Web sites
- Freshmeat,Sourceforge.
These two Web sites are hubs hosting thousands of open source projects.
Developers can use them to search for software to reuse, browse the
corresponding forums and mailing lists, and download packages.
- The Open Source Initiative.
The open source home page. It includes a list with all software
licenses that classify a software distribution as open source and also
a list of successful open source projects.
The LAMP Model is a widely used recipe for implementing dynamic Web
sites. It entails using the GNU/Linux operating system; the Apache Web
Server; the MySQL Database Engine; and Perl, Python, or PHP as a
scripting language. The model demonstrates how you can use open source
to implement Web-based enterprise systems.
- MIT.
The open source directory maintained by the MIT Sloan School of
Management includes a large catalog of scientific publications related
to open source.
- Free & Open Source Software @ Greece.
- Finally, a of sources of interesting reading are listed at the
daemon web site.