Audit Type | Reason |
New System Installation Security Audits | Ensure conformance to existing policies and a standard system configuration. |
Regular Automated System Audit Checks | Reveal a "visitation" by an intruder or illicit activity by insiders. |
Random Security Audit Checks |
Nightly Audits of Critical Files |
User Account Activity Audits | Detect dormant, invalid, misused accounts. |
Periodic audits and vulnerability assessments | Determine overall state of your security infrastructure. |
Computer Emergency Responce Team for the Greek National Research Network
E-Mail: (
Network Operations Center, University of the Aegean, 30 Voulgaroktonou str, Athens 114 72, Greece
Telephone: +30 - 210 - 649 - 2056
Telefax: +30 - 210 - 649 - 2499
World Wide Web: (
Network Management Center
National Technical University of Athens
Iroon Polytechnioy 9
Zografou, GR 157 80
phone [+30-210] 772.1860
fax [+30-210] 772.1866 (