UMLGraph Version 5.1


Over the summer two articles presented UMLGraph to the masses. Paul Duvall wrote on IBM developerWorks an article titled Automation for the people: Pushbutton documentation, and Meera Subbarao published on DZone Javalobby another piece on how to reverse-engineer source code into UML diagrams. In addition, I received a number of interesting patches and contributions. As a result I decided it was time to release UMLGraph version 5.1.

This version has active classes appearing with a double vertical border as required by UML2, two new class diagram options, which control the node and rank separation of the nodes in generated diagram layout, support for showing a class's title as a tooltip in image files, and an option for generating Javascript-collapsible UML diagrams in javadoc files. I also reorganized the documentation of class diagram options and gave the project's web page a small face lift.

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Last modified: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:28 pm

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