some identifiers by substituting it with another name, you should exit CScout through this option to commit the changes you made to the respective file source code.

    Exit - Ignore Changes

    You can also exit CScout without committing any changes. As this option will trigger millions of object desctructors in large workspaces, it may be faster to just terminate CScout from its command-line instance by pressing ^C.


    Some file and identifier listings provide an option to edit the file by hand. Such an operation is useful when CScout has identified a function as unused, and one therefore wishes to remove the complete function body. The edit link invokes an external editor, where possible with an argument that will move the edit point near the point of the corresponding identifier. The argument is specified as a regular expression. This has the advantage that the location will work even when the file length changes, but the disadvantage is imprecise and can also result in spurious matches.

    The automatic global identifier replacement and the hand-editing of files are mutualy exclusive operations. Once either of the two is performed the other ceases to be available. This is done to protect the integrity of the underlying source code. Furthermore, all CScout's operations, such as queries and source code listings, are always performed on a snapshot of the source code taken just before a file is edited by hand.

    Interfacing with Version Management Systems

    When the files CScout will modify are under revision control you may want to check them out for editing before doing the identifier substitutions, and then check them in again. CScout provides hooks for this operation. Before a file is modified CScout will try to execute the command cscout_checkout; after the file is modified CScout will try to execute the command cscout_checkin. Both commands will receive as their argument the full path name of the respective file. If commands with such names are in your path, they will be executed performing whatever action you require.

    As an example, for a system managed with Perforce ( the following commands could be used:


    p4 edit $1


    p4 submit -d 'CScout identifier name refactoring' $1

    Language Extensions

    CScout implements the C language as defined in ANSI X3.159-1989. In addition, it supports the following extensions:
    1. Preprocessor directives can appear within a call to a function-like macro (gcc)
    2. Initializers and compound literals can be empty (gcc)
    3. The alignof operator can be used on types (gcc)
    4. A declaration expression as the first element of a for statement (C99)
    5. The restrict qualifier and the inline specifier (C99)
    6. The _Bool type (C99)
    7. The _Thread_local storage class specifier (C11)
    8. The _Generic generic selection expression (C11)
    9. Support static and other qualifiers in array type declarations (C99)
    10. Initialization designators (C99)
    11. Array initialization designators can include ranges (gcc)
    12. ANSI-style function definitions can be nested (gcc) (gcc also allows nested K&R-style function definitions)
    13. The equals sign following an initializer designator is optional (gcc)
    14. Array and structure initialization (gcc)
    15. Compound literals (C99)
    16. Declarations can be intermixed with statements (C99).
    17. Recognise __atribute__(__unused__) for determining which identifiers should not be reported as unused (gcc).
    18. // line comments (common extension)
    19. __asm__ blocks (gcc)
    20. enum lists ending with a comma (common extension)
    21. Anonymous struct/union members (gcc, Microsoft C)
    22. Allow case expression ranges (gcc).
    23. An enumeration list can be empty (Microsoft C)
    24. Allow braces around scalar initializers (common extension).
    25. Indirect goto targets and the label address-of operator (gcc).
    26. __typeof keyword (gcc)
    27. A compound statement in brackets can be an expression (gcc)
    28. Macros expanding from /##/ into // are then treated as a line comment (Microsoft C)
    29. Exception handling using the __try __except __finally __leave keywords (Microsoft C)
    30. #include_next preprocessor directive (gcc)
    31. #warning preprocessor directive (gcc)
    32. Variable number of arguments preprocessor macros (support for both the gcc and the C99 syntax)
    33. Allow empty member declarations in aggregates (gcc)
    34. long long type (common extension)
    35. A semicolon can appear as a declatation (common extension)
    36. An aggregate declaration body can be empty (gcc)
    37. Aggregate member initialization using the member: value syntax (gcc)
    38. Statement labels do not require a statement following them (gcc)
    39. #ident preprocessor directive (gcc)
    40. Allow assignment to case expressions (common extension)
    41. Accept an empty translation unit (common extension).
    42. Support locally declared labels (__label__) (gcc).
    43. The second argument of a conditional expression can be omitted (gcc).
    44. Dereferencing a function yields a function (common extension).
    Many other compiler-specific extensions are handled by suitable macro definitions in the CScout initialization file.

    Processing Yacc Files

    Many C programs include parsing code in the form of yacc source files. CScout can directly process those files, allowing you to analyze and modify the identifiers used in those files. CScout determines whether a file is yacc source or plain C, by examining the file's suffix: file names ending in a lowercase 'y' are considered to contain yacc source and processed accordingly.

    CScout processes yacc files as follows:

    CScout is designed to process well-formed modern-style yacc files. All rules must be terminated with a semicolon (apparently this is optional in the original yacc version). The accepted grammar appears below.

    	defs '%%' rules tail
    	/* Empty */
    	| '%%' c_code
    	/* Empty */
    	| defs def
    	'%start' IDENTIFIER
    	| '%union' '{' member_declaration_list  '}' 
    	| '%{' c_code '%}'
    	| rword name_list_declaration
    	| '%left'
    	| '%right'
    	| '%nonassoc'
    	| '%type'
    	/* Empty: union tag is optional */
    	| '<' IDENTIFIER '>'
    	tag name_number
    	| name_list_declaration opt_comma name_number
    	/* Empty */
    	| ','
    	| name INT_CONST
    /* rules section */
    	| rules rule
    	IDENTIFIER ':'  rule_body_list ';'
    	| rule_body_list '|' rule_body
    	id_action_list prec
    	/* Empty */
    	| id_action_list name
            | id_action_list '{' c_code '}' 
    	/* Empty */
    	| '%prec' name
    	| '%prec' name  '{' c_code '}'
    	| '$' INT_CONST
    	| '$-' INT_CONST
    		{ $$ = basic(b_int); }
    	| '$<' IDENTIFIER '>' variable_suffix
    		{ $$ = $3; }
    	| INT_CONST
    	| '-' INT_CONST

    Regular Expression Syntax

    CScout allows you to specify regular expressions for specifying identifier or file names you are looking for. The following description of the regular expressions CScout accepts is adapted from the FreeBSD re_format(7) manual page.

    Regular expressions (``REs''), as defined in IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2''), come in two forms: modern REs (roughly those of egrep(1); 1003.2 calls these ``extended'' REs) and obsolete REs (roughly those of ed(1); 1003.2 ``basic'' REs). CScout has adopted the use of modern (extended) REs.

    A (modern) RE is one= or more non-empty= branches, separated by `|'. It matches anything that matches one of the branches.

    A branch is one= or more pieces, concatenated. It matches a match for the first, followed by a match for the second, etc.

    A piece is an atom possibly followed by a single= `*', `+', `?', or bound. An atom followed by `*' matches a sequence of 0 or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by `+' matches a sequence of 1 or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by `?' matches a sequence of 0 or 1 matches of the atom.

    A bound is `{' followed by an unsigned decimal integer, possibly followed by `,' possibly followed by another unsigned decimal integer, always fol- lowed by `}'. The integers must lie between 0 and RE_DUP_MAX (255=) inclusive, and if there are two of them, the first may not exceed the second. An atom followed by a bound containing one integer i and no comma matches a sequence of exactly i matches of the atom. An atom fol- lowed by a bound containing one integer i and a comma matches a sequence of i or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by a bound containing two integers i and j matches a sequence of i through j (inclusive) matches of the atom.

    An atom is a regular expression enclosed in `()' (matching a match for the regular expression), an empty set of `()' (matching the null string)=, a bracket expression (see below), `.' (matching any single character), `^' (matching the null string at the beginning of a line), `$' (matching the null string at the end of a line), a `\' followed by one of the characters `^.[$()|*+?{\' (matching that character taken as an ordinary character), a `\' followed by any other character= (matching that character taken as an ordinary character, as if the `\' had not been present=), or a single character with no other significance (matching that character). A `{' followed by a character other than a digit is an ordinary character, not the beginning of a bound=. It is illegal to end an RE with `\'.

    A bracket expression is a list of characters enclosed in `[]'. It nor- mally matches any single character from the list (but see below). If the list begins with `^', it matches any single character (but see below) not from the rest of the list. If two characters in the list are separated by `-', this is shorthand for the full range of characters between those two (inclusive) in the collating sequence, e.g. `[0-9]' in ASCII matches any decimal digit. It is illegal= for two ranges to share an endpoint, e.g. `a-c-e'. Ranges are very collating-sequence-dependent, and portable programs should avoid relying on them.

    To include a literal `]' in the list, make it the first character (fol- lowing a possible `^'). To include a literal `-', make it the first or last character, or the second endpoint of a range. To use a literal `-' as the first endpoint of a range, enclose it in `[.' and `.]' to make it a collating element (see below). With the exception of these and some combinations using `[' (see next paragraphs), all other special charac- ters, including `\', lose their special significance within a bracket expression.

    Within a bracket expression, a collating element (a character, a multi- character sequence that collates as if it were a single character, or a collating-sequence name for either) enclosed in `[.' and `.]' stands for the sequence of characters of that collating element. The sequence is a single element of the bracket expression's list. A bracket expression containing a multi-character collating element can thus match more than one character, e.g. if the collating sequence includes a `ch' collating element, then the RE `[[.ch.]]*c' matches the first five characters of `chchcc'.

    Within a bracket expression, a collating element enclosed in `[=' and `=]' is an equivalence class, standing for the sequences of characters of all collating elements equivalent to that one, including itself. (If there are no other equivalent collating elements, the treatment is as if the enclosing delimiters were `[.' and `.]'.) For example, if `x' and `y' are the members of an equivalence class, then `[[=x=]]', `[[=y=]]', and `[xy]' are all synonymous. An equivalence class may not= be an end- point of a range.

    Within a bracket expression, the name of a character class enclosed in `[:' and `:]' stands for the list of all characters belonging to that class. Standard character class names are:

       alnum    digit    punct
       alpha    graph    space
       blank    lower    upper
       cntrl    print    xdigit
    These stand for the character classes defined in ctype(3). A locale may provide others. A character class may not be used as an endpoint of a range.

    There are two special cases= of bracket expressions: the bracket expres- sions `[[:<:]]' and `[[:>:]]' match the null string at the beginning and end of a word respectively. A word is defined as a sequence of word characters which is neither preceded nor followed by word characters. A word character is an alnum character (as defined by ctype(3)) or an underscore. This is an extension, compatible with but not specified by IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2''), and should be used with caution in soft- ware intended to be portable to other systems.

    In the event that an RE could match more than one substring of a given string, the RE matches the one starting earliest in the string. If the RE could match more than one substring starting at that point, it matches the longest. Subexpressions also match the longest possible substrings, subject to the constraint that the whole match be as long as possible, with subexpressions starting earlier in the RE taking priority over ones starting later. Note that higher-level subexpressions thus take priority over their lower-level component subexpressions.

    Match lengths are measured in characters, not collating elements. A null string is considered longer than no match at all. For example, `bb*' matches the three middle characters of `abbbc', `(wee|week)(knights|nights)' matches all ten characters of `weeknights', when `(.*).*' is matched against `abc' the parenthesized subexpression matches all three characters, and when `(a*)*' is matched against `bc' both the whole RE and the parenthesized subexpression match the null string.

    If case-independent matching is specified, the effect is much as if all case distinctions had vanished from the alphabet. When an alphabetic that exists in multiple cases appears as an ordinary character outside a bracket expression, it is effectively transformed into a bracket expres- sion containing both cases, e.g. `x' becomes `[xX]'. When it appears inside a bracket expression, all case counterparts of it are added to the bracket expression, so that (e.g.) `[x]' becomes `[xX]' and `[^x]' becomes `[^xX]'.

    Access Control

    By default CScout only allows the local host ( to connect to your server for casual browsing.

    To allow other hosts to connect CScout features an access control list. The list is specified in a file called acl which should be located in $CSCOUT_HOME, $HOME/.cscout, or .cscout in the current directory. The list contains lines with IP numeric addresses prefixed by an A (allow) or D (deny) prefix and a space. Matching is performed by comparing a substring of a machine's IP address against the specified access rule. Thus an entry such as

    A 128.135.11.
    can be used to allow access from a whole subnet. Unfortunatelly allowing access from the IP address will also allow access,, and so on. Allow and deny entries cannot be combined in a useful manner since the rules followed are: Thus you will either specify a restricted list of allowed hosts, or allow access to the world, specifying a list of denied hosts.

    Obfuscation Back-end

    CScout can convert a workspace into an obfuscated version. The obfuscated version of the workspace can be distributed instead of the original C source, and can be compiled on different processor architectures and operating systems, hindering however the code's reverse engineering and modification.

    Each source code file is obfuscated by

    Before running CScout to obfuscate, make a complete backup copy of your source code files, and store them in a secure place; preferably off-line. Once the source code files are obfuscated and overwritten, there is no way to get back their original contents.

    To obfuscate the workspace, first ensure that CScout can correctly process the complete set of its source code files. Use the "unprocessed lines" metric of each file to verify that no parts of a file are left unprocessed; unprocessed regions will not be obfuscated. You can easily increase the coverage of CScout's processing by including in the workspace multiple projects with different defined directives.

    Also ensure that all your project's files are considered writable, and no files outside your project (for example system headers) are considered writable. This will allow CScout to rename your identifier names, but keep the names of library-defined identifiers (for example printf) unchanged.

    Finally, run CScout with the switch -o. For each writable workspace file CScout will create a file ending in .obf that will contain the obfuscated version of its contents. The files are not overwritten, providing you with another countermeasure against accidentally destroying them. To overwrite the original source with the obfuscated one, use the following Unix command:

    find . -name '*.obf' |
    sed 's/\\/\//g;s/\(.*\)\.obf$/mv "\1.obf" "\1"/' |
    You can then compile the obfuscated version of your project, to verify the obfuscation's results.

    SQL Back-end

    CScout can dump the relationships of an entire workspace in the form of a SQL script. This can then be uploaded into a relational database for further querying and processing.

    To generate the SQL script simply run CScout with the switch -s dialect, where the argument specifies the SQL dialect (for example, mysql, or postgresql). The SQL script will appear in CScout's standard output, allowing you to directly pipe the results into the database's client. For example, say the database you would want to create for your project was called myproj.
    For SQLite you would write:

    rm -f myproj.db
    cscout -s sqlite myproj.cs | sqlite3 myproj.db
    For MySQL you would write:
    	echo "create database myproj; use myproj ;"
    	cscout -s mysql myproj.cs
    ) | mysql
    For PostgreSQL you would write:
    createdb -U username myproj
    cscout -s postgres myproj.cs | psql -U username myproj
    For HSQLDB you would write:
    cscout -s hsqldb myproj.cs |
    java -classpath $HSQLDBHOME/lib/hsqldb/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.SqlTool --rcfile $HSQLDBHOME/lib/hsqldb/sqltool.rc mem -
    The direct piping allows you to avoid the overhead of creating an intermediate file, which can be very large.

    Schema of the Generated Database

    -- Details of interdependant identifiers appearing in the workspace
      EID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique identifier key
      NAME CHARACTER VARYING, -- Identifier name
      READONLY BOOLEAN, -- True if it appears in at least one read-only file
      UNDEFMACRO BOOLEAN, -- True if it is apparantly an undefined macro
      MACRO BOOLEAN, -- True if it a preprocessor macro
      FUNMACRO BOOLEAN, -- True if it a preprocessor function-like macro
      MACROARG BOOLEAN, -- True if it a preprocessor macro argument
      CPPCONST BOOLEAN, -- True if used in a preprocessor constant
      CPPSTRVAL BOOLEAN, -- True if macro value is used as a preprocessor string operand
      DEFCCONSTVAL BOOLEAN, -- True if macro value defined as a C compile time constant
      NOTDEFCCONSTVAL BOOLEAN, -- True if macro value defined as not a C compile time constant
      EXPCCONSTVAL BOOLEAN, -- True if macro value expanded as a C compile time constant
      NOTEXPCCONSTVAL BOOLEAN, -- True if macro value expanded as not a C compile time constant
      ORDINARY BOOLEAN, -- True if it is an ordinary identifier (variable or function)
      SUETAG BOOLEAN, -- True if it is a structure, union, or enumeration tag
      SUMEMBER BOOLEAN, -- True if it is a structure or union member
      LABEL BOOLEAN, -- True if it is a label
      TYPEDEF BOOLEAN, -- True if it is a typedef
      ENUM BOOLEAN, -- True if it is an enumeration member
      YACC BOOLEAN, -- True if it is a yacc identifier
      FUN BOOLEAN, -- True if it is a function name
      CSCOPE BOOLEAN, -- True if its scope is a compilation unit
      LSCOPE BOOLEAN, -- True if it has linkage scope
      UNUSED BOOLEAN -- True if it is not used
    -- File details
      FID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique file key
      NAME CHARACTER VARYING, -- File name
      RO BOOLEAN -- True if the file is read-only
    -- File metrics
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      PRECPP BOOLEAN, -- True for values before the cpp false for values after it
      NCHAR INTEGER, -- Number of characters
      NCCOMMENT INTEGER, -- Number of comment characters
      NSPACE INTEGER, -- Number of space characters
      NLCOMMENT INTEGER, -- Number of line comments
      NBCOMMENT INTEGER, -- Number of block comments
      NLINE INTEGER, -- Number of lines
      MAXLINELEN INTEGER, -- Maximum number of characters in a line
      MAXSTMTLEN INTEGER, -- Maximum number of tokens in a statement
      MAXSTMTNEST INTEGER, -- Maximum level of statement nesting
      MAXBRACENEST INTEGER, -- Maximum level of brace nesting
      MAXBRACKNEST INTEGER, -- Maximum level of bracket nesting
      BRACENEST INTEGER, -- Dangling brace nesting
      BRACKNEST INTEGER, -- Dangling bracket nesting
      NULINE INTEGER, -- Number of unprocessed lines
      NPPDIRECTIVE INTEGER, -- Number of C preprocessor directives
      NPPCOND INTEGER, -- Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
      NPPFMACRO INTEGER, -- Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
      NPPOMACRO INTEGER, -- Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
      NTOKEN INTEGER, -- Number of tokens
      NSTMT INTEGER, -- Number of statements or declarations
      NOP INTEGER, -- Number of operators
      NUOP INTEGER, -- Number of unique operators
      NNCONST INTEGER, -- Number of numeric constants
      NCLIT INTEGER, -- Number of character literals
      NSTRING INTEGER, -- Number of character strings
      NPPCONCATOP INTEGER, -- Number of token concatenation operators (##)
      NPPSTRINGOP INTEGER, -- Number of token stringification operators (#)
      NIF INTEGER, -- Number of if statements
      NELSE INTEGER, -- Number of else clauses
      NSWITCH INTEGER, -- Number of switch statements
      NCASE INTEGER, -- Number of case labels
      NDEFAULT INTEGER, -- Number of default labels
      NBREAK INTEGER, -- Number of break statements
      NFOR INTEGER, -- Number of for statements
      NWHILE INTEGER, -- Number of while statements
      NDO INTEGER, -- Number of do statements
      NCONTINUE INTEGER, -- Number of continue statements
      NGOTO INTEGER, -- Number of goto statements
      NRETURN INTEGER, -- Number of return statements
      NASM INTEGER, -- Number of assembly statements
      NTYPEOF INTEGER, -- Number of typeof operators
      NPID INTEGER, -- Number of project-scope identifiers
      NFID INTEGER, -- Number of file-scope (static) identifiers
      NMID INTEGER, -- Number of macro identifiers
      NID INTEGER, -- Total number of object and object-like identifiers
      NUPID INTEGER, -- Number of unique project-scope identifiers
      NUFID INTEGER, -- Number of unique file-scope (static) identifiers
      NUMID INTEGER, -- Number of unique macro identifiers
      NUID INTEGER, -- Number of unique object and object-like identifiers
      NLABEL INTEGER, -- Number of goto labels
      NMACROEXPANDTOKEN INTEGER, -- Tokens added by macro expansion
      NCOPIES INTEGER, -- Number of copies of the file
      NINCFILE INTEGER, -- Number of directly included files
      NPFUNCTION INTEGER, -- Number of defined project-scope functions
      NFFUNCTION INTEGER, -- Number of defined file-scope (static) functions
      NPVAR INTEGER, -- Number of defined project-scope variables
      NFVAR INTEGER, -- Number of defined file-scope (static) variables
      NAGGREGATE INTEGER, -- Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations
      NAMEMBER INTEGER, -- Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members
      NENUM INTEGER, -- Number of complete enumeration declarations
      NEMEMBER INTEGER, -- Number of declared enumeration elements
    -- Instances of identifier tokens within the source code
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Offset within the file
      EID BIGINT, -- Identifier key
    -- Comments in the code
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Offset within the file
      COMMENT CHARACTER VARYING, -- The comment, including its delimiters
    -- Strings in the code
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Offset within the file
      STRING CHARACTER VARYING, -- The string, including its delimiters
    -- Remaining, non-identifier source code
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Offset within the file
      CODE CHARACTER VARYING, -- The actual code
    -- Line number offsets within each file
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Offset within the file
      LNUM INTEGER, -- Line number (starts at 1)
    -- Project details
      PID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique project key
      NAME CHARACTER VARYING -- Project name
    -- Identifiers appearing in projects
      EID BIGINT, -- Identifier key
      PID INTEGER, -- Project key
    -- Files used in projects
      FID INTEGER, -- File key
      PID INTEGER, -- Project key
    -- Foreign keys for the following four tables are not specified, because it is
    -- difficult to satisfy integrity constraints: files (esp. their metrics,
    -- esp. ncopies) can't be written until the end of processing, while
    -- to conserve space, these tables are written after each file is processed.
    -- Alternatively, inserts to these tables could be wrapped into
    -- Included files defining required elements for a given compilation unit and project
      PID INTEGER, -- Project key
      CUID INTEGER, -- Compilation unit key
      BASEFILEID INTEGER, -- File (often .c) requiring (using) a definition
      DEFINERID INTEGER -- File (often .h) providing a definition
    -- Included files including files for a given compilation unit and project
      PID INTEGER, -- Project key
      CUID INTEGER, -- Compilation unit key
      BASEFILEID INTEGER, -- File included in the compilation
      INCLUDERID INTEGER -- Files that include it
    -- Included files providing code or data for a given compilation unit and project
      PID INTEGER, -- Project key
      CUID INTEGER, -- Compilation unit key
      PROVIDERID INTEGER -- Included file
    -- Tokens requiring file inclusion for a given compilation unit and project
      PID INTEGER, -- Project key
      CUID INTEGER, -- Compilation unit key
      BASEFILEID INTEGER, -- File requiring a definition
      DEFINERID INTEGER, -- File providing a definition
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Definition's offset within the providing file
      LEN INTEGER -- Token's length
    -- C functions and function-like macros
      ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique function identifier
      NAME CHARACTER VARYING, -- Function name (redundant; see FUNCTIONID)
      ISMACRO BOOLEAN, -- True if a function-like macro (otherwise a C function)
      DEFINED BOOLEAN, -- True if the function is defined within the workspace
      DECLARED BOOLEAN, -- True if the function is declared within the workspace
      FILESCOPED BOOLEAN, -- True if the function's scope is a single compilation unit (static or macro)
      FID INTEGER, -- File key of the function's definition, declaration, or use
      FOFFSET INTEGER, -- Offset of definition, declaration, or use within the file
      FANIN INTEGER, -- Fan-in (number of callers)
    -- Details of defined functions and macros
      FUNCTIONID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, -- Function identifier key
      FIDBEGIN INTEGER, -- File key of the function's definition begin
      FOFFSETBEGIN INTEGER, -- Offset of definition begin within the file
      FIDEND INTEGER, -- File key of the function's definition end
      FOFFSETEND INTEGER, -- Offset of definition end within the file
    -- Metrics of defined functions and macros
      FUNCTIONID BIGINT, -- Function identifier key
      PRECPP BOOLEAN, -- True for values before the cpp false for values after it
      NCHAR INTEGER, -- Number of characters
      NCCOMMENT INTEGER, -- Number of comment characters
      NSPACE INTEGER, -- Number of space characters
      NLCOMMENT INTEGER, -- Number of line comments
      NBCOMMENT INTEGER, -- Number of block comments
      NLINE INTEGER, -- Number of lines
      MAXLINELEN INTEGER, -- Maximum number of characters in a line
      MAXSTMTLEN INTEGER, -- Maximum number of tokens in a statement
      MAXSTMTNEST INTEGER, -- Maximum level of statement nesting
      MAXBRACENEST INTEGER, -- Maximum level of brace nesting
      MAXBRACKNEST INTEGER, -- Maximum level of bracket nesting
      BRACENEST INTEGER, -- Dangling brace nesting
      BRACKNEST INTEGER, -- Dangling bracket nesting
      NULINE INTEGER, -- Number of unprocessed lines
      NPPDIRECTIVE INTEGER, -- Number of C preprocessor directives
      NPPCOND INTEGER, -- Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
      NPPFMACRO INTEGER, -- Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
      NPPOMACRO INTEGER, -- Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
      NTOKEN INTEGER, -- Number of tokens
      NSTMT INTEGER, -- Number of statements or declarations
      NOP INTEGER, -- Number of operators
      NUOP INTEGER, -- Number of unique operators
      NNCONST INTEGER, -- Number of numeric constants
      NCLIT INTEGER, -- Number of character literals
      NSTRING INTEGER, -- Number of character strings
      NPPCONCATOP INTEGER, -- Number of token concatenation operators (##)
      NPPSTRINGOP INTEGER, -- Number of token stringification operators (#)
      NIF INTEGER, -- Number of if statements
      NELSE INTEGER, -- Number of else clauses
      NSWITCH INTEGER, -- Number of switch statements
      NCASE INTEGER, -- Number of case labels
      NDEFAULT INTEGER, -- Number of default labels
      NBREAK INTEGER, -- Number of break statements
      NFOR INTEGER, -- Number of for statements
      NWHILE INTEGER, -- Number of while statements
      NDO INTEGER, -- Number of do statements
      NCONTINUE INTEGER, -- Number of continue statements
      NGOTO INTEGER, -- Number of goto statements
      NRETURN INTEGER, -- Number of return statements
      NASM INTEGER, -- Number of assembly statements
      NTYPEOF INTEGER, -- Number of typeof operators
      NPID INTEGER, -- Number of project-scope identifiers
      NFID INTEGER, -- Number of file-scope (static) identifiers
      NMID INTEGER, -- Number of macro identifiers
      NID INTEGER, -- Total number of object and object-like identifiers
      NUPID INTEGER, -- Number of unique project-scope identifiers
      NUFID INTEGER, -- Number of unique file-scope (static) identifiers
      NUMID INTEGER, -- Number of unique macro identifiers
      NUID INTEGER, -- Number of unique object and object-like identifiers
      NLABEL INTEGER, -- Number of goto labels
      NMACROEXPANDTOKEN INTEGER, -- Tokens added by macro expansion
      NGNSOC INTEGER, -- Number of global namespace occupants at function's top
      NMPARAM INTEGER, -- Number of parameters (for macros)
      NFPARAM INTEGER, -- Number of parameters (for functions)
      NEPARAM INTEGER, -- Number of passed non-expression macro parameters
      FANIN INTEGER, -- Fan-in (number of calling functions)
      FANOUT INTEGER, -- Fan-out (number of called functions)
      CCYCL1 INTEGER, -- Cyclomatic complexity (control statements)
      CCYCL2 INTEGER, -- Extended cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators)
      CCYCL3 INTEGER, -- Maximum cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators and all switch branches)
      CSTRUC REAL, -- Structure complexity (Henry and Kafura)
      CHAL REAL, -- Halstead volume
      IFLOW REAL, -- Information flow metric (Henry and Selig)
    -- Identifiers comprising a function's name
      FUNCTIONID BIGINT, -- Function identifier key
      ORDINAL INTEGER, -- Position of the identifier within the function name (0-based)
      EID BIGINT, -- Identifier key
    -- Function calls
      SOURCEID BIGINT, -- Calling function identifier key
      DESTID BIGINT, -- Called function identifier key
    -- Files occuring in more than one copy
      GROUPID INTEGER, -- File group identifier
      FID INTEGER, -- Key of file belonging to a group of identical files

    Examples of SQL Queries

    Once data have been uploaded onto a SQL database they can be queried in a number of different ways. Here are some example queries. All queries have been tested with SQLite, but note that some queries may not run on a particular relational database engine.

    Index creation to speed up processing

    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tokens_eid ON tokens(eid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tokens_fid_idx on tokens(fid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_fcalls_destid ON fcalls(destid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_fcalls_sourceid ON fcalls(sourceid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_functiondefs_functionid ON functiondefs(functionid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ids_name ON ids(name);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ids_name ON ids(eid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_includers_cuid ON includers(cuid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_includers_includerid ON includers(includerid);

    Identifiers of a given type

    SELECT name FROM ids WHERE ids.typedef ORDER BY name;

    Number of different files that use a given identifier

    SELECT name, Count(*) AS cf FROM (
      SELECT fid, tokens.eid, Count(*) AS c
        FROM tokens
        GROUP BY eid, fid
      ) AS cl
      INNER JOIN ids ON cl.eid = ids.eid
      GROUP BY ids.eid,
      HAVING cf > 1
      ORDER BY cf DESC, name;

    Identifiers occuring ten or more times in a single file

    SELECT AS iname, AS fname, Count(*) AS c
      FROM tokens
      INNER JOIN ids ON ids.eid = tokens.eid
      INNER JOIN files ON tokens.fid = files.fid
      GROUP BY ids.eid, tokens.fid
      HAVING c >= 10
      ORDER BY c DESC,,;

    Identifiers occuring ten or more times in the workspace

    SELECT name, Count(*) AS c FROM tokens
      INNER JOIN ids ON ids.eid = tokens.eid
      GROUP BY ids.eid
      HAVING c >= 10
      ORDER BY c DESC, name;

    Projects each identifier named main belongs to

      FROM ids
      INNER JOIN idproj ON ids.eid = idproj.eid
      INNER JOIN projects ON =
      WHERE = 'main'
      ORDER BY;

    Included files required by other files for each compilation unit and project

    SELECT AS projname, AS cuname, AS basename, AS defname
      FROM definers
      INNER join projects ON =
      INNER JOIN files AS cufiles ON definers.cuid=cufiles.fid
      INNER JOIN  files AS basefiles ON definers.basefileid=basefiles.fid
      INNER JOIN files AS definefiles ON definers.definerid = definefiles.fid;

    Identifiers common between files participating in a define/use relationship

        min( as identifier,
        min( as defined,
        min( as used
      FROM definers
      INNER JOIN tokens AS tokensa ON definers.basefileid = tokensa.fid
      INNER JOIN tokens AS tokensb ON definers.definerid = tokensb.fid
      INNER JOIN ids ON ids.eid = tokensa.eid
      INNER JOIN files as filesa ON tokensa.fid = filesa.fid
      INNER JOIN files as filesb ON tokensb.fid = filesb.fid
      WHERE tokensa.eid = tokensb.eid
      GROUP BY tokensa.eid, definerid, basefileid
      ORDER BY defined, identifier, used;

    Function and macro call graph

    SELECT AS CallingFunction, AS CalledFunction
      FROM fcalls
      INNER JOIN functions AS source ON fcalls.sourceid =
      INNER JOIN functions AS dest ON fcalls.destid =
      ORDER BY CallingFunction, CalledFunction;

    Number of C preprocessor directives in the project's source code files excluding the CScout configuration file

    SELECT Sum(nppdirective) FROM filemetrics
      WHERE precpp
        AND fid != (SELECT fid FROM files WHERE name LIKE '%.cs');

    Macros that cannot be easily converted into C

    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tokens_eid ON tokens(eid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_functiondefs_functionid ON functiondefs(functionid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_fcalls_destid ON fcalls(destid);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_fcalls_sourceid ON fcalls(sourceid);
    -- Macros that use local variables
    WITH scoped_confused_macros AS (
      SELECT DISTINCT macrodefs.functionid
      FROM functiondefs AS macrodefs
      INNER JOIN functions ON = macrodefs.functionid
        AND functions.ismacro
      -- Obtain macro's tokens
      INNER JOIN tokens AS macrotokens ON macrotokens.fid = macrodefs.fidbegin
        AND macrotokens.fid = macrodefs.fidend
        AND macrotokens.foffset >= macrodefs.foffsetbegin
        AND macrotokens.foffset < macrodefs.foffsetend
      -- See those that are local objects or labels
      INNER JOIN ids ON ids.eid = macrotokens.eid
        AND ids.ordinary
        AND NOT (ids.macro OR ids.macroarg OR ids.suetag OR ids.sumember OR ids.typedef OR ids.enum)
        AND NOT ids.cscope
        AND NOT ids.lscope
      INNER JOIN files ON macrodefs.fidbegin = files.fid
      -- For macros that get called by C code
          SELECT 1
            FROM fcalls
            WHERE fcalls.destid = macrodefs.functionid
              AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                  FROM functions AS cfunctions
                    fcalls.sourceid =
                    AND cfunctions.defined
                    AND NOT cfunctions.ismacro
              -- And tokens that also appear in the C function body
              AND EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                  FROM functiondefs AS cdefs
                  INNER JOIN tokens AS ctokens ON ctokens.eid = macrotokens.eid
                    fcalls.sourceid = cdefs.functionid
                    AND (cdefs.fidbegin != macrodefs.fidbegin
                      OR cdefs.foffsetbegin > macrodefs.foffsetbegin)
                    AND ctokens.fid = cdefs.fidend
                    AND ctokens.foffset >= cdefs.foffsetbegin
                    AND ctokens.foffset < cdefs.foffsetend
    SELECT Count(*) FROM
      INNER JOIN filemetrics ON filemetrics.fid = functions.fid AND filemetrics.precpp
      INNER JOIN functionmetrics AS fnmet ON = fnmet.functionid AND fnmet.precpp
    WHERE ismacro
      AND filemetrics.fid != (SELECT fid FROM files WHERE name LIKE '%.cs')
      AND (
      fnmet.fanin = 0
      OR fnmet.bracenest != 0
      OR fnmet.bracknest != 0
      OR fnmet.nppstringop > 0
      OR fnmet.nppconcatop > 0
      OR fnmet.neparam > 0
      -- Control flow problems
      OR (
        -- Callable macro, rather than macro defining a function
        fnmet.fanin > 0
        AND ((fnmet.ngoto > 0 AND fnmet.nlabel = 0)
          OR (fnmet.nreturn > 1 AND fnmet.ndo = 1))
      OR EXISTS (
        SELECT 1
          FROM scoped_confused_macros AS scm
          WHERE scm.functionid = fnmet.functionid

    Source Code Reconstitution

    The data stored in the database allow the exact reconstitution of the original source code. All that is required is to run an appropriate query and filter its results to recreate the original line breaks from irs output. Elements modified in the database, such as identifier names or comment contents, will be correctly mirrored in the generated output.

    The following is the required SQL query for the SQLite database to reconstitute the contents of the file with file identifier (fid) 4.

    .print "Starting dump"
      SELECT name AS s, foffset
        FROM ids
        INNER JOIN tokens ON ids.eid = tokens.eid
        WHERE fid = 4
      UNION SELECT code AS s, foffset FROM rest WHERE fid = 4
      UNION SELECT comment AS s, foffset FROM comments WHERE fid = 4
      UNION SELECT string AS s, foffset FROM strings WHERE fid = 4
    ORDER BY foffset;

    The query's output needs to be pipped to the following commands to adjust it as needed.

    # Remove header and footer lines
    sed -e '1,/^Starting dump/d;/^[0-9][0-9]* rows/d' |
    # Remove line breaks added by the database engine
    tr -d '\n\r' |
    # Add line breaks appearing in the database output as Unicode escapes
    perl -pe 's/\\u0000d\\u0000a/\n/g;s/\\u0000a/\n/g' >test/chunk/$NAME

    Details of the Collected Metrics

    The following sections provide details for some of the collected function and file metrics. Although the metrics collected by CScout are considerably more accurate than those collected by programs that either do not parse the source code or parse the preprocessed code, they still employ approximations.

    Metrics Common to Files and Functions

    Number of C preprocessor directives
    See note 1.
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
    See note 1.
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
    See note 1.
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
    See note 1.
    Number of preprocessed tokens
    Although during preprocessing whitespace is considered a valid token, this metric does not take whitespace tokens into account. This makes it easy to compare the number of preprocessed tokens with the number of compiled tokens. The two metrics are equal if no macro expansion takes place.
    Number of compiled tokens
    See note 1.

    File-Specific Metrics

    Number of statements
    This metric measures number of statements parsed while processing the file, including statements generated by macro expansion. See note 1.
    Number of defined project-scope functions
    See note 1.
    Number of defined file-scope (static) functions
    See note 1.
    Number of defined project-scope variables
    See note 1.
    Number of defined file-scope (static) variables
    See note 1.
    Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations
    Also includes complete declarations without a tag. See note 1.
    Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members
    See note 1.
    Number of complete enumeration declarations
    See note 1.
    Number of declared enumeration elements
    See note 1.
    Number of directly included files
    This counts the number of header files that were directly included while processing the project's source files. If each file is processed exactly once, the metric is roughly similar to the number of #include directives in the project's files. See also note 1.

    Function-Specific Metrics

    Number of statements or declarations
    Nested statements are counted recursively. Thus
    while (a)
    	if (b)
    counts as three statements.
    Number of operators
    See note 2.
    Number of unique operators
    See note 2.
    Number of if statements
    See note 3.
    Number of else clauses
    See note 3.
    Number of switch statements
    See note 3.
    Number of case labels
    See note 3.
    Number of default labels
    See note 3.
    Number of break statements
    See note 3.
    Number of for statements
    See note 3.
    Number of while statements
    This metric does not include the do .. while form. See note 3.
    Number of do statements
    See note 3.
    Number of continue statements
    See note 3.
    Number of goto statements
    See note 3.
    Number of return statements
    See note 3.
    Total number of object and object-like identifiers
    Also includes macros.
    Number of unique object and object-like identifiers
    Also includes macros.
    Number of global namespace occupants at function's top
    This metric measures the namespace pollution in the object namespace at the point before entering a function. Its value is the count of all macros as well as objects with file and project-scope visibility that are declared at the point it is measured. See note 1. See note 4.
    Number of parameters
    See note 1.
    Maximum level of statement nesting
    In order to avoid excessively inflating this metric when measuring sequences of the form
    if (a) {
    } else if (b) {
    } else if (c) {
    } else
    this metric does not take into account the nesting of else clauses. Thus the above code will be given a nesting level of 1, rather than 3, which is implied by the following (actual) reading of the code.
    if (a) {
    } else
    	if (b) {
    	} else
    		if (c) {
    		} else
    See note 1. See note 4.
    Fan-in (number of calling functions)
    This is also listed under a function's details for functions that are not defined (and have not metrics associated with them).
    Cyclomatic complexity (control statements)
    This metric, CC1 measures the number of branch points in the function. In order to avoid misleadingly high values that occur from even trivial switch statements, this metric measures the complexity of a switch statement as 1.
    Extended cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators)
    This metric, CC2, takes into account the nodes introduced by the Boolean-AND, boolean-OR, and conditional evaluation operators.
    Maximum cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators and all switch branches)
    This metric, CC3, considers each case label as a separate node.
    Structure complexity (Henry and Kafura)
    This metric is calculcated as follows.
    Cp = (fan_in * fan_out)2
    Halstead volume
    This metric is calculcated as follows.
    HC = (number_of_operators + number_of_operands) * log2( unique_number_of_operators + unique_number_of_operands)
    Where operands are object identifiers, macros, numeric and character constants. For the purpose of determining unique operands, each numeric or character constant is considered a separate operand.
    Information flow metric (Henry and Selig)
    This metric is calculcated as follows.
    HCp = CC1 * Cp


    Note 1
    This metric is measured the first time a file is encountered in a project. The metric does not take into account regions that were not processed due to conditional compilation.
    Note 2
    This metric is calculated before preprocessing, so as to account operators occuring in function-like macros to the corresponding macro. However, this makes it difficult to differentiate between commas used to separate function arguments and the comma operator. As a result the comma is ignored as an operator.
    Note 3
    This metric is calculated before preprocessing, so as to account keywords occuring in function-like macros to the corresponding macro. As a result C keywords used during preprocessing as identifiers, as in
    #define x(if, while, else) (if + while + else)
    will be miscounted as keywords occuring in the corresponding macro. Furthermore keywords generated during preprocessing, as in
    #define WHILE(x) while(x) {
    #define WEND	 }
    WHILE (x)
    will not be counted as occuring in the corresponding C function.
    Note 4
    This metric is not measured for function-like macros.


    The nature of the C language and its preprocessor can result in pathological cases that can confuse the CScout analysis and substitution engine. In all cases the confusion only results in erroneous analysis or substitutions of the particular identifiers and will not affect other parts of the code. In some cases you can even slightly modify your workspace definition or code to ensure CScout works as you intend. The following cases are the most important in recognising and substituting identifiers:
    1. Conditional compilation

      Some programs have parts of them compiled under conditional preprocessor directives. Consider the following example:

      #ifdef unix
      #include <unistd.h>
      #define erase_file(x) unlink(x)
      #ifdef WIN32
      #include <windows.h>
      #define erase_file(x) DeleteFile(x)
      main(int argc, char *argv[])
      As humans we can understand that erase_file occurs three times within the file. However, because CScout preprocesses the file following the C preprocessor semantics, it will typically match only two instances. In some cases you can get around this problem by defining macros that will ensure that all code inside conditional directives gets processed. In other cases this will result in errors (e.g. a duplicate macro definition in the above example). In such cases you can include in your workspace the same project multiple times, each time with a different set of defined macros.
      workspace example {
      	project idtest {
      		define DEBUG 1
      		define TEST 1
      		file idtest.c util.c
      	project idtest2 {
      		define NDEBUG 1
      		define PRODUCTION
      		file idtest.c util.c
    2. Partial coverage of macro use

      Consider the following example:

      struct s1 {
      	int id;
      } a;
      struct s2 {
      	char id;
      } b;
      struct s3 {
      	double id;
      } c;
      #define getid(x) ((x)->id)
      	printf("%d %c", getid(a), getid(b));
      In the above example, changing an id instance should also change the other three instances. However, CScout will not associate the member of s3 with the identifier appearing in the getid macro or the s1 or s2 structures, because there is no getid macro invocation to link them together. If e.g. id is replaced with val the program will compile and function correctly, but when one tries to access the c struture's member in the future using getid an error will result.
      struct s1 {
      	int val;
      } a;
      struct s2 {
      	char val;
      } b;
      struct s3 {
      	double id;
      } c;
      #define getid(x) ((x)->val)
      	printf("%d %c", getid(a), getid(b));	/* OK */
      	printf(" %g", getid(c));		/* New statement: error */
      To avoid this (rare) problem you can introduce dummy macro invocations of the form:
      #ifdef CSCOUT
    3. Undefined macros

      We employ a heuristic classifying all instances of an undefined macro as being the same identifier. Thus in the following sequence foo will match all three macro instances:

      #undef foo
      #ifdef foo
      #ifdef foo
      #define foo 1
      In most cases this is what you want, but there may be cases where the macro appears in different files and with a different meaning. In such cases the undefined instances of the macro will erroneously match the defined instance.

    In addition, the analysis of functions can be confused by the following situations.

    1. Functions getting called through function pointers will not appear in the call graphs. This is a common limitation of static call analysis.
    2. Function-like macros called from inside function bodies that were generated by macro expansion will not be registered as calls.
    3. Non-function like macros that expand into function calls will not appear in the call graph; the corresponding functions will appear to be called by the function containing the macro.

    Finally, because function argument refactoring works at a higher level thann simple identifiers, the following limitations hold.

    1. When a function call's arguments macro-expand into unballanced brackets or into multiple function arguments the replacement can misbehave.
    2. When there is not a one-to-one correspondence between a function's name and its associated identifier (i.e. when the function's name is generated through macro-token concatenation) the function argument refactoring is not offered as an option.

    Error Messages


    Fatal Errors



    CScout is distributed as open source software under the GNU General Public License, which is reproduced below. Other licensing options and professional support are available on request.


    Version 3, 29 June 2007

    Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. < (>

    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


    The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.

    The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too.

    When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

    To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

    For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

    Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

    For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions.

    Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

    Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

    The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.


    0. Definitions.

    “This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

    “Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.

    “The Program” refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and “recipients” may be individuals or organizations.

    To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.

    A “covered work” means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the Program.

    To “propagate” a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well.

    To “convey” a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

    An interactive user interface displays “Appropriate Legal Notices” to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

    1. Source Code.

    The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source form of a work.

    A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language.

    The “System Libraries” of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A “Major Component”, in this context, means a major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.

    The “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work.

    The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.

    The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work.

    2. Basic Permissions.

    All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

    You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

    Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary.

    3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

    No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures.

    When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.

    4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

    You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

    You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

    5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

    You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.

    6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

    You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways:

    A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work.

    A “User Product” is either (1) a “consumer product”, which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, “normally used” refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the product.

    “Installation Information” for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.

    If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

    The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network.

    Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying.

    7. Additional Terms.

    “Additional permissions” are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions.

    When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

    All other non-permissive additional terms are considered “further restrictions” within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying.

    If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the applicable terms.

    Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements apply either way.

    8. Termination.

    You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11).

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10.

    9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

    You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.

    10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.

    Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

    An “entity transaction” is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.

    You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.

    11. Patents.

    A “contributor” is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor's “contributor version”.

    A contributor's “essential patent claims” are all patent claims owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this definition, “control” includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License.

    Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its contributor version.

    In the following three paragraphs, a “patent license” is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To “grant” such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.

    If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream recipients. “Knowingly relying” means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country that you have reason to believe are valid.

    If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered work and works based on it.

    A patent license is “discriminatory” if it does not include within the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.

    Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

    12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.

    If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.

    13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the combination as such.

    14. Revised Versions of this License.

    The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

    Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

    If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Program.

    Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version.

    15. Disclaimer of Warranty.


    16. Limitation of Liability.


    17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

    If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.


    Frequently Asked Questions


    How do I handle conditional compilation?

    You can either define macros that will cover all conditional cases, or process the same project multiple times using different macro definitions. See this page.

    How can I handle automatically generated files?

    Some projects use mini domain-specific languages similar to yacc and lex to express some of their elements. CScout can natively parse C and yacc source files, but no other language. Obviously changes should be performed in the original domain-specific files, rather than the generated C code. On the other hand, CScout can not parse the original files, but can parse the generated code. To escape this situation include the automatically generated file in your workspace definition, but define it as read-only. In this way CScout will not allow you to modify identifiers appearing in it.

    How can I save an identifier or file query?

    Simply bookmark the page that shows the query's results. You can even pass the URL around or print it on a T-shirt; the URL contains the whole query.

    Why aren't my call graphs appearing in the form I specified?

    Changing the global options that specify the format of call graphs affects the types of links appearing in the corresponding pages. If you go to a previous page using the back button and you do not reload it, you will use the old links and will obtain the old type of call graph. This is the only instance where the use of the back button will surprise you.

    How can I locate and fix a syntax error?

    Most syntax errors occur due to compiler extensions or incorrect definitions of macros. They can often be corrected, by introducing a dummy macro that gets around the corresponding compiler extension, like the following.
    #define __declspec(x)
    If the problem isn't obvious from the source code, you might need preprocess the file by using the -E option, and look at the preprocessed code. To do this search in the preprocessed code for an (ideally unique) occurrence of non-macro code near the problem spot.

    Why is my read-only prefix pragma not working under Windows?

    Filename matching under Windows is a difficult subject. Filenames retain case, but are compared in a case insensitive manner. To avoid problems, when writing ro_prefix and ipath pragmas under a Windows platform, respect the following rules.

    My system appears to be using the hard disk excessively (thrashing). Why?

    CScout tags and follows each and every identifier of the source code it processes, including header files. As a result, the memory requirements of CScout are considerable. Typical memory requirements are 700-1600 bytes per line processed. If your system's main memory is less than the ammount needed, CScout will page to disk and thrashing will occur.

    Why can't I see SVG call graphs in my browser?

    Make sure your browser supports SVG viewing. For instance, Firefox and Internet Explorer work fine; SeaMonkey doesn't.

    Why doesn't the Tab key in the Safari browser allow me to move to each identifier definition?

    Press Option (or Alt) Tab, instead of Tab. You can also permanently change Safari's behavior under Safari - Preferences - Advanced.

    Isn't the CScout logo infringing the intellectual property of the International Scout movement?

    The emblem of the International Scout movement is based on the fleur de lys, a traditional design of the 11th century that was later used to decorate maps and compass cards. CScout acts as a compass and a map for C code, so the association with the fleur de lys is particularly relevant. You can read more about the fleur de lys symbol at the Wikipedia ( web site entry. Places or institutions that use the symbol informally or as part of their heraldic arms are: Quebec; Canada; Augsburg, Germany; Florence, Italy; Slovenia; the Fuggers medieval banking family; Bosnia and Herzegovina; and Louisville, Kentucky; the Prince of Wales also has a fleur de lys on his coat of arms. A Google image search ( for the image will also show you tens of similar designs. Finally, note that the International Scout movement's rendering of the image includes two stars on the left and right leaves. CScout's logo does not contain this distinctive feature.

    The cscc Command Manual Page



    cscc - CScout C compiler front end


    cscc [gcc(1) options]


    cscc is a wrapper around gcc. commands. When invoked instead of gcc, it will compile the specified file(s) in the same way as gcc would do. As a side-effect it will monitor the invocation of gcc(1) and record its environment and arguments. With those data it will generate a CScout project specification that can be used to process the file(s) that were compiled. The project specification is saved into a file named make.cs.


    The following commands are often the only ones required to process a few C files.

    cscc example.c
    cscout make.cs

    If you want to use cscc with another C compiler, prepend CC=compiler-name to the cscc invocation, as shown in the following example.

    CC=x86_64-w64-gcc cscc


    cscout(1), csmake(1)


    (C) Copyright 2006-2019 Diomidis Spinellis.

    The cscout Command Manual Page



    cscout - C code analyzer and refactoring browser


    cscout [-bCcrv3] [-d D] [-E file specification] [-d H] [-l log file] [-p port] [-R specification] [-m specification] [-t sname] [-o | -S db | -s db | -M files] file


    CScout is a source code analyzer and refactoring browser for collections of C programs. It can process workspaces of multiple projects (we define a project as a collection of C source files that are linked together) mapping the complexity introduced by the C preprocessor back into the original C source code files. CScout takes advantage of modern hardware advances (fast processors and large memory capacities) to analyze C source code beyond the level of detail and accuracy provided by current compilers and linkers. The analysis CScout performs takes into account the identifier scopes introduced by the C preprocessor and the C language proper scopes and namespaces.

    CScout as a source code analyzer can:

    annotate source code with hyperlinks to each identifier

    list files that would be affected by changing a specific identifier

    determine whether a given identifier belongs to the application or to an external library based on the accessibility and location of the header files that declare or define it

    locate unused identifiers taking into account inter-project dependencies

    perform queries for identifiers based on their namespace, scope, reachability, and regular expressions of their name and the filename(s) they are found in,

    perform queries for files, based on their metrics, or properties of the identifiers they contain

    monitor and report superfluously included header files

    provide accurate metrics on identifiers and files

    More importantly, CScout helps you in refactoring code by identifying dead objects to remove, and can automatically perform accurate global rename identifier refactorings. CScout will automatically rename identifiers

    taking into account the namespace of each identifier: a renaming of a structure tag, member, or a statement label will not affect variables with the same name

    respecting the scope of the renamed identifier: a rename can affect multiple files, or variables within a single block, exactly matching the semantics the C compiler would enforce

    across multiple projects when the same identifier is defined in common shared include files

    occuring in macro bodies and parts of other identifiers, when these are created through the C preprocessor’s token concatenation feature

    This manual page describes the CScout invocation and command-line options. Details about its web interface, setup, and configuration can be found in the online hypertext documentation and at the project’s home page



    Create a ctags-compatible tags file. Tens of editors and other tools can utilize tags to help you navigate through the code. In contrast to other tag generation tools, the file that CScout creates also includes information about entities dynamically generated through macros.


    Exit immediately after processing the specified files. Useful, when you simply want to check the source code for errors or when you want to create a tags file.

    -d D

    Display the #define directives being processed on the standard output.

    -d H

    Display the (mainly header) files being included on the standard output. Each line is prefixed by a number of dots indicating the depth of the included file stack.

    -E file specification

    Preprocess the file specified with the regular expression given as the option’s argument and send the result to the standard output.

    -p port

    The web server will listen for requests on the TCP port number specified. By default the CScout server will listen at port 8081. The port number must be in the range 1024-32767.

    -m specification

    Specify the type of identifiers that CScout will monitor. The identifier attribute specification is given using the syntax: Y|L|E|T[:attr1][:attr2]... The meaning of the first letter is:


    Match anY of the specified attributes


    Match alL of the specified attributes


    ExcludE the specified attributes matched


    ExacT match of the specified attributes

    Allowable attribute names and their corresponding meanings are:


    Unused identifier


    Writable identifier


    Read-only identifier


    Identifier stored in a macro


    Defined as a function-like macro


    Used to derive a preprocessor constant, i.e. used in a #if or #include directive or in a defined() expression


    Macro’s value is used as a string (pasting or stringization) in the preprocessor


    Macro value seen as a C compile-time constant


    Macro value seen as not a C compile-time constant


    Macro value seen as a C compile-time constant


    Macro value seen as not a C compile-time constant


    Tag for a struct/union/enum


    Member of a struct/union




    Ordinary identifier (note that enumeration constants and typedefs belong to the ordinary identifier namespace)


    Preprocessor macro


    Undefined preprocessor macro


    Preprocessor macro argument


    Identifier with file scope


    Identifier with project scope




    Enumeration constant


    Yacc identifier


    C function

    The -m flag can provide enormous savings on the memory CScout uses (specify e.g. -m Y:pscope to only track project-global identifiers), but the processing CScout performs under this flag is unsound. The flag should therefore be used only if you are running short of memory. There are cases where the use of preprocessor macros can change the attributes of a given identifier shared between different files. Since the -m optimization is performed after each single file is processed, the locations where an identifier is found may be misrepresented.


    Report on the standard error output warnings about unused and wrongly scoped identifiers and unused included files. The error message format is compatible with gcc and can therefore be automatically processed by editors that recognize this format.


    Display the CScout version and copyright information and exit.


    Implement support for trigraph characters.


    Operate in multiuser browse-only mode. In this mode the web server can concurrently process multiple requests. All web operations that can affect the server’s functioning (such as setting the various options, renaming identifiers, refactoring function arguments, selecting a project, editing a file, or terminating the server) are prohibited. Call graphs are truncated to 1000 elements (nodes or edges).

    -S database dialect

    Output the database schema as an SQL script. Specify help as the database dialect to obtain a list of supported database back-ends.

    -s database dialect

    Dump the workspace contents as an SQL script. Specify help as the database dialect to obtain a list of supported database back-ends.

    -M files

    Merge the specified eclasses, ids, and functionids files that contain token, id, and functionid, details into new records saved in three further corresponding files. These can be directly imported into the tokens, ids, and functionids tables.

    -l log file

    Specify the location of a file where web requests will be logged.

    -R specification

    Generate call graphs and exit. The option can be specified multiple times. The specification is the type of desired graph (fgraph.txt for a file dependency graph or cgraph.txt for a function and macro call graph), optionally followed by parameters appearing in the corresponding URL of the CScout web interface. The generated text file contains one space-delimited relationship per line. It can be further processed by tools such sas awk and dot to produce graphical output as shown in the following examples.

    # Create a function call graph and a compile-time file dependency graph
    cscout -R cgraph.txt -R fgraph.txt?gtype=C.
    # Convert the generated call graph into an SVG diagram
    awk ’
     BEGIN { print "digraph G {" }
     {print $1 "->" $2}
     END { print "}" }’ cgraph.txt |
    dot -Tsvg >cgraph.svg

    -t name

    Generate SQL output for the named table. By default SQL output for all tables is generated. If this option is provided, then output only for the specified tables will be generated. It is the user’s responsibility to list the tables required to avoid breaking integrity constraints. The option can be specified multiple times.


    Create obfuscated versions of all the writable files of the workspace.


    Assume you want to analyze three programs in /usr/src/bin. You first create the following project definition file, bin.prj.

    # Some small tools from the src/bin directory
    workspace bin {
            ro_prefix "/usr/include"
            cd "/usr/src/bin"
            project cp {
                    cd "cp"
                    file cp.c utils.c
            project echo {
                    cd "echo"
                    file echo.c
            project date {
                    cd "date"
                    file date.c

    Then you compile the workspace file bin.prj by running the CScout workspace compiler cswc on it, and finally you run cscout on the compiled workspace file. At that point you are ready to analyze your code and rename its identifiers through your web browser.

    $ cswc bin.prj >bin.cs
    $ cscout bin.cs
    Processing workspace bin
    Entering directory /usr/src/bin
    Processing project cp
    Entering directory cp
    Processing file cp.c
    Done processing file cp.c
    Processing file utils.c
    Done processing file utils.c
    Exiting directory cp
    Done processing project cp
    Processing project echo
    Entering directory echo
    Processing file echo.c
    Done processing file echo.c
    Exiting directory echo
    Done processing project echo
    Processing project date
    Entering directory date
    Processing file date.c
    Done processing file date.c
    Exiting directory date
    Done processing project date
    Exiting directory /usr/src/bin
    Done processing workspace bin
    Post-processing /usr/home/dds/src/cscout/bin.c
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/cp/cp.c
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/cp/extern.h
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/cp/utils.c
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/date/date.c
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/date/extern.h
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/date/vary.h
    Post-processing /vol/src/bin/echo/echo.c
    Processing identifiers
    We are now ready to serve you at http://localhost:8081


    cscc(1), cscut(1), csmake(1), csreconst(1), cssplit(1), cswc(1).


    (c) Copyright 2003-2024 Diomidis Spinellis.

    The cscut Command Manual Page



    cscut - Extract portions of a CScout processing script


    cscut [-b] [-e] [-F file-list | -f file | -p project] cscout-file


    The cscut command-line tool extracts specific portions of a CScout processing script. It provides a flexible way to select parts of the CScout processing script based on files or projects.

    The following options are available:


    Output from the file’s beginning until the specified point.


    Output from the specified point to the end of the file.

    -F file-list

    Output a script to process only the files specified in file-list, where file-list is a file containing a list of filenames.

    -f file

    Output a script to process only the specified file.

    -p project

    Output a script to process only the specified project.

    The last argument, cscout-file, specifies the CScout processing script to be processed.


    Below are some typical use cases for cscut.

    Extract a script to process the file x86.cs:

    cscut -f /home/dds/src/linux/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c make.cs >x86.cs

    Extract a script to process the files listed in file-list.txt:

    cscut -F file-list.txt make.cs >files.cs

    Extract a script to process only the project .tmp_vmlinux3:

    cscut -p /home/dds/src/linux/.tmp_vmlinux3 >linux.cs

    Extract a script to process from the file export.c and onward:

    cscut -f /home/dds/src/linux/fs/ocfs2/export.c linux.cs >ocfs2-export.cs


    cscout(1), cssplit(1), csmake(1)


    (C) Copyright 2024 Diomidis Spinellis.

    The csmake Command Manual Page



    csmake - CScout make


    csmake [ [-d] [-h] [-k] [-o output-file] [-s cs-files-directory] [-A] [-T temporary-directory] [-t time-file] [-N rules-file] -- ] [make(1) options]


    csmake is a wrapper around make and typical C compilation commands. When invoked instead of make on a clean (unbuilt) system, it will build the system in the same way as make. As a side-effect it will monitor the invocations of cc(1), gcc(1), clang(1), ar(1), ld(1), and mv(1) commands and record their environment and arguments. With those data it will generate a CScout project specification that can be used to process the project that was compiled. The project specification is saved into a file named make.cs. Moreover, a separate CScout .cs file can be generated for each executable in a specified cs_files_directory.

    To allow csmake to be used as a drop in replacement in build sequences that execute multiple make commands, you can create a /tmp/csmake-spy, which will be used to create rules for the superset of all make-generated executables.

    csmake options can be passed through CSMAKEFLAGS environment variable.



    Run in debug mode (it also keeps spy directory in place).


    Print help message.


    Keep temporary directory in place.

    -o output-file

    Specify the name of the generated specification file, which is by default make.cs . A name of - will output the file on the standard output.

    -s cs-files-directory

    Create a separate CScout .cs file for each real executable. Save the .cs files into cs-files-directory in the current directory.


    Generate cs projects for static libraries.

    -N rules-file

    Run on an existing rules file.

    -T temporary-directory

    Set temporary directory. Use temporary-directory as temporary directory, remember to clear it if you use it multiple times.

    -t time-file

    Record C compiler timing information in the specified file. The information recorded is the output of time(1) with format ’%D %e %F %I %K %M %O %S %U.


    The following commands are often the only ones required to process a typical C project.

    make clean
    cscout make.cs

    If you want to use csmake with another C compiler, prepend CC=compiler-name to the csmake invocation, as shown in the following example.

    CC=x86_64-w64-gcc csmake

    The following commands create an inspectable rules file, and then use that to creat the final make.cs file. (Note the obligatory -- sequence used to terminate the csmake arguments.)

    mkdir csmake-tmp
    csmake -k -T csmake-tmp  --
    csmake -N csmake-tmp/rules  --

    The following commands can be used to run csmake for a Debian package using the dpkg-buildpackage command.

    rm -rf tmp_dir && mkdir -p tmp_dir
    CSMAKEFLAGS=’-T tmp_dir -A -s cscout_projects -k --’ \
      MAKE=/usr/local/bin/csmake dpkg-buildpackage -b


    cscout(1), cscut(1), cssplit(1).


    (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Diomidis Spinellis.

    The csreconst Command Manual Page



    csreconst - Test the reconstitution of files from a CScout database


    csreconst -t [-ckqs] database.db
    -f file [-o] [-b line] [-e line] ... database.db


    csreconst is a utility for testing the reconstitution of files stored in a CScout database or reconstituting specific files.

    The program provides two modes of operation:


    Test the reconstitution of all files in the specified SQLite database.db. Additional options can be specified to refine the behavior of the testing:


    Count the number of correct and incorrect files.


    Keep comparing after finding a difference.


    Run a quick diff without listing the full differences.


    Provide a summary of each file’s reconstitution result.

    -f Reconstitute a specified file stored in SQLite database.db. Additional options allow fine-grained control of the reconstitution:

    Reconstitute starting from the specified beginning line number.

    -e line

    Reconstitute up to the specified ending line number.


    Prefix each reconstituted part with its file offset value.


    Test all files in a CScout database and provide a summary:

    csreconst -tckqs result.db

    Reconstitute the file main.c from a CScout database:

    csreconst -f main.c result.db

    Reconstitute file main.c from line 10 to line 50, listing the offset of each part:

    csreconst -f main.c -b 10 -e 50 -o result.db


    The exit code indicates the result of the comparison operation:


    All files compare equal (no differences found).


    Differences were found between the reconstituted and original files.


    cscout(1), csmake(1)


    (C) Copyright 2024 Diomidis Spinellis.

    The cssplit Command Manual Page



    cssplit - Split a CScout processing script into smaller scripts


    cssplit N


    The cssplit command-line program is a filter that splits a CScout processing script into N smaller scripts for parallel or distributed processing. Each output script is named using a zero-padded sequence, starting with file-0001.cs.

    The input is read from the standard input, and the output files are written to the current working directory.

    This tool is useful for distributing the workload of a large CScout analysis across multiple scripts for efficiency or manageability.



    The number of output scripts to generate. The input processing script is divided into N approximately equal parts.

    Each output script contains the appropriate subset of the input commands to ensure no loss of information during the split. Currently cssplit supports only processing scripts containing a single project.


    To split an input processing script into 4 smaller scripts:

    cssplit 4 <make.cs

    This will create the following files in the current directory:


    Each file contains a portion of the original processing script.


    cscout(1), cscut(1), csmake(1)


    (C) Copyright 2024 Diomidis Spinellis.

    The cswc Command Manual Page



    cswc - CScout workspace compiler


    cswc [-gv] [-d directory] [file]


    cswc is a workspace compiler for the CScout C source code analyzer and refactoring browser. CScout integrates in a single process the functionality of a multi-project build engine, an ANSI C preprocessor, and the parts of a C compiler up to and including the semantic analysis based on types. The build engine functionality is required to allow the user to process multiple compilation and link units as a single batch. Only thus can CScout detect dependencies across different files and projects. Each compilation unit can reside in a different directory and can require processing using different macro definitions or a different include file path. In a normal build process these options are typically specified in a Makefile. The CScout operation is similarly guided by a declarative workspace definition file. To decouple the complexity of the CScout workspace processing specification from its actual operation, and to encouriage experimentation with alternative (e.g. IDE-based) workspace specification mechanisms, CScout is guided by a very simple imperative script typically generated from more sophisticated workspace definitions by cswc, the CScout workspace compiler.

    This manual page describes the cswc invocation and command-line options. Details about its input and output formats, setup, and configuration can be found in the online hypertext documentation and at the project’s home page


    -d directory

    Specify the directory to use for locating the CScout configuration files.


    Compile the project as generic rather than host-specific C code. This means that the generated files will include CScout’s standard-C include and macro definition files (stdc-incs.h and stdc-defs.h), rather than the host-specific ones (host-incs.h and host-defs.h).


    Display the cswc version and copyright information and exit.


    The following is a configuration file used for processing the apache web server.

    workspace apache {
        cd "/usr/local/src/apache/src"
        ro_prefix "/usr/local/src/apache/src/include/ap_config"
        # Global project definitions
        define HTTPD_ROOT "/usr/local/apache"
        define SUEXEC_BIN "/usr/local/apache/bin/suexec"
        define SHARED_CORE_DIR "/usr/local/apache/libexec"
        define DEFAULT_PIDLOG "logs/"
        define DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD "logs/httpd.scoreboard"
        define DEFAULT_LOCKFILE "logs/httpd.lock"
        define DEFAULT_XFERLOG "logs/access_log"
        define DEFAULT_ERRORLOG "logs/error_log"
        define TYPES_CONFIG_FILE "conf/mime.types"
        define SERVER_CONFIG_FILE "conf/httpd.conf"
        define ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE "conf/access.conf"
        define RESOURCE_CONFIG_FILE "conf/srm.conf"
        define AUX_CFLAGS
        define LINUX 22
        define USE_HSREGEX
        define NO_DL_NEEDED
        # Give project-specific directory and include path properties
        project gen_uri_delims {
            cd "main"
            ipath "../os/unix"
            ipath "../include"
            file gen_uri_delims.c
        # Alternative formulation; specify per-file properties
        project gen_test_char {
            file gen_test_char.c {
                cd "main"
                ipath "../os/unix"
                ipath "../include"
        # httpd executable; specify directory-based properties
        project httpd {
            directory main {
                ipath "../os/unix"
                ipath "../include"
                file alloc.c buff.c http_config.c http_core.c
                file http_log.c http_main.c http_protocol.c
                file http_request.c http_vhost.c util.c util_date.c
                file util_script.c util_uri.c util_md5.c rfc1413.c
            directory regex {
                ipath "."
                ipath "../os/unix"
                ipath "../include"
                define POSIX_MISTAKE
                file regcomp.c regexec.c regerror.c regfree.c
            directory os/unix {
                ipath "../../os/unix"
                ipath "../../include"
                file os.c os-inline.c
            directory ap {
                ipath "../os/unix"
                ipath "../include"
                file ap_cpystrn.c ap_execve.c ap_fnmatch.c ap_getpass.c
                file ap_md5c.c ap_signal.c ap_slack.c ap_snprintf.c
                file ap_sha1.c ap_checkpass.c ap_base64.c ap_ebcdic.c
            directory modules/standard {
                ipath "../../os/unix"
                ipath "../../include"
                file mod_env.c mod_log_config.c mod_mime.c
                file mod_negotiation.c mod_status.c mod_include.c
                file mod_autoindex.c mod_dir.c mod_cgi.c mod_asis.c
                file mod_imap.c mod_actions.c mod_userdir.c
                file mod_alias.c mod_access.c mod_auth.c mod_setenvif.c
            directory . {
                ipath "./os/unix"
                ipath "./include"
                file modules.c buildmark.c




    (C) Copyright 2003 Diomidis Spinellis.


    Change History

    Version 3.1 (under development)
    Version 3.0 (2016-01-17)
    • Source code, repository, build process, and installation procedures were polished for distribution and released through GitHub licensed under GPL.
    • Changes and features are from now on tracked through the publicly available Git commit log.
    Version 2.8 (2011-10-23)
    • New -C option will create a ctags compatible tags file, which many editors can use to navigate through the code.
    • New -d D option will dump on the standard output the #define directives that get processed.
    • New -d H option will dump on the standard output the (mostly header) files getting included.
    • Correct appearance of page labels whene these span more than one line.
    • Functions defined through macro calls get a more precise location of the point where they are defined.
    Version 2.7 (2009-07-08)
    • New call graph for functions showing a function in context: with all the paths from its callers and all called functions.
    • When saving refactored code CScout will verify that the renamed identifiers do not clash with other existing identifiers. This requires a complete re-processing of the code. A corresponding option can disable this feature.
    • Added function argument refactorings page through which function argument refactorings can be reviewed, changed, and deactivated.
    • Optimize file handling during the post-processing phase. In a typical use case this results in a 37% reduction in processing time.
    • Correct handling of function names appearing as function pointers, when refactoring function arguments.
    • Corrected dot syntax error when generating graphs with no global options set.
    • Better error handling when refactored files cannot be renamed or unlinked.
    • Preprocessor expressions are evaluated as if the have the same representation intmax_t/uintmax_t, rather than long.
    • Fix a crash that occurred when processing Apache httpd 1.3.27.
    • Fix to avoid csmake getting confused by ccache.
    Version 2.6 (2008-12-05)
    • Add support for the display of graph files in PDF and PNG format.
    • Add options for passing graph, node, and edge properties to dot.
    • cswc now deals correctly with scoped definitions for files.
    • Correct the generation of obfuscated identifiers in platforms where they were invalid.
    • Support the unification of yacc terminal symbols with the corresponding macros.
    • Correct extraneous line spacing in source code listings of files containing carriage returns.
    • Fix the display of graphs with empty nodes.
    • Correct the handling of identifiers declaring a function at an inner scope with no storage-class specifier (ISO C 6.2.2-5.)
    Version 2.5 (2008/11/17)
    • Each file's web page now provides links for generating compile-time, control, and data dependency graphs.
    • Identifier queries can now provide the functions where an identifier appears.
    • Bring in line the semantics of the include_next preprocessor directive with those of gcc.
    • Yacc identifiers now live in a separate namespace. Terminal symbols are still visible in C code as ordinary identifiers, but the potential for clashes between non-terminal names and C identifiers has been eliminated. This change also fixes the handling of rules for yacc untyped non-terminals, and the calculation of file-local identifier metric in yacc files.
    • The provided definition files match closer the gcc builtins.
    • The file details page now provides links for listing functions defined in the file and their call graph.
    • The main page and the individual file details pages now provide options for generating include graphs.
    • In file, function, and identifier queries one can now specify to exclude results from filenames matching a particular regular expression.
    • Take into account the appropriate order of CScout configuration directories when saving options.
    • CScout's web interface received a facelift, and many pages should now be clearer and easier to navigate.
    • The second tab appearing in a source code's line is now correctly expanded.
    • An option allows the addition of URLs in dot output.
    • Remove redundancy from the saved options file.
    Version 2.4 (2008/07/15)
    • The web front-end now includes support for a multiuser read-only browsing mode, and a log file.
    • The web front end now includes support for directory browsing.
    • The include_next gcc-specific directive now works correctly, even when preceded in its file by other include directives.
    • Allow macro directives inside a macro-function call. According to the C standard the behavior of this is undefined, but gcc preprocessor does the right thing.
    • The web front-end now provides functionality for refactoring the arguments of function calls. A template mechanism allows changing the order of function arguments, removing arguments, and introducing new ones.
    • The web front-end now provides functionality for hand-editing files.
    • Under Windows the specified read-only prefix is case and path separator insensitive.
    • Elements defined through the CScout definition file are now considered read-only.
    • Workspace compiler: Correctly handle scoping in nested units.
    • Workspace compiler: New readonly command for units other than files.
    • A new option controls the depth of call graphs.
    • Added functionality to interactively explore the tree of a function's calling and called functions.
    • The MIME type of SVG call graphs is now compatible Firefox's builtin SVG viewer.
    Version 2.3 (2008/04/07)
    • Each defined function is now associated with a comprehensive set of metrics. These appear in the function's page, can be queried against all functions, and are also summarized. This is a list of maintained function metrics.
      • Number of characters
      • Number of comment characters
      • Number of space characters
      • Number of line comments
      • Number of block comments
      • Number of lines
      • Maximum number of characters in a line
      • Number of character strings
      • Number of unprocessed lines
      • Number of C preprocessor directives
      • Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
      • Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
      • Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
      • Number of preprocessed tokens
      • Number of compiled tokens
      • Number of statements or declarations
      • Number of operators
      • Number of unique operators
      • Number of numeric constants
      • Number of character literals
      • Number of if statements
      • Number of else clauses
      • Number of switch statements
      • Number of case labels
      • Number of default labels
      • Number of break statements
      • Number of for statements
      • Number of while statements
      • Number of do statements
      • Number of continue statements
      • Number of goto statements
      • Number of return statements
      • Number of project-scope identifiers
      • Number of file-scope (static) identifiers
      • Number of macro identifiers
      • Total number of object and object-like identifiers
      • Number of unique project-scope identifiers
      • Number of unique file-scope (static) identifiers
      • Number of unique macro identifiers
      • Number of unique object and object-like identifiers
      • Number of global namespace occupants at function's top
      • Number of parameters
      • Maximum level of statement nesting
      • Number of goto labels
      • Fan-in (number of calling functions)
      • Fan-out (number of called functions)
      • Cyclomatic complexity (control statements)
      • Extended cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators)
      • Maximum cyclomatic complexity (includes branching operators and all switch branches)
      • Structure complexity (Henry and Kafura)
      • Halstead volume
      • Information flow metric (Henry and Selig)
    • A number of file-related metrics have been added:
      • Number of defined project-scope functions
      • Number of defined file-scope (static) functions
      • Number of defined project-scope variables
      • Number of defined file-scope (static) variables
      • Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members
      • Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members
      • Number of complete enumeration declarations
      • Number of declared enumeration elements
      • Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)
      • Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros
      • Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros
    • A new identifier query in the web interface lists function identifiers that should be made static.
    • Newlines in string literals are now reported as errors.
    • Trigraph support now disabled by default. It can be explicitly enabled through the new -3 switch.
    • The contents of the columns BASEFILEID and DEFINERID of the SQL table INCTRIGGERS were reversed. Their contents now correspond to their definitions.
    • Correct support for initializer designators in conjunction with serial initialization of aggregate elements.
    • Correctly unify identifiers in function declarations that are declared as static, and are subsequently defined without a storage class specifier.
    • Fixed a relatively rare error in the ordinal numbering of function name elements in the FUNCTIONID table.
    • The __alignof__ gcc extension now also supports expressions, in addition to types.
    • On 64-bit architectures fields containing pointers are stored in a BIGINT database field.
    • MySQL dumps now start with SET SESSION sql_mode=NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES. This prevents problems with the interpretation of backslashes stored in strings and comments.
    • Fixed syntax error when a typedef followed a structure initializer.
    • Put number of unprocessed lines in the database and print it as a warning.
    • Added support for Microsoft's __try __except __finally __leave extensions.
    • Correctly parse a labeled statement appearing in the then clause of an if statement. This change tightens-up the use of the (deprecated) gcc extension of allowing a label at the end of compound statement. Following the change, only a single label is allowed.
    • Type definitions in an else block are now correctly handled.
    • An enumeration list can be empty (Microsoft extension).
    • Correct processing of assembly line comments (starting with a ;) inside Microsoft inline assembly blocks.
    • Fix a potential crash when processing a project under the -r option.
    Version 2.2 (2006/09/29)
    • An new accompanying command, csmake can automatically generate CScout processing scripts by monitoring a project's build process.
    • Identical files in different locations are identified and presented in the file information page and through the file metrics.
    • Facility to display the call path from one function to another.
    • Identifiers occuring at the same place in identical files are considered to be the same.
    • All query results are presented through a page selection interface.
    • New option to display call graphs as GIF images avoiding the need for an SVG plugin for medium-sized graphs.
    • The SQL backend supports four additional tables: STRINGS, COMMENTS, FILEPOS, FILECOPIES.
    • Allow attribute declarations to follow labels (gcc extension).
    • Support indirect goto labels (gcc extension).
    • Support (ANSI-style) nested function definitions (gcc extension).
    • The macro expansion algorithm follows more closely the C standard specification.
    • Allow braces around scalar initializers (common extension).
    • Macro calls in function arguments now get recorded as calls from the enclosing function, rather than the function being called.
    • Significantly faster file post-processing for the web and the SQL interface in large projects.
    • Array designators can be denoted through a range (gcc extension).
    • Support for symbolic operands in gcc asm constructs.
    • Allow __typeof__ declarations to be preceded by type qualifiers.
    • Correctly handle __typeof__ of objects with a storage class within typedef declarations.
    • The order of include file searching now matches more closely that of other compilers: absolute file names are never searched in the include file path, and non-system files are first searched relative to the directory of the including file.
    • Allow empty initializers and compound literals. (gcc extension)
    • Support for the alignof operator (gcc extension)
    • The equals sign following an initializer designator is optional (gcc extension).
    • A declaration expression can be used as the first expression of a for statement. (C99)
    • __typeof can also have as its argument a type name
    • Support for designators in compound literals. (C99)
    • Correctly handle preprocessing tokens with values close to UINT_MAX.
    • Correctly evaluate preprocessor expressions involving a mixture of signed and unsigned values.
    • Correct handling of logical OR and logical AND preprocessor expressions.
    • In query results of files sorted by a metric, groups of files with the same value had only one member of the group displayed. This has now been fixed.
    • Correct handling of implicit function declarations.
    • Correct handling of character constants containg a double-quote character when collecting metrics, database dumping, and obfuscating.
    • Function declarations appearing in multiple identical files now appear as a single function.
    • Correct operation when the same project is encountered in the input more than once.
    • Correctly support the index[array] construct.
    • Correct typing of arithmetic involving arrays.
    • Will not register function typedefs as function declarations.
    • Don't issue an error message when a # appears in a skipped #error message
    • Correct handling of C99 nested initialization designators.
    • More consistent support for gcc keyword synonyms, such as __inline and __restrict__.
    • Correct expansion of a macro following a token named after a function-like macro.
    • The supplied gcc definition files contain support for the __builtin_expect function.
    • Correct operation of typedefs involving a __typeof construct.
    • Will not report unneeded included files for (the rare case of) compilation unit source files that are also included in other compilation units. The unused included file report for such cases could incorrectly identify files that were required for compilation as unneeded.
    • Support for the C99 _Bool data type.
    Version 2.1 (2005/05/14)
    • The mixing of NULL with object pointers in conditional expressions is now closer to the ANSI C rules.
    • Support for the C99 restrict and inline keywords.
    • An identifier declared with an extern storage-class specifier in a scope in which a static declaration of that identifier is visible will inherit that static declaration without an error.
    • Allow struct/union declarations with only an empty declaration list (gcc extension).
    • Correct preprocessing of floating-point numbers starting with a decimal point.
    • Correctly handle the remainder operator in C preprocessor expressions.
    • Allow absolute filename specifications in all #include directives.
    • Report writable files that a given file must include.
    • Facility to review and selectively deactivate identifier substitutions.
    • A new option allows a regular expression to control the location where modified files will be written.
    • File, identifier, and function queries, display the number of elements matched.
    • Correct handling of the read-only pragma under Win32 platforms.
    • Will not report (erroneous) file metrics for empty file sets.
    • Accept gcc synonyms __typeof__, __label, and __attribute.
    • Correctly handle structure initializations through typedefs that were initially declared with an incomplete structure tag.
    • Correctly calculate metrics in files with *-decorated block comments.
    • Correctly deduce writable Unix files.
    • Correctly identify as the same a function whose name is composed through token concatenation, and occurs in two projects.
    Version 2.0 (2004/07/31)
    • Monitor calls across functions and macros, generating call graphs in various formats, including hyperlinked SVGs. A new category provides canned and customized queries on functions and macros.
    • Monitor parts of files not processed due to conditional compilation. The results are available as a new file metric category. In addition, unprocessed parts can be identified in source listings in a different color.
    • Global options can be saved to a file, and loaded from it on startup.
    • File queries can now specify a sorting order for the file results.
    • A new file query lists files with unprocessed lines, ordered by the number of unprocessed lines.
    • The presentation of file lists has been improved
    • Will not report unused included files that are included with the same directive that also includes used files. This can happen when the same file is compiled multiple times with different include paths or when a file is included by expanding a macro. Problem spotted by Alexios Zavras in the FreeBSD kernel report.
    • Allow typedefed pointers and arrays to be further qualified with e.g. const or volatile. Problem reported by Walter Briscoe.
    • The second argument of a conditional expression can be omitted (gcc extension).
    • Fix assertion generated when processing a yacc file without having defined a yyparse function.
    Version 1.16 (2003/08/27)
    • Declarations can be intermixed with statements (C99).
    • __typeof can have as its argument an expression and not only an identifier.
    • Support for C99 variable number of arguments preprocessor macros.
    • Allow case expression ranges (gcc extension).
    • Recognise __atribute__(__unused__) for determining which identifiers should not be reported as unused (gcc extension).
    • Command-line option to generate a wrongly scoped identifier and unused include file and identifier warning report.
    • Separate identifier attribute for enumeration constants. This allows us stop incorrectly categorizing them as having global (compilation unit) visibility.
    • Error reporting format is now compatible with gcc.
    • Dereferencing a function yields a function (common extension).
    • Command-line option to process the file and exit.
    • Document processing of the FreeBSD kernel.
    • Correct typing of assembly-annotated declarators.
    • Fixed assertion failure that could be caused when parts of concatenated identifiers were no longer available (e.g. when processing files with the -m T option.)
    • Correct handling of macro parameters that match other macros and are followed by a concatenation operator (they were erroneously replaced).
    • Add workaround for gcc __builtin_va_copy in the provided definition files.
    • Corrected the handling of main() in the example definition files.
    Version 1.15 (2003/08/06)
    • Plugged another memory leak. All remaining memory leaks are caused by STL caching and should be of a constant overhead.
    Version 1.14 (2003/08/03)
    • Support locally declared labels (__label__) (gcc extension).
    • Allow statement labels without a following statement (gcc extension).
    • Allow assignment to case expressions (common extension)
    • Support C99 initialization designators.
    • Support aggregate member initialization using the member: value syntax (gcc extension)
    • Major memory leak plugged (a missing virtual destructor). Cscout will now consume about 7 times less memory.
    • In #if and #elif directives expand macros before processing the defined operator.
    • Support the vararg preprocessor macro syntax (gcc extension).
    • Allow empty member declarations in aggregates (gcc extension).
    • Allow the declaration of empty structures or unions (gcc extension).
    • An __asm__ declaration can be used instead of a function's body (gcc).
    • Correct typing of the conditional operator's return type when one argument is a pointer and the other NULL.
    • New -m option to specify identifiers to track. Enormous memory savings at the expense of unsound operation.
    • Display an error when a file does not end with a newline
    • Allow yacc %union declaration to end with a ;
    • Accept the #ident preprocessor directive (gcc extension)
    • Fixed preprocessor bug: multiple expansions of the same function-like macro inside another macro would fail.
    • Correctly handle concatenation of empty macro arguments.
    • Correctly handle function prototypes inside old-style argument declarations.
    • Do not replace strings or characters matching the name of a macro formal argument.
    • Accept an empty translation unit (common extension).
    • Adding a pointer to an integer now correctly yields a pointer (adding an integer to a pointer already worked correctly)
    • Support C99 compound literals.
    • Correct typing of compound statements as expressions (gcc extension)
    • Improved configuration definition files for the GNU C compiler
    Version 1.13 (2003/07/07)
    • Handle GNU __asm__ extension with a single operand
    • -d options to cswc for specifying configuration directory
    • -p command-line option to specify the web server port
    • Small corrections in the FreeBSD definition files.
    • Intel IA-64 and AMD-64 support
    Version 1.12 (2003/06/23)
    • New query: writable identifiers that should be made static
    • URLs now work on 64-bit architectures
    • Improved distribution format
    • Sun SPARC-64 support
    Version 1.10 (2003/06/22)
    • Allow GNU __asm__ statements with a single operand.
    • GNU __asm__ statements can also appear at file scope.
    • Accept older "name = {action statements}" yacc syntax.
    • Can handle untyped yacc specifications.
    • Correctly handle struct/union type specifier followed by a type qualifier.
    • Small corrections in the supplied definition files.
    Version 1.9 (2003/06/19)
    • Now distributed with ready-to-run example; the awk source code. No setup required, just unpack the distribution and run.
    • Can now also process yacc files
    • Fixed syntax error in workspace compiler source code
    • Correctly documented -P switch as -E
    • Added stdlib.h generic header
    Version 1.8 (2003/06/16)
    First public release
