IBAN length and DESI score
Looking at the formats
of European country international bank account number (IBAN) codes,
I noticed that the IBAN length didn’t seem to be significantly
correlated to the country’s population.
Could it be related to the country’s IT maturity?
I tested that using as a proxy the
EU Digital Economy and Society Index,
and the results were stunning.
Continue reading "IBAN length and DESI score"Last modified: Thursday, August 13, 2020 1:16 pm
Measures of Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address
Computers allow us to measure objectively the properties of text.
I applied some established text and sentiment
analysis algorithms on Donald Trump’s inaugural address and compared
the results with the same metrics of past well-known presidents.
Presidential speeches are nowadays typically a team effort.
Nevertheless, I thought that the speech writing team’s output
reflects the president’s choices regarding staffing, policy, and style.
Moreover, as luck would have it, in this case it was reported that Donald Trump
wrote the inaugural address himself.
The findings of this exercise surprised me.
Continue reading "Measures of Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address"Last modified: Saturday, January 21, 2017 8:49 am
Manifesto for Agile Government
I'm sure that many readers of this blog have read the
Manifesto for Agile Software Development.
Having worked in government over the past year,
I wondered how a similar manifesto for government,
created by a group of people who would radically want to improve existing
would look like.
Here is my take.
Continue reading "Manifesto for Agile Government"Last modified: Friday, November 19, 2010 5:50 pm