Posts Tagged Programming


An exception handling revelation

I’ve been working with exceptions offered by languages, such as Java and Python, for more than 20 years, invariably as their consumer: catching them when raised by an API and then doing my thing. For the systems I worked on, exception handling mostly involved either quitting the program with an error or re-prompting the user to fix some input. Consequently, my view of them was as a fancy error handling mechanism: syntactic sugar and static enforcement for checking a function’s successful completion. Recently, I refactored the error handling in Alexandria3k, a library and a command-line tool providing efficient relational query access to diverse publication open data sets. Through this the full power of exceptions clicked for me. I suspect that others may share my previously limited appreciation of exception handling, so here is a brief description of the refactoring.

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Extending the life of TomTom wearables

TomTom recently announced it would stop operating their supporting infrastructure by the end of September following its earlier decision to exit the wearables market. This means that its products, such as sports watches, will become effectively useless, as they will no longer be able to export their activities and sync them with tracker sites. Throwing away an otherwise fine watch only because its maker decided to shut down its proprietary infrastructure seems like a sad waste. Here is how you can download the watch’s data and upload it to Strava, a popular activity tracker, using open source software.

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Convert file I/O into pipe I/O with /dev/fd

Some Unix commands read data from files or write data to files, without offering an obvious way to use them as part of a pipeline. How can you write a program to interact with such a command in a streaming fashion? This would allow your program and the command run concurrently, without the storage and I/O overhead of a temporary file. You could create and use a named pipe, but this is a clunky solution, requiring you to create and destroy a unique underlying file name. Here’s a better approach.

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Debugging had to be discovered!

I start my Communications of the ACM article titled Modern debugging techniques: The art of finding a needle in a haystack (accessible from this page without a paywall) with the following remarkable quote. “As soon as we started programming, […] we found to our surprise that it wasn’t as easy to get programs right as we had thought it would be. […] Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant […] when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs.” A Google search for this phrase returns close to 3000 results, but most of them are cryptically attributed as “Maurice Wilkes, discovers debugging, 1949”. For a scholarly article I knew I had to do better than that.

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An Embarrassing Failure

My colleague Georgios Gousios and I are studying the impact of software engineering research in practice. As part of our research, we identified award-winning and highly-cited papers, and asked their authors to complete an online survey. Each survey was personalized with the author’s name and the paper’s title and publication venue. After completing a trial and a pilot run, I decided to contact the large number of remaining authors. This is when things started going horribly wrong.

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Of BOOL and stdbool

The C99 standard has added to the C programming language a Boolean type, _Bool and the bool alias for it. How well does this type interoperate with the Windows SDK BOOL type? The answer is, not at all well, and here’s the complete story.

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Debugging in Practice: dgsh Issue 85

Fixing an insidious bug in the new Unix directed graph shell dgsh allowed me to demonstrate in practice 10 of the 66 principles, techniques, and tools I describe in the book Effective Debugging. Almost all steps all documented in the corresponding issue and commits. Here’s a detailed retrospective.

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Modular SQL Queries with Unit Tests

I’m sure I’m not the only person on earth facing a complex and expensive analytical processing task. The one I’ve been working on for the past couple of years, runs on the GHTorrent 98.5 GB data set of GitHub process data. It comprises 99 SQL queries (2599 lines of SQL code in total) and takes more than 20 hours to run on a hefty server. To make the job’s parts run efficiently and reliably I implemented simple-rolap, a bare-bones relational online analytical processing tool suite. To ensure the queries produce correct results, I wrote RDBUnit, a unit testing framework for relational database queries. Here is a quick overview on how to use the two.

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The Road to Debugging Success

A colleague recently asked me how to debug a Linux embedded system that crashed in the Unix shell (and only there), when its memory got filled through the buffer cache. He added that when he emptied the buffer cache the crash no longer occurred.

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First, Do No Harm

Let’s face it: not all software developers are superstar programmers (and, trust me, not all luminary developers program in a sane way.) This means that when we maintain existing code, we must be very careful to avoid breaking or degrading the system we work on. Why? Because a failure of a running system can affect operations, people, profits, property, and sometimes even lives. Here are the rules.

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The Frictionless Development Environment Scorecard

The environment we work in as developers can make a tremendous difference on our productivity and well-being. I’ve often seen myself get trapped in an unproductive setup through a combination of inertia, sloth, and entropy. Sometimes I put-off investing in new, better tools, at other times I avoid the work required to automate a time-consuming process, and, also, as time goes by, changes in my environment blunt the edge of my setup. I thus occasionally enter into a state where my productivity suffers death by a thousand cuts. I’ve also seen the same situation when working with colleagues: cases where to achieve a simple task they waste considerable time and energy jumping through multiple hoops.

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Differential Debugging

If estimating the time needed for implementing some software is difficult, coming up with a figure for the time required to debug it is nigh on impossible. Bugs can lurk in the most obscure corners of the system, or even in the crevices of third-party libraries and components. Ask some developers for a time estimate, and don’t be surprised if an experienced one snaps back, “I’ve found the bug when I’ve found the bug.” Thankfully, there are some tools that allow methodical debugging, thereby giving you a sense of progress and a visible target. A method I’ve come to appreciate over the past few months is differential debugging. Under it, you compare a known good system with the buggy one, working toward the problem source.

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Portability: Goodies vs. the hair shirt

“I don’t know what the language of the year 2000 will look like, but I know it will be called Fortran”

— Tony Hoare

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Systems Software

Systems software is the low-level infrastructure that applications run on: the operating systems, language runtimes, libraries, databases, application servers, and many other components that churn our bits 24/7. It’s the mother of all code. In contrast to application software, which is constructed to meet specific use cases and business objectives, systems software should be able to serve correctly any reasonable workload. Consequently, it must be extremely reliable and efficient. When it works like that, it’s a mighty tool that lets applications concentrate on meeting their users’ needs. When it doesn’t, the failures are often spectacular. Let’s see how we go about creating such software.

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Systems Code

If I program in many high and low-level languages, but dont write systems code, I am a quiche programmer or a code monkey. And if my code runs without errors, and I know the complexity of all algorithms; and if my servers have hundreds of cores and gigabytes of RAM, but dont write systems code, I am nothing. And if I run the hippest kernel, and install the neatest apps, but dont write systems code, it profiteth me nothing.

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The Importance of Being Declarative

A declarative programming style focuses on what you want your program to do rather than how to perform the task. Through diverse programming techniques, libraries, and specialized languages, you end up with code that sidesteps nitty-gritty implementation details, dealing instead with a task’s big picture.

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APIs, Libraries, and Code

Let’s say you want to display a JPEG-compressed image, calculate Pearson’s correlation coefficient, parse an XML file, or create a key-value store. You can often choose between using the functionality of the application’s platform (Java EE or .NET), calling one of several available external libraries, or writing the code on your own. It isn’t an easy choice because you have many factors to consider. Specifically, you must take into account the task’s complexity, as well as the licensing, quality, and support of competing alternatives. See how you can narrow down your choice by eliminating alternatives at the earliest possible decision point.

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Programming Languages vs. Fat Fingers

A substitution of a comma with a period in project Mercury's working Fortran code compromised the accuracy of the results, rendering them unsuitable for longer orbital missions. How probable are such events and how does a programming language's design affect their likelihood and severity? In a paper I recently presented at the 4th Annual International Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools I showed results obtained by randomly perturbing similar programs written in diverse languages to see whether the compiler or run-time system would detect those changes as errors, or whether these would end-up generating incorrect output.

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How to Calculate an Operation's Memory Consumption

How can you determine how much memory is consumed by a specific operation of a Unix program? Valgrind's Massif subsystem could help you in this regard, but it can be difficult to isolate a specific operation from Massif's output. Here is another, simpler way.

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Refactoring on the Cheap

The refactorings that a good integrated development environment can perform are impressive. Yet, there are many reasons to master some cheap-and-cheerful alternative approaches. First, there will always be refactorings that your IDE won’t support. Also, although your IDE might offer excellent refactoring support for some programming languages, it could fall short on others. Modern projects increasingly mix and match implementation languages, and switching to a specialized IDE for each language is burdensome and inefficient. Finally, IDE-provided refactorings resemble an intellectual straightjacket. If you only know how to use the ready-made refactorings, you’ll miss out on opportunities for other code improvements.

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Faking it

This column is about a tool we no longer have: the continuous rise of the CPU clock frequency. We were enjoying this trend for decades, but in the past few years, progress stalled. CPUs are no longer getting faster because their makers can’t handle the heat of faster-switching transistors. Furthermore, increasing the CPU’s sophistication to execute our instructions more cleverly has hit the law of diminishing returns. Consequently, CPU manufacturers now package the constantly increasing number of transistors they can fit onto a chip into multiple cores—processing elements—and then ask us developers to put the cores to good use.

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How I Dealt with Student Plagiarism

Panos Ipeirotis, a colleague at the NYU Stern School of Business, received considerable media attention when, in a blog post he subsequently removed, he discussed how his aggressive use of plagiarism detection software on student assignments poisoned the classroom atmosphere and tanked his teaching evaluations. As detailed in a story posted on the Chronicle of Higher Education blog, Mr. Ipeirotis proposes instead that professors should design assignments that cannot be plagiarized. Along these lines here are two methods I've used in the past.

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Code Verification Scripts

Which of my classes contain instance variables? Which classes call the method userGet, but don't call the method userRegister? These and similar questions often come up when you want to verify that your code is free from some errors. For example, instance variable can be a problem in servlet classes. Or you may have found a bug related to the userGet and userRegister methods, and you want to look for other places where this occurs. Your IDE is unlikely to answer such questions, and this is where a few lines in the Unix shell can save you hours of frustration.

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Choosing and Using Open Source Components

The developers of the SQLite open source database engine estimate that it’s deployed in roughly half a billion systems around the world (users include Airbus, Google, and Skype). Think of the hundreds of thousands of open source components, just one click away from you. If you know how to choose and use them effectively , your project can benefit mightily.

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elytS edoC

Sure, you can write English right to left. You can also write software code to look like a disc or even a train (see and 1986/marshall.c). However, you can’t then complain when you have to fight with your magazine’s editor or production staff about accepting your column’s title for publication, or if your colleagues refuse to touch your code with a 10-foot pole. Writing code in a readable and consistent style is difficult, uninteresting, tedious, underappreciated, and, extremely important.

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Farewell to Disks

A classic web-comic illustrates how idle Wikipedia browsing can lead us from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to Fatal hilarity (and worse). The comic doesn’t show the path leading from A to B, and finding it is an interesting challenge—think how you would engineer a system that could answer such questions. I believe that this problem and a solution I’ll present demonstrate some programming tools and techniques that will become increasingly important in the years to come.

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Sane vim Editing of Unicode Files

Being able to use plain alphabeitc keys as editing commands is for many of us a great strength of the vi editor. It allows us to edit without hunting for the placement of the various movement keys on each particular keyboard, and, most of the time, without having to juggle in order to combine particular keys with ctrl or alt. However, this advantage can turn into a curse when editing files using a non-ASCII keyboard layout. When the keyboard input method is switched to another script (Greek in my case, or, say, Cyrillic for others) vi will stop responding to its normal commands, because it will encounter unknown characters. Here is how I've dealt with this problem.

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Code Documentation

Technical prose is almost immortal.

— Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

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Software Tracks

A generous car reviewer might praise a vehicle’s handling by writing that it turns as if it’s running on railroad tracks. Indeed, tracks offer guidance and support. When you run on tracks you can carry more weight, you can run faster, and you can’t get lost. That’s why engineers, from early childhood to old age, get hooked on trains. Can we get our software to run on tracks?

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Applied Code Reading: Debugging FreeBSD Regex

When the code we're trying to read is inscrutable, inserting print statements and running various test cases can be two invaluable tools. Earlier today I fixed a tricky problem in the FreeBSD regular expression library. The code, originally written by Henry Spencer in the early 1990s, is by far the most complex I've ever encountered. It implements sophisticated algorithms with minimal commenting. Also, to avoid code repetition and increase efficiency, the 1200 line long main part of the regular expression execution engine is included in the compiled C code three times after modifying various macros to adjust the code's behavior: the first time the code targets small expressions and operates with bit masks on long integers, the second time the code handles larger expressions by storing its data in arrays, and the third time the code is also adjusted to handle multibyte characters. Here is how I used test data and print statements to locate and fix the problem.

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Job Security

My colleague, who works for a major equipment vendor, was discussing how his employer was planning to lay off hundreds of developers over the coming months. “But I’m safe,” he said, “as I’m one of the two people in our group who really understand the code.” It seems that writing code that nobody else can comprehend can be a significant job security booster. Here’s some advice.

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Applied Code Reading: GNU Plotutils

Robert, a UMLGraph user sent me an email describing a problem with the GNU plotutils SVG output on Firefox. I firmly believe that code reading is a lot easier than many think: one can easily fix most software problems without detailed knowledge of the underlying system. I therefore decided to practice what I preach.

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A Tiny Review of Scala

Earlier today I finished reading the Programming in Scala book. My review of the book should appear soon in the site and the ACM Computing Reviews. Here I outline briefly my view of the Scala language.

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Fixing the Orientation of JPEG Photographs

I used to fix the orientation of my photographs through an application that would transpose the compressed JPEG blocks. This had the advantage of avoiding the image degradation of a decompression and a subsequent compression.

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A Tiling Demo

Over the past (too many) days I've been preparing my presentation for the ACCU 2009 conference. At one point I wanted to show how loop tiling increases locality of reference and therefore cache hits. Surprisingly, I could not find a demo on the web, so I built one from scratch. Here are two applets demonstrating memory accesses during a matrix raise to the power of two operation.

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Precision in Comments

As I was writing some code for the CScout refactoring browser today, I reflected on the importance of writing precise and clear comments.

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Start With the Most Difficult Part

There’s not a lot you can change in the process of constructing a building. You must lay the foundation before you erect the upper floors, and you can’t paint without having the walls in place. In software, we’re blessed with more freedom.

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The Information Train

Experiment overview The Information Train is a scientific experiment that I presented at the Wizards of Science 2009 contest over the past weekend. The entry demonstrates how computers communicate with each other by setting up a network in which a model train transfers a picture's pixels from one computer to the other. You can find a video of the experiment on YouTube, and, if you're interested, you can also download the corresponding software and schematics from this web page.

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Beautiful Architecture

What are the ingredients of robust, elegant, flexible, and maintainable software architecture? Over the past couple of years, my colleague Georgios Gousios and I worked on answering this question through a collection of intriguing essays from more than a dozen of today's leading software designers and architects.

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The World's Smallest Domain-Specific Language

Domain-specific languages, also known as little languages, allow us to express knowledge in a form close to the problem at hand. In contrast to general-purpose languages, like Java or C++, they are specialized for a narrow domain. Earlier today I wanted to initialize a rectangular array of Boolean values to represent the stick figure of a human. For that I devised a tiny domain-specific language (DSL) consisting of two symbols (representing an on and an off pixel) and wrote its commensurably simple interpreter.

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A Well-Tempered Pipeline

I am studying the use of open source software in industry. One way to obtain empirical data is to look at the operating systems and browsers used by the Fortune 1000 companies by examining browser logs. I obtained a list of the Fortune 1000 domains and wrote a pipeline to summarize results by going through this site's access logs.

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The Value of Computing Paradigm Diversity

Today I wrote a combinatorial optimization algorithm to match members of pair programming teams according to the psychological traits of each pair's members. The program appeared to rearrange the initial random allocation of pairs in a way that might match my specifications. However, as I'll use this allocation for an experiment that I'll be able to perform only once, I realized that I wanted to carefully verify the results. How does one verify the operation of such a program?

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A Look at Zero-Defect Code

The US National Security Agency has released a case study showing how to develop zero-defect code in a cost-effective manner. The researchers of the project conclude that, if adopted widely, the practices advocated in the case study could help make commercial software programs more reliable and less vulnerable. I examined a small part of the case study's code, and was not impressed.

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Suspend Windows from the Command Line

I used to leave my computer up all night, but I've come to realize that this is ecologically unsound. Now I suspend it before going to sleep, but this missed running a daily job that used to run at 03:00 am. The job marks my students' exercises and send me email with the next day's appointments. I thus decided to schedule the task to wakeup my computer at 3:00 am, run the job, and then suspend it again. The Windows scheduler allows you to specify a wakeup option, but not a subsequent suspend. Furthermore, it seems that Windows lacks a way to suspend from the command line (while maintaining the ability to hibernate), and the only free tools on the web are distributed in executable form, so I ended writing a small tool myself.

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Web Services Come of Age

For years I've reacted to the hype surrounding web services with skepticism. I found SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI to be too complex and brittle for wide deployment, and I also wondered what types of services could be better provided over the web rather than locally. A new excellent developer site, Stack Overflow, answers both of my concerns.

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Saving the Editor's History

I recently spent a few days writing some tricky bit-twiddling code to implement a radix tree. I found myself making many programming mistakes, and I thought it would be interesting to study them, examine their contributing factors, and think how each of them could be prevented.

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The Way We Program

If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.

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Software Builders

The tools and processes we use to transform our system’s source code into an application we can deploy or ship were always important, but nowadays they can mean the difference between success and failure. The reasons are simple: larger code bodies, teams that are bigger, more fluid, and wider distributed, richer interactions with other code, and sophisticated tool chains. All these mean that a slapdash software build process will be an endless drain on productivity and an embarrassing source of bugs, while a high-quality one will give us developers more time and traction to build better software.

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Assigning Responsibility

Over the past few days I worked over a large code body correcting various accumulated errors and style digressions. When I finished I wanted to see who wrote the original lines. (It turned out I was not entirely innocent.)

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A Minute Minute Minder

Today I delivered the opening keynote address at the 4th Panhellenic Conference on Computer Science Education. For a number of reasons (more on that later) I wanted to keep track of my progress during the presentation. For this I put together a minute minder that displayed the time from the presentation's start and the slide I should be in. I could thus adjust my pace to finish as planned.

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Using and Abusing XML

Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.

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The Mysterious TreeMap Type Signature

For my lecture notes on file handling I wrote a small Java program to display the number of characters that fall in each Unicode block, and got bitten by an unexpected runtime error. Angelika Langer, a wizard of Java Generics, kindly provided me with an explanation of the JDK design, which I'd like to share.

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Rational Metaprogramming

Metaprogramming, using programs to manipulate other programs, is as old as programming. From self-modifying machine code in early computers to expressions involving partially applied functions in modern functional-programming languages, metaprogramming is an essential part of an advanced programmer’s arsenal.

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The Relativity of Performance Improvements

Today, after receiving a 1.7MB daily security log message containing thousands of ssh failed login attempts from bots around the world, I decided I had enough. I enabled IPFW to a FreeBSD system I maintain, and added a script to find and block the offending IP addresses. In the process I improved the script's performance. The results of the improvement were unintuitive.

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Curing MIDlet Bluetooth Disconnects

Over the last few days I've been writing a MIDlet to collect GPS coordinates and cell identifiers. I'm doing this in an effort to look at what algorithms might be needed in order to implement something similar to Google's My Location service. Here is a Google Earth example of the data I'm collecting. Yesterday, I reached a point where I was collecting all the information I needed, but the program was often plagued by random disconnections of the Bluetooth link to the GPS.

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Many Ways to Skin a Window

Every couple of years, users of a Microsoft Windows application I wrote a long time ago start complaining that the application crashes when they exit from it. Every time it turns out that the reason is a Windows message that tells the application's main window to close in a way that was not originally foreseen.

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On Paper

A box of crayons and a big sheet of paper provides a more expressive medium for kids than computerized paint programs.

— Clifford Stoll

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A Programmer's Bookshelf

A first year student at a nearby university wrote to me asking for advice on becoming a hacker (according ESR's definition, he clarified). He sent me a laundry-list of 18 programming languages he aimed to learn by the time he graduated, and asked for other recommendations. I've learned a lot from reading books, so I compiled two reading lists for him.

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Abstraction and Variation

“Master, a friend told me today that I should never use the editor’s copy-paste functions when programming,” said the young apprentice. “I thought the whole point of programming tools was to make our lives easier,” he continued.

The Master stroked his long grey beard and pressed the busy button on his phone. This was going to be one of those long, important discussions.

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Palindromic Palindrome Checking

Stan Kelly-Bootle's column in the April 2007 ACM Queue, titled Ode or Code? — Programmers Be Mused!, was as always very enjoyable. However, I found its ending, a C function that returns true when given a palindromic string (e.g. ABCCBA), anticlimactic. The function given is recursive; I was expecting it to be palindromic. How difficult can it be to write such a function?

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Using the Open-Sourced Java Platform

Having access to a system's source code is liberating. I've felt this since I first laid my eyes on the source code of the 9th Edition Unix in 1988, and I saw this again as I used the freshly open-sourced Java platform to implement a UMLGraph feature that has been bugging me for more than a month.

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I Spy

Knowledge is power.

—Sir Francis Bacon

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Software Development Productivity Award

Yesterday, at the 17th annual Jolt Product Excellence and Productivity Awards my book Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective won a Software Development Productivity Award in the Technical Books category.

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Software Rejuvenation is Counterproductive

In the February issue of the Computer magazine Grottke and Trivedi propose four strategies for fighting bugs that are difficult to detect and reproduce. Retrying an operation and replicating software are indeed time-honored and practical solutions. When coupled with appropriate logging, they may allow an application to continue functioning, while also alerting its maintainers that something is amiss. On the other hand, the proposal to restart applications at regular intervals (rejuvenation as the authors call it), doesn't allow us to find latent bugs, sweeping them instead under the carpet. This lowers the bar on the quality we expect from software, and will doubtless result in a higher density of bugs and increasingly complicated failure modes.

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A Peek at Beautiful Code

An exciting new book is about to hit the shelves, and I consider myself very lucky to be among its contributors. Beautiful Code, subtitled "leading programmers explain how they think", contains 33 chapters where contributors describe some code they consider noteworthy. Although I don't consider myself worthy of the book's subtitle, I love coding, and I'm extremely happy that code is taking the leading role among such an illustrious cast. Here is the complete table of the book's contents.

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The Escape of a Small Program

C. A. R. Hoare's Law of Large Programs states that inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out. The parking receipt I got yesterday returning from a SQO-OSS meeting proves this fact.

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The Return of Performance Engineering and Trendy Programmers

In the 1950s, when processor cycle times were measured in microseconds, algorithm design and clever programming could make or break an application. These fields continued to be popular in the 1960s and 1970s, because widespread computers were used to attack ever larger problems. Programming was a hip and trendy occupation. Today's $500 computers operating on GHz clocks allow anybody who has (just about) mastered the syntax of a programming language to write code that drives dynamic web sites serving hundreds of transactions each minute. Managers consider code a commodity, and enrollments to computer science degrees are dwindling. However, change is in the air.

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Research in Domain Specific Languages

My research colleague Vassilis Karakoidas is working on better programming support for domain specific languages (DSLs). Today he claimed that DSLs were hyped during 1998-2002, and now interest has waned.

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Code Finessing

When I set out to apply CScout on the Linux kernel source code, I discovered that it failed to correctly expand a couple of C macros, causing the analysis to fail. This prompted me to reimplement CScout's macro expansion using a precise functional specification, then optimize the code's severe degradation in time performance, and finally tidy up the optimized code mess.

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Cross Compiling

Cross compiling software on a host platform to run on a different target used to be an exotic stunt to be performed by the brave and desperate. One had first to configure and build the compiler, assembler, archiver, and linker for the different architecture, then cross-build the other architecture's libraries, and finally the software. This week, while preparing a new release of the CScout refactoring browser I realized that what was once a feat is nowadays a routine operation.

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Choosing a Collection: A Discussion with Kent Beck

Recently I reviewed the mansucript of Kent Beck's upcoming book Implementation Patterns. I will certainly put it in the list of books any professional programmer should read. When discussing collections (containers in C++ STL parlance), Kent mentions that his overall strategy for performance coding with collections is to use the simplest possible implementation at first and pick a more specialized collection class when it becomes necessary. My view is that we should choose the most efficient implementation from the start. With prepackaged collections this doesn't have any cost associated with it, and it avoids nasty surprises when a dataset increases beyond the size the programmer envisaged. I added a comment to that effect in my review, and later I sent him an email with a supporting citation, which kindled an interesting exchange. I reproduce our email exchange here, with his permission.

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The Verbosity of Object-Oriented Code

As I refactored a piece of code from an imperative to an object-oriented style I increased its clarity and reusability, but I also trippled its size. This worries me.

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UML Class Diagrams from C++ Code

I needed a UML class diagram of the classes I use in the implementation of CScout refactoring browser. I drew the last such diagram on paper about four years ago, so it was definitely out of date. I always say that whenever possible documentation should be automatically generated from the code, so I decided to automate the task.

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Open Source and Professional Advancement

Doing really first-class work, and knowing it, is as good as wine, women (or men) and song put together.

— Richard Hamming

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Choosing a Programming Language

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do.

— Dennis M. Ritchie

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Debuggers and Logging Frameworks

As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn't as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered.

— Maurice Wilkes discovers debugging, 1949

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Xerces v Flex

What is the fastest way to process and XML file? I was faced with this question when I recently wanted to process a 452GiB XML file; for this amount of data speed matters. Some obvious choices were XML libraries, hand-crafted code, and lexical analyzer generators.

Continue reading "Xerces v Flex"

Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective

My new book Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective got published, three years after I started writing it. The book owes more to open source software than any of the books dealing with Linux, PHP, Apache, Perl or any other book covering a specific technology.

Continue reading "Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective"

Efficiency Will Always Matter

Many claim that today's fast CPUs and large memory capacities make time-proven technologies that efficiently harness a computer's power irrelevant. I beg to differ, and my experience in the last three days demonstrated that technologies that originated in the 70s still have their place today.

Continue reading "Efficiency Will Always Matter"

Bug Busters

Although only a few may originate a policy, we are all able to judge it.

— Pericles of Athens

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A General-Purpose Swap Macro

A couple of days ago I came up with a general-purpose macro for swapping values in C programs. My colleague Panagiotis Louridas suggested an improvement, and this prompted me to see the two macros got compiled.

Continue reading "A General-Purpose Swap Macro"

If STL Had Been Designed by a Committee

I've been reading on XML schema, and it's embarrassingly obvious that it has been designed by a committee.

Continue reading "If STL Had Been Designed by a Committee"

How to Sort Three Numbers

Quick: how do you sort three numbers in ascending order?

Continue reading "How to Sort Three Numbers"

Supporting Java's Foreach Construct

Java 1.5 supports a new foreach construct for iterating over collections. The construct can be used on arrays and on all classes in Java's Collection framework. I searched the internet for an example on how to make my own classes iterable with this construct, but could not find an example.

Continue reading "Supporting Java's Foreach Construct"

C++0X Enhancement: Rational Metaprogramming

In a recent article Bjarne Stroustrup presented the evolution of C++ toward the 0X standard, and asked the C++ community for ideas regarding C++ enhancements. This is a proposal to add to C++ support for rational metaprogramming.

Continue reading "C++0X Enhancement: Rational Metaprogramming"

GCC Obfuscated Code

For years I've struggled to understand the GNU compiler collection internals, I am ashamed to say, without much success. I always thought that the subject was intrinsically too complicated for me, but after struggling to understand a two line gcc code snippet of a fairly simple operation for more than two minutes, I realized that the code style may have something to do with my problems.

Continue reading "GCC Obfuscated Code"

C++0X Enhancement: Packaged Libraries

In a recent article Bjarne Stroustrup presented the evolution of C++ toward the 0X standard, and asked the C++ community for ideas regarding C++ enhancements. This is a proposal to add to C++ support for using packaged libraries, and a standardizing a library distribution format.

Continue reading "C++0X Enhancement: Packaged Libraries"

Tool Writing: A Forgotten Art?

Merely adding features does not make it easier for users to do things—it just makes the manual thicker. The right solution in the right place is always more effective than haphazard hacking.

— Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike

Continue reading "Tool Writing: A Forgotten Art?"

XML Abstraction at the Wrong Level

Over the last month I've encountered two applications that use XML at the wrong level of abstraction. Instead of tailoring the schema to their needs, they use a very abstract schema, and encode their elements at a meta level within the XML data. This approach hinders the verification and manipulation of the corresponding XML files.

Continue reading "XML Abstraction at the Wrong Level"

Today's Dynamic is Tomorrow's Static

Today at the IEEE Software's editorial and advisory board meeting, the issue of service-oriented architectures came up. Robert Glass wondered whether this was the upcoming fad, following structured programming and object-oriented programming, to which Stan Rifkin replied that service-oriented architectures are a lot more dynamic. Interestingly, the previous approaches, which we today consider as static, were also thought-off as dynamic in their day.

Continue reading "Today's Dynamic is Tomorrow's Static"

Warum einfach, wenns auch kompliziert geht?

(Why make it simple, when you can also make it complicated?) Consider the task of associating code with specific data values. Using a multi-way conditional can be error-prone, because the data values become separated by the code. It can also be inefficient in the cases where we have to use cascading else if statements, instead of a switch, which the compiler can optimize into a hash table. In C I would use an array containing values and function pointers. My understanding is that the Java approach involves using the Strategy pattern: a separate class for each case, and an interface "to rule them all".

Continue reading "Warum einfach, wenns auch kompliziert geht?"

Ordnung muss sein

A free-form translation of the above German phrase (orderliness must exist) would be that orderliness is not negotiable. In the domain of information technology I find this motto particularly pertinent.

Continue reading "Ordnung muss sein"

Java Makes Scripting Languages Irrelevant?

Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it.

— Alan J. Perlis

Continue reading "Java Makes Scripting Languages Irrelevant?"

The Efficiency of Java and C++, Revisited

A number of people worked on replicating the results and optimizing the programs I listed in my earlier blog entry.

Continue reading "The Efficiency of Java and C++, Revisited"

Macro-based Substitutions in Source Code

A friends asks: "How can one easily replace a method call (which can contain arguments with brackets in its invocation code) with a simple field access?

Continue reading "Macro-based Substitutions in Source Code"

Measuring the Effect of Shared Objects

For the Code Quality book I am writing I wanted to measure the memory savings of shared libraries. On a lightly loaded web server these amounted to 80MB, on a more heavilly loaded shell access machine these ammounted to 300MB.

Continue reading "Measuring the Effect of Shared Objects"

Code Reading Example: the Linux Kernel Load Calculation

A colleague's Linux machine was exhibiting a very high load value, for no obvious reason. I wanted to make him point the kernel debugger on the routine calculating the load. It has been more than 7 years since the last time I worked on a Linux kernel, so I had to find my way around from first principles. This is an annotated and slightly edited version of what I did.

Continue reading "Code Reading Example: the Linux Kernel Load Calculation"

Book Review: C++ Coding Standards

A number of years ago, reading Koenig's and Moo's Ruminations on C++ [1] I made a wish for more of the same, updated to reflect current C++ practice. My wish has come true. The book C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices by Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu [2] is an indispensable book for all serious C++ programmers.

Continue reading "Book Review: C++ Coding Standards"

Cracker Code Review

According to a popular myth, crackers are computer whiz kids: brilliant software developers who run circles around their "peers" in the corporate world. When my undergraduate student Achilleas Anagnostopoulos sent me a pointer to the source code of the Microsoft GDIPlus.DLL JPEG Parsing Engine Buffer Overflow exploit, I decided to test the myth by performing a code review of the exploit's source code. The results are not flattering for the exploit's developers: no self-respecting professional would ever write production code of such an abysmally low quality. Sorry M4Z3R.

Continue reading "Cracker Code Review"

A Survey of Language Popularity

My PhD student Vassilios Karakoidas pointed my to an on-line language popularity survey.

Continue reading "A Survey of Language Popularity"

Digital Data Makes Anything Possible

Once data becomes digital anything and everything becomes possible. Consider arranging the books on your bookshelf by the color of their book cover.

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Continous Bookmarking

When editing documents or code, my not so agile fingers, often trigger a movement or search command that accidentally throws me to a random location in the text I am editing. How can I return back? Amazingly, I noticed I am using exactly the same trick for returning back on both the vim editor I use for most of my editing tasks, and Microsoft Word I use for collaborating with many colleagues.

Continue reading "Continous Bookmarking"

The hypot() Mystery

I was writing a section for the Code Reading followup volume, and wanted to demonstrate the pitfalls of using homebrewn mathematical functions instead of the library ones. As an example, I chose to compare the C library hypot(x, y) function, against sqrt(x * x, y * y). I created a plot of "unit in last place" (ulp) error values between the two functions, which demonstrated how the error increased for larger values of y.

Continue reading "The hypot() Mystery"

Patching Framework III

Time warp. I needed to read some old files I wrote in 1992 using the Ashton-Tate Framework III program. Unfortunately, trying to run the program under Windows XP resulted in a "Divide overflow" error. A bit of searching on the web revealed that the problem was related to the system's speed (1.6GHz). Apparently, Framework tries to calculate the speed of the machine by dividing a fixed number with a loop counter; on modern machines this results in the overflow.

Continue reading "Patching Framework III"

Optimizing ppp and Code Quality

The Problem

While debugging a problem of my ppp connection I noticed that ppp was apparently doing a protocol lookup (with a file open, read, close sequence) for every packet it read. This is an excerpt from the strace log, one of my favourite debugging tools.

Continue reading "Optimizing ppp and Code Quality"

Computer Languages Form an Ecosystem

(This is a copy of an article I posted on slashdot on March 15th, in response to a discussion titled C Alive and Well Thanks to Portable.NET. Many posters argued that the C language is dead. I add my response here, because one month after its original slashdot submission, I am still getting web site hits from it.)

Continue reading "Computer Languages Form an Ecosystem"

Binary File Similarity Checking

How can one determine whether two binary files (for example, executable images) are somehow similar? I started writing a program to perform this task. Such a program could be useful for determing whether a vendor had included GNU Public License (GPL) code in a propriatary product, violating the GPL license. After writing about 20 lines, I realized that I needed an accurate definition of similarity than the vague "the two files contain a number of identical subsequences" I had in mind.

Continue reading "Binary File Similarity Checking"

A Unix-based Logic Analyzer

A circuit I was designing was behaving in unexpected ways: the output of a wireless serial receiver based on Infineon's TDA5200 was refusing to drive an LS TTL load. To debug the problem I needed an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer, but I had none. I searched the web and located software to convert the PC's parallel port to a logic analyzer. I downloaded the 900K program, but that was not the end. Unfortunately the design of Windows 2000 does not allow direct access to the I/O ports, so I also downloaded a parallel port device driver and a program to give the appropriate privileges to other programs. Finally, I also downloaded from a third site the Borland runtime libraries required by the logic analyzer. Needless to say that the combination refused to work.

Continue reading "A Unix-based Logic Analyzer"

Well-behaved Web Applications

Very few web-based applications are designed to match the web metaphor. As a result they are often irritating, counteproductive, or simply unusable. During the last two months I've been working on an IEEE Software theme issue titled "developing with open source software". Most of my work is performed over the IEEE Computer Society Manuscript Central web application. The application is an almost perfect example of everything that is often wrong with such interfaces.

Continue reading "Well-behaved Web Applications"

Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective

In July 2000, while working on a paper on the use of slicing for choosing parts of an application to develop in a scripting language (don't ask), I found myself searching open-source programs for motivating examples, and experimenting with a tool for annotating the corresponding source code. At some point, a loud click sound in my mind brought to my attention the fact that although most books and courses teach us how to program, we actually spend most of our time reading code others have written. I reasoned that by applying my annotation tool on open source software I could write a book to present the ideas, techniques, and tools that go behind code reading.

Continue reading "Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective"

Become a Unix command line wizard
edX MOOC on Unix Tools: Data, Software, and Production Engineering
Debug like a master
Book cover of Effective Debugging
Compute with style
Book cover of The Elements of Computing Style
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Last update: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 1:52 pm

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