A Market-Based approach to Managing the Risk of Peer-to-Peer Transactions
Stephanos Androutsellis-Theotokis,
Diomidis Spinellis,
Panos Louridas,
and Kostas Stroggylos
Department of Management Science and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece. e-mail: stheotok@aueb.gr
Market-based principles can be used to manage the risk of distributed
peer-to-peer transactions. This is demonstrated by PTRIM, a system that
builds a transaction default market on top of a main transaction processing
system, within which peers offer to underwrite the transaction risk for a
slight increase in the transaction cost. The insurance cost, determined through
market-based mechanisms, is a way of identifying untrustworthy peers and
perilous transactions. The risk of the transactions is contained, and at the
same time members of the peer-to-peer network capitalise on their market
knowledge by profiting as transaction insurers. We evaluated the approach
through trials with the deployed PTRIM prototype, as well as composite
experiments involving real online transaction data and real subjects
participating in the transaction default market. We examine the efficacy of
our approach both from a theoretical and an experimental perspective. Our
findings suggest that the PTRIM market layer functions in an efficient
manner, and is able to support the transaction processing system through the
insurance offers it produces, thus acting as an effective means of reducing the
risk of peer-to-peer transactions. In our conclusions we discuss how a system
like PTRIM assimilates properties of real world markets, and its
potential exposure and possible countermeasures to events such as those
witnessed in the recent global financial turmoil.
Peer-to-peer networks transaction processing reputation management financial markets
1 Introduction
It is being progressively recognised that information systems and applications
supporting collaborative tasks, including online transaction processing systems, that currently follow
centralized client-server models can also be based on the maturing wave of
peer-to-peer architectures [
ATS04]. In order to manage and
reduce the risk inherent in peer-to-peer transactions and their decentralised
and uncontrolled environment, a variety of approaches have been proposed, with
reputation and trust management
systems being the most prominent (see Section
2.2). These aim to
provide peers with estimates of the risk involved in their transactions, based
on the observed past behaviour of their counterparties.
Though reputation management systems (either centralized or distributed) offer
a lot in this direction, the information they provide about past behaviour may
not be enough to accurately assess the risk involved in a transaction. Open
issues, to name but a few, include the fact that
not all transactions receive feedback [
shortcomings in the way reputation information is
represented [
Del04], perceived, and used by the transacting
parties (especially for inexperienced users) [
GS06], and
dealing with participants lacking past transactions [
In a recent study, for instance,
it was suggested that the way in which the positive
and negative feedback is presented to users of the eBay system can make it
difficult for buyers to evaluate past illegal behaviour of sellers
GS08]. As a result, there still is considerable concern over the
amount of risk involved in online transactions, even with the support of
reputation management systems [
In this work we propose a novel approach, based on the principles
and instruments used in different (including commercial and financial)
markets for managing, transferring or reducing
credit and transaction risk.
We demonstrate the practicality of this approach and evaluate its efficacy
through the prototype PTRIM ("Peer-to-Peer Transaction Risk Management")
On top of a generic
transaction processing system, PTRIM creates a peer-to-peer
transaction insurance market-like layer that is used to manage the risk of
default. The transacting peers have the option to request offers from peers in
this layer to underwrite the risk of their transaction, and therefore
alleviate themselves from the need to collect, process and evaluate reputation
information. A transaction default market is thus built on top of the main
transaction processing system, within which the cost of "insuring" a
transaction is determined through market-based mechanisms.
The main contribution of our approach is that it proposes a
novel way of identifying untrustworthy peers and perilous transactions, based on
the insurance offers the market will produce; the risk of peer-to-peer
transactions is contained at a small additional cost;
and at the same time, our system showcases a way for members of a peer-to-peer
network to participate in a new profitable role, as transaction insurers.
It should be noted that although we implement and examine our proposed approach
within a peer-to-peer environment, its underlying principles could also apply
to different, not completely decentralised network architectures.
In this paper, we first present the key concepts of market-based transaction
risk management that our approach is based on, briefly touching on the
underlying economics principles, and we examine
its relation to other work (see Section
2). We proceed to present
the design, architecture and implementation of our proposed system in
3, and our methodology for testing and evaluating
it both theoretically and practically (see Section
which includes studies with a deployed prototype, as well as experiments
involving both real subjects and real transaction data crawled from the eBay
online auction site. We discuss our evaluation results and outcomes in Section
5, and our system's current limitations and planned future work in
2 Market-based transaction risk management
As was briefly described in our introduction, in our approach we form a market for transaction default insurance, and utilise
it to determine and manage the risk involved in transactions. We propose this
as an alternative to reputation management systems,
although the two could supplement each other.
2.1 Risk management
We require a market-based transaction risk management system that would meet
the following requirements:
- transactions should not need an intermediary; i.e., it should be possible
to carry out a transaction involving only the transacting peers, and not a
centralised clearing house.
- risk handling should be based on trading insurance; i.e., participants
would offer and buy insurance against a transaction.
The first requirement is met by Over The Counter (OTC) financial
instruments: instruments
that are carried out by transacting entities negotiating and reaching agreement
directly, without an intermediary. The second requirement means that, since
insuring participants are trading not on the underlying asset but on an asset
derived from it (insurance risk), we will be dealing with a model resembling
financial derivatives
In finance, derivatives are
financial instruments whose performance depends on another variable, and are
often used to transfer or reduce (hedge) risk involved in assets or
transactions. These instruments are typically settled upon the occurence of a
credit default event, and the characterisation of the risk involved dictates
their cost.
The design of our proposed system and its market layer revolves around the above
two concepts.
2.2 Relation to distributed reputation management
Our approach is proposed as a potential alternative to distributed reputation
management systems supporting peer-to-peer transactions.
A considerable amount of groundbreaking work has been carried out in the
distributed reputation management field in recent years, aiming at providing an
expectation about a peer's behaviour in a transaction by monitoring,
maintaining and distributing information about its behaviour in past
A variety of solutions have been proposed for addressing either or both of the
data modelling problem (how to generate, interpret and process the
reputation data), and the data management problem (how to store,
retrieve, distribute and secure the reputation data in a scalable and efficient
manner) [
AD01]. Some notable systems in this area include the
EigenTrust system [
KSGM03], PeerTrust [
XL04], Credence
WGS05], a system proposed by Aberer et al based on the P-grid
structured routing algorithm [
Abe01], a Bayesian
approach proposed by Buchegger et al [
BB04], TrustMe
SL03], XRep [
DDCdVP+02], a partially centralized mechanism
presented in [
GJA03], to name but a few. Due to space
constraints, we refer the reader to a comprehensive overview by Huaizhi and
Singhal [
HS07] and the references therein.
We want to stress that distributed reputation management systems and our
proposed approach are by no means mutually exclusive, and could potentially
complement each other within the same scope, supporting the same
transaction management system.
2.3 The PTRIM market-based insurance layer
In our design, a peer-to-peer layer acts as a market offering transaction
default insurance to a main, peer-to-peer transaction processing system (that
is also part of our implementated system). Any peer can participate in this
market: One could be regularly active as a buyer or seller, and sporadically
choose to also offer insurance for specific transactions (e.g. involving peers
that they know can be trusted such as friends, relatives or peers they have
interacted with in the past); or another peer could act as a dedicated
"insuring institution", only involved in the business of providing insurance
for transactions between other peers (for example a bank wishing to obtain
additional income from its database of customer credit histories and its IT
infrastructure for determining a customer's credit default risk).
The risk default market thus operates as an insurance (or
financial derivatives) market. Transacting peers
can request offers for insurance protection against their transaction default
risks, evaluate such offers and select one (or more, see Section
3) of the most competitive ones. As a result, the
peers can significantly reduce their transaction risk, for a small
increase in their transaction cost. Furthermore, and in contrast to the
arbitrary numerical scale used in many reputation management systems
DR03], the cost of the insurance
offers received by a peer directly reflects the subjective knowledge of the
risk involved (knowledge about past outcomes or lack of such data). The
outcomes of insurance transactions are made available to the market by the
They can thus be used directly by transacting peers to decide as to whether to
proceed with a transaction or not,
or indirectly by the peers in the insurance layer to sell transaction
The triggering event for settling insurance transactions in our case would be
the successful or unsuccessful completion of a transaction.
A feature of our proposed approach is therefore that it does not require the
peers to be involved in the collection and management of reputation
information, or to engage in the decision-making process of whether to proceed
with a transaction based on the available reputation information. As discussed
above, although very promising work has been done in this direction, in
practical terms such information may be incomplete,
ambiguous, or presented in ways that do not clearly indicate what course of
action the peer should follow (e.g. should a transaction involving a $20,000
product be initiated with a peer whose reputation score is 0.86/1.00? What if
the product costs $20 and the user's reputation is denoted as "three out of
five stars"?).
2.4 Market efficiency
In order for the system to effectively support peer-to-peer transactions
through the insurance cost offers it provides to the transacting peers, the
market layer it creates should be efficient.
In an efficient market no participant should be presented with an opportunity
to earn more than a fair return on the riskiness associated with a transaction.
An efficient market encourages participation, helps allocate goods or services
in the most efficient way, and gives correct signals to be utilized by the
market players. Note that market efficiency as used here is distinct from the
efficient market hypothesis, which broadly postulates that all information on a
product is included in its price valuation [
Fam70]; the efficient market
hypothesis has been the basis of finance research for many years, but has come
under criticism (e.g., see [
Shi05]). Our use of the term is related to
perfectly competitive markets. Specifically, we claim that the insurance
market described here approximates the main characteristics of perfectly
competitive markets. The notion of perfect competition has a long
history [
Sti57]. For our purposes the following characteristics will
do [
- Participants are price-takers
A perfectly competitive market comprises a large number of "small"
transacting entities whose individual actions can have no impact on others or
on the entire market, and none of whom have a large market share.
This is the case for the individual peers in our insurance market and their
actions, whose scope is limited per transaction; an individual's actions
do not influence the market price of the insurance.
- Homogeneity
There is no differentiation in the services offered by the insuring peers. In
fact in our market they all offer exactly the same service, so any peer could
be substituted by another one. In other words, the insurances on offer are
standardized products, that is, commodities.
- Equal access and free entry
These are guaranteed by the completely decentralized nature of the
peer-to-peer architecture PTRIM is based upon.
All peers function in the same way
and are exposed to the same information. No obstacles are presented to any
entity that would wish to enter the network and provide its services.
In our discussion on methodology (Section
4) we describe
different approaches to measuring the degree of efficiency of a market, and how
we utilize them as a means of evaluating the performance of our proposed
3 System description
We briefly describe the architecture, design, implementation and deployment of the PTRIM system.
3.1 System architecture and design
Our system consists of three peer-to-peer layers, as shown in the schematic
representation in Figure
1. The infrastructure layer supports the
peer-to-peer nature of the system; the transaction processing layer allows
peers to participate in online transactions; and the risk management
layer is where the insurance (derivatives) market functions.
Figure 1: A schematic abstract representation of the PTRIM system. At the
core lies the infrastructure layer, based on existing P2P protocols, such as a
set of dynamic
relay peers (R). The main transaction processing layer consists of buyers (B)
and sellers (S) engaged in transactions based on asynchronous message
exchanges; above it, the risk management layer includes other peers (In) that
offer to insure the transacting peers, either independently or collectively.
Peers can participate in any or all of the layers, even simultaneously,
in different roles:
- Rendezvous peers (R) offer the necessary infrastructure for relaying
messages between other peers and providing the network connectivity and
- Transacting peers (B,S) advertise products or services they wish to
sell, place offers for buying other peers' products, and eventually
participate in transactions as buyers or sellers.
- Insuring peers (In) offer insuring services to the transacting peers,
and are remunerated in the form of a percentage on the amount they are
For each transaction they participate in,
the peers maintain state information as well as records of all exchanged
messages and other data, and they
communicate by exchanging messages asynchronously in a
distributed manner.
2 shows a state diagram illustrating the transition between
different states, and the associated state flag values for each. For simplicity
we initially only show the state transitions for a peer acting as a buyer (the
states for a peer acting as a seller are symmetric), for a transaction not
involving insurance.
The figure also shows a UML sequence diagram illustrating a simple example of a transaction involving
four peers. Peers
p1 and
p2 engage in a transaction as seller and buyer respectively,
and peers
p3 and
p4 respond to an insurance request placed by
p1. Note that this is
a relatively straightforward example, with the transaction completing successfully.
Figure 2: (a) A UML state diagram for a simple transaction (not involving insurance)
only from the perspective of a node buying goods. The values of the state
flags are shown below; (b) A UML sequence diagram showing two peers (p1, p2) engaging in a successful transaction as seller and buyer respectively, with two peers (p3, p4) jointly insuring the seller.
Each message is characterised by a message type and
contains an ID and timestamp, sender and recipient identification, as well as
other context-specific data fields that are parsed by the recipient.
1 briefly itemizes the main tasks that are carried out by the
peers (either the users, or the applications themselves), within the scope of
the transaction processing layer and the risk management (insurance) layer.
Transaction Processing Layer |
Risk Management Layer |
- Maintain, update and advertise in goods descriptions.
- Place offers for advertised products.
- Review and accept offers, initiate local transaction records, exchange
messages to bind their respective records.
- Notify application of receipt of products/payments, and
complete transaction.
- In case of failed transactions,
exchange messages notifying the transacting counterpart.
- Transacting peers broadcast requests for insurance offers.
- Insuring peers transmit offers to insure transactions .
- Transacting peers review insurance offers, accept
most favourable ones, initiate insurance transactions.
- Transacting peers notify insuring peers of
transaction outcome, request reimbursement or pay premium.
- Insuring peers applications announce transaction outcome information.
Table 1: The main tasks carried out within the Transaction Processing Layer and
the Risk Management Layer of the PTRIM system.
As figure
3 shows, at an abstract level the PTRIM
application nodes consist of the following four functionality subsets:
- User interface.
This provides the communication with the application user. Allows input of commands, and displays the output of operations.
- Communication module.
This is based on the JXTA technology, and allows asynchronous communication
with other nodes through exchange of messages. These messages are set up by the
peer node, and can be either targeted towards one specific node, or broadcast
to the entire network, or a subset of it.
- Data store.
Each node locally stores various data regarding transactions, products, offers placed or received, etc.
- Application logic.
This is the main processing unit that carries out the application logic based
on the input received from the users, messages from other nodes, and locally
stored data. This unit executes various "scenarios" in an orchestrated manner,
based on exchanges of messages with other peers and input from users.
Figure 3: An abstract schematic of the architecture of the PTRIM application
nodes and the four functionality subsets they consist of.
3.2 Prototype system implementation
The entire system has been implemented using the JXTA[
Jxt07] technology-a set of open
protocols that allows connected devices on the network to communicate and
collaborate in a peer-to-peer manner. JXTA provides the core peer-to-peer
infrastructure, allowing nodes to enter or leave the network at any time, and
messages to be routed around network or node failures, based on a transient
number of "rendezvous" (or relay) peers.
The application, along with documentation, data and experimental outcomes, is
available as an open-source project at:
Our system has been deployed and is currently in operation within the domain of
our academic institution. More wide-scale deployment is scheduled after we
enhance it with more robust non-functional characteristics, mainly related to
security (see Section
4 Evaluation methodology
In order to devise a comprehensive evaluation methodology, and given that PTRIM
adopts an original approach, we looked at some of the most prominent
peer-to-peer reputation management systems proposed, and in particular
the metrics and methods they used to represent and evaluate their efficiency.
2 summarises our findings.
Table 2: Key metrics used to represent and evaluate system efficiency in ten of the most prominent distributed reputation management systems;
and key methods used to measure system efficiency in ten of the most prominent distributed reputation management systems.
Aiming to provide evaluation metrics and methods analogous to the above (to
the extent they are applicable to the PTRIM system), we adopted the following
two-stage evaluation methodology:
- 1. Prototype system trials.
Sets of "proof-of-concept" trials
were carried out based on our implemented and deployed prototype system. These
are described in Section 4.1.
This approach was only chosen in two
out of the ten systems in Table 2.
- 2. Composite experimental trials.
Additional "composite experiments", described in Section 4.2,
were carried out aiming at obtaining larger and more statistically significant
results. Our approach here covered both the widely used simulation studies,
and the more rare use of real transaction data in Table
2. Modelling different user behaviours was not possible
since instead of simulating the insuring peers we used real subjects, but this
is in our current future work plans. In
terms of metrics, this approach allows us to examine overall credit loss,
identification of misbehaving peers, correlation of peer history with insurance
cost and other specific measurements discussed in Section 5.
4.1 Prototype system trials
To validate our design and implementation we carried out sets of small-scale
trials within controlled groups of subjects (mostly university students), who
were instructed to act either as transacting or insuring peers. All nodes also
participated as rendezvous peers by default, to support the communication
This approach was targeted
toward examining the feasibility of implementing our system based on
specific technologies, and with acceptable bandwidth and storage costs.
The operation of the entire network was followed by a specially designed
monitoring peer that regularly requested details about all events and
transactions carried out. The results of these trials are discussed in Section
4.2 Composite experimental trials
These experiments were aimed at obtaining
larger and statistically significant volumes of result data.
4.2.1 Experimental setup
In these experiments, real online transaction data was obtained by crawling the
eBay web site (see Section
4.2.2). This data was then utilised as transaction input to our system,
and real subjects were invited to participate as insurers. This allowed a much
larger number of transactions to be processed in a relatively short period of
time. These experiments typically lasted around two weeks, to cover large
numbers of transactions, so the subjects could have the opportunity to assess
their strategies, and the market could mature.
The goal of these experiments was to assess the effectiveness with which our
system manages peer-to-peer transaction risk, and the efficiency of its
derivatives market layer, through the properties of the insurance offers
placed. This was done through a web-based application we developed that
presented the crawled transaction details to the subjects, and allowed them to
place insurance offers for them and request specific premiums.
The main components of the system
are outlined in figure
Figure 4: An abstract description of the composite trial platform architecture.
The insurers were presented with a number of transactions for which insurance
was requested. Transaction data shown included information about the
transacting peer trustworthiness, past transaction outcomes, amounts, etc.
The insurers
would then choose what transactions to place offers for, and what premiums to
request. After a period had elapsed and enough offers were placed, the system
accepted the best ones (if any), carried out the transaction producing an outcome
statistically based on the peers' trustworthiness, and accordingly rewarded or
debited the relevant insurer. This data was collected and analysed
and the results are discussed in Section
The outcomes and rates requested for all other completed transactions were also
made available to the insurers, providing a relatively complete information set
about the market within which they were operating.
The subjects (typically around twenty) of the experiment were executives with
graduate education, but
with no particular experience with such a role in a market (see
Dam02], Chapter 6, for a discussion of the acceptability of such
subjects in related studies).
At the end of these experiments, the subjects were also requested to fill in a
questionnaire of mostly qualitative nature to complement the data obtained.
Rough descriptions of their applied bidding strategies were also collected and
correlated with their outcomes
4.2.2 Transaction data
As mentioned, this experiment was based on real transaction and user data, including past
transaction and reputation information, that was crawled from the eBay
online auction and shopping website.
The collection of data was performed with the use of CrawlWave, a
prototype distributed web crawler that was developed for
research purposes [
KSS04]. The crawler was configured to
collect only pages containing eBay user profiles using a random walk
approach within the eBay website only. The required information for
each user was then extracted from the collected profile pages using
regular expressions. In total, data from approximately ten thousand
transactions, and all relevant users, was collected
Since the user ratings on eBay are predominantly almost perfect
(on average 99.8% positive [
GS08]), we applied a rare event
simulation procedure known as importance sampling [
typically used in
simulating events such as network or queuing system failures, but also in
portfolio credit risk studies. The goal was to expose the subjects to considerably more transaction default events than they would regularly encounter, and
examine how this would affect their bidding strategies and the insurance
market in general.
Importance sampling is based on the idea of
making the occurrence of some events (in our case transaction failures) more
frequent, by selecting a biased sampling distribution for obtaining the
simulation data samples from the data universe (in our case the crawled data).
In our implementation we assume an original sampling distribution (typically homogeneous
x) and a property of interest
x), where the probability of
x) > 0 is very small when taking samples from
x). With Importance
Sampling, instead of
x) a sampling distribution
x) is used, to
significantly increase the probability that
x) > 0. Normally the
observations made
should then be corrected for the fact that
x) is applied instead of
x) in the sampling distribution
In our case the biased sampling function
x) applied is of the form:
C2 and
k are constants trimmed to provide the desired bias.
4.2.3 Evaluating market efficiency
The efficiency of the derivatives market is important in ensuring the correct
operation of the system. Only through an efficient and competitive market will
the rational insurance offers produced reflect the underlying risk in the
transactions. There are various approaches to evaluating the efficiency of a
market, most of which do not always produce acceptable results in practice.
A standard approach is measuring price dispersion (or price convergence)
KR05], i.e. the variation of prices across sellers (in our case
insurers) for similar items (in our case transactions). This is known as the
law of one price, stating that identical offerings should have identical prices
Kal94], and can be simply explained by arbitrage arguments. However the
observed price dispersion often violates this law, even in online markets, with
up to 30% measured dispersion [
Här03] (game theoretic
arguments have been proposed as explanations for this phenomenon [
Metrics for price dispersion can vary, including price range, percentage
difference between highest and lowest price, and standard deviation or variance
Another measure is the correlation between price and quality ([
Dam02]). In this case an ordinal measure of quality is required, and can often be
difficult to obtain objectively (sometimes customer reports are used, but this
carries other inherent limitations).
Studying the growth of the market in time, as well as the overall wealth
accumulated, are additional significant indicators of the effectiveness and
efficiency of the market, as is the correlation between the risk taken and the
potential reward.
Market efficiency can also be deduced through a study of price changes and
their time series properties [
Dam02], while price elasticity of
demand is also expected to be higher in a more efficient market
In our evaluation we focused on the more measurable of the above indicators, given our experimental setup, which include overall market maturity and growth, correlation between price and quality, correlation between risk and reward, as well
as various qualitative observations collected through questionnaires, which help
support and explain our findings.
5 Results and discussion
We discuss our results from both the prototype system "proof-of-concept"
trials, and the composite experiments, whose goal is to examine the efficiency
of the derivatives market and the system's risk management capabilities.
5.1 Prototype system trials
3 summarises key characteristics of a typical trial ran with
the deployed prototype system.
Duration: | 4 hours |
Transacting peers: | 27 |
Insuring peers: | 16 |
Products advertised: | 32 |
Total transactions: | 23 |
Messages transmitted: | 1378 |
Average premium: | 24% |
Table 3: Summary of a typical prototype system trial characteristics
Due to the small scale of these first trials no quantitative measurements
relevant to the system’s ability to reduce transaction risk are made, and we
focus mainly on system stability issues.
JXTA proved to be an efficient platform for our application, both in terms of
performance, messages exchanged and scalability (this was indeed a reason for
selecting it). The largest number of messages exchanged between the peers
concerned broadcast advertisements for products offered, and requests for
insurance. The overall bandwidth utilised is found to be negligible for trials
of this scale, and is known to scale gracefully due to the JXTA infrastructure.
This is also due to the fact that each transaction takes a considerable amount
of time to complete, with independent peers sporadically performing operations.
Although no statistically significant data is collected, the monitored
transaction logs indicate that within a short running period and after a few
transactions are performed, insurance offers for transactions involving
misbehaving peers have progressively higher rates, as the poor performance of
previous insurance transactions is noted. As a result, peers that considered
engaging in transactions with misbehaving peers are faced with increasingly
more disadvantageous insurance offers, which prove to be a reasonable
disincentive for them. The cost of insuring a transaction derived by the
insurance market is thus already shown to be a good indication of the risk
involved in a particular transaction.
As far as bandwidth, performance, and computational and messaging costs are
concerned, although the scale of the experiments we were able to carry out is
small, it was clear that there would not be any issues either as a result of
the JXTA peer-to-peer infrastructure, or as a result of the application itself.
One point to note, however, is that JXTA allows various different
communication modes, from full broadcast to direct point-to-point communication.
Care needs to be taken in selecting the most appropriate mode, in order to avoid
excessive and unnecessary messaging and bandwidth usage.
5.2 Composite experimental trials
Based on the data obtained from the experiment described in
we want to evaluate the degree of
efficiency the market was characterised by, and ultimately how effective our
system is in providing its users with indications of the risk involved in
transactions. We attempt to examine this from different perspectives.
Our first observation concerns the overall trend of the market. Figure
5 shows the overall amount of wealth within the insurance market
as a function of time, for two independent trials (the first involving seven
insurers and 250 transactions, the second involving 24 insurers and
2300 transactions). We see a similar trend, whereby at first the market
players are unsuccessful with their insurance offers and as a result loose more
money than they make, however as time passes the trend is reversed, and they
begin recovering and accumulating wealth. This could be attributed to the
following reasons: First of all, as was discussed in Section
the sampled transactions that the insurers were exposed to on average involved
less trustworthy peers than they expected. It turns out that most insurers were
surprised by this, and it required some time for them to adjust their
strategies and their ability to evaluate the feedback scores of the various
players. This was further confirmed in the analysis of the questionnaires, as
discussed below. Apart from that, it is an indication that with time, the
market matured, the players were able to use the information available, and in
time market growth was the predominant trend.
In Figure
6.a, we show the correlation between
transaction risk (expressed as the percentage of the transaction amount that is
statistically expected to be lost) and insurance offer placed for the
transaction. This represents the price-quality correlation, and is an important
indicator of market efficiency, as discussed in Section
We see in the figure that as time passes and the market matures, according to
our interpretation, the scaled difference between risk and offers placed
decreases, and there is stronger price-quality correlation, as one would expect
from an efficient market. Note that it was not possible to measure the degree
to which fraudulent transacting peers are singled out, since there were almost
no repeat transactions in our database.
One metric that we were hoping would yield more conclusive results was the
correlation between transaction risk and reward for insurer. As Figure
6.b shows (focusing on transactions with reasonable
risk and excluding rates offered that were rejected as too high), there is a
degree of correlation, but it is not as prominent as we would expect, yielding
a correlation coefficient R value of 0.35. We believe that the main explanation
of this is a general immaturity of the market, which was also evident from the
questionnaires (see discussion below), and which could be explained by the
following arguments:
- The constant availability of new transactions to place
offers for acted against the competitive nature of the market.
- The number of
market participants was thus not correctly matched to the availability of
resources, which is known to affect the overall efficiency
- The subjects may not have been as motivated and
focused as they would have if they actually had money at stake. Note that if
we ignore the first third of the trial in the calculation of the
correlation coefficient, the value of R increases to 0.4, whereas if we only
focus on the last third of the trial the value is up to 0.51. This is
further evidence of the market maturing.
The questionnaires filled in by the subjects of the experiment allow us to
make some additional observations.
On average the subjects seemed to exhibit an unnaturally tolerant view of how
trustworthy a transacting peer should be considered, based on their positive
feedback percentages. As Table
4 shows, a considerable percentage
of them would consider as trustworthy peers that were statistically expected to
cheat in one out of four or five times. And yet, in their bidding strategies
they would not compensate for this as the rates they requested were not even
close to 20-25%. Indeed less than 15% of subjects claimed they were not often
surprised by the transaction outcomes, since they failed to appreciate the
degree of risk involved in transactions involving peers with such percentages.
Of course the high degree of risk was a desired result of the data sampling bias
discussed in Section
This particular behaviour was found to improve with time, however it goes a
long way to exemplify how difficult it can be for the average buyer or seller
to appreciate the implications with respect to risk of the feedback scores
assigned to their counterparties.
This almost conveys the impression that, although they could clearly see the
percentages, the insurers fixated on their experiences on systems such as eBay.
Although our samples were "rigged" through our importance sampling
process, the subjects treated it as they would choose ordinary eBay data, to
their chagrin. This is similar to a well-studied error in human decision
making, that of
anchoring a decision from a given starting
point (see the work of Kahneman and Tversky [
Along the same lines, we were surprised to find that about half of the
users would consider the number of prior transactions (regardless of their
outcome) to be an equally strong indication of trustworthiness as the
percentage positive feedback received for such transactions. These
observations led us to confirm a considerable amount of immaturity in the
market, but in general there is compelling evidence that humans can be very
bad in evaluating percentage probabilities, risks, and making decisions
under uncertain conditions (again, the work of Kahneman and Tversky offers
a wealth of examples [
A positive sign, on the other hand, was the fact that almost 80% of subjects
at some point decided they needed to change their bidding strategies, an
indication that the market worked towards imposing discipline through
better and more rational strategies,
thus increasing overall efficiency, as is discussed with respect to
| Extremely | | | | Extremely |
Positive | trust- | Trust- | | Untrust- | untrust- |
feedback | worthy | worthy | Neutral | worthy | worthy |
95% | 29% | 71% | | | |
90% | | 64% | 36% | | |
80% | | 7% | 57% | 36% | |
75% | | | 29% | 43% | 29% |
Table 4: Subject's perception of trustworthiness of transacting peers based on their positive feedback percentages. Note that on average, the rate of positive feedback encountered on eBay is 99.8% [
Another indicator of market efficiency, namely the availability of information,
was probed in the questionnaire, and around 75% of subjects considered the
information available regarding each transaction to be sufficient, whereas
around 90% of subjects found the information that was available about other
(competitive) insurers to be very useful.
Finally, almost without exception, all subjects appreciated the importance
of the ability to insure transactions, and found the
financial perspective of acting as an insurer very appealing.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Overall wealth in market as a function of number of transactions executed, for two independent trials.
(a) trial with 7 subjects and around 250 transactions;
(b) Trial with 24 subjects and around 2300 transactions.
(a) (b)
Figure 6: (a) Scaled difference between transaction risk and insurance offer, as a function of number of transactions executed, for a trial with 24 subjects and around 2300 transactions. (b) Correlation between transaction risk (expressed in values between 0 and 1) and reward to insurer, for a trial with 24 subjects and around 2300 transactions.
5.3 Insuring insurance transactions
As PTRIM assimilates properties of real world markets and the
instruments they use for managing transaction risk, it inevitably also
incorporates the need to consider the risk involved in these instruments,
namely the insurance transactions themselves.
To mimic what happens in the real world, it could be possible to
treat insurance transactions as regular transactions, and allow insurance
offers to be placed for them. This means that the entire system would be
recursively defined, closely resembling the way the global financial system
securitises and repackages risk with all the benefits and
(as we have recently witnessed [
Eco08]) hazards this entails.
The point is that once we have insurance contracts, these are valuable by
themselves, and they can be traded themselves, like banks do in the real world
to spread/hedge their risks: they re-parcel their exposure and sell it. The
major drawback of such a system, then, is not individual transaction default,
but systemic breakdown [
MLS08]. Indeed such systems are
prone to systemic shocks exactly because after a couple of recursions, it is
hard to know how much exposure there is. This is not a defect of PTRIM in
particular, but a feature of credit markets in general; in spring 2008,
following the collapse of investment bank Bear Stearns, major banks worldwide
were discussing the development of a CDS clearing house [
FT008]. More
recently, the financial crisis that was sparked from the burst of the sub-prime
mortgage bubble has thrown in sharp relief questions over regulation of
financial markets. In what regards PTRIM, the "hole" represented by an
insurer defaulting on its promise (the "counterparty risk") is therefore
something that must either be accepted, or mitigated by centralized mechanisms
or some form of capital requirement guarantee. In general, it would be
interesting to explore different regulatory scenarios by experimenting with the
PTRIM system.
6 Future work
There are some open issues in our approach, that need to be further
elaborated on.
6.1 Security
In our description we have not discussed the issue of security, which is
very important owing to the nature of the application and the distributed
network architecture.
Given the considerable work that has been done in this area,
our proposed system can be protected from most security threats by
applying known state of the art solutions.
5 briefly summarises the main security attack
categories for applications of this type, and potential countermeasures for
each that have been proposed in the literature, and/or already implemented
within other peer-to-peer systems and applications. In our prototype
we have incorporated such measures to an extent, to provide authentication and
preserve the confidentiality, privacy and
integrity of data exchanged in the network.
Attack category | Countermeasure |
Data Integrity Attacks
(Both for data stored and data routed between nodes)
Public key infrastructures and encryption (see Credence [WGS06], PeerTrust [XL04]);
majority voting mechanisms (see PeerTrust [XL04]);
trusted third parties (see EigenTrust [KSGM03], TrustMe[SL03]);
other cryptographic algorithms/protocols, such as self-certifying data
[CDG+02], signed files (see Past [DR01]),
information dispersal (see Publius [WAL00], and Mnemosyne
[HR02]), secret sharing schemes (see [Moj07]). |
Data Confidentiality Attacks (both for data stored and routed)
Public key infrastructures and encryption (see XRep [DDCdVP+02], EigenTrust [KSGM03]);
Secure routing protocols [CDG+02]. |
Data Availability Attacks
Passive / cache-based / proactive replication
(see [CSW00,CS01,Wal02,SGG02], Tapestry[ZKJ01]) and trading of content (see FreeHaven [DFM01]). |
Identification-Related Attacks (e.g. pseudospoofing, Sybill attack,
ID-stealth, decoy and white-washing
[WGS06], impersonation attacks [DHA03])
Trusted identity-certifying agents [Dou02];
public key infrastructures and certificates [WGS06]. |
Bootstrapping Phase Attacks
(e.g. malicious node insertions in the network)
Majority quorum approaches [DHA03];
resource-based reputation approaches [DDCdVP+02]. |
Table 5: Main categories of security attacks for peer-to-peer applications,
possible countermeasures, and example systems that
propose or adopt them. Note that some of the proposed solutions,
such as public key infrastructures,
are not purely decentralized.
In terms of peer privacy, a certain amount of information regarding past peer
transactions is made available to the network, in the same way that past user
history is publically available in online reputation management systems. This
is similar to real life situations, where background information is made public
when requesting insurance services, or stock exchange listed companies are
required to provide data regarding their activities in order to participate in
6.2 Collusion resistance
Most peer-to-peer networks and reputation management systems are faced with the
risk of peers colluding to form malicious collectives or cliques; when such
collectives manage to manipulate prices, the market is no longer efficient.
A number of approaches to render systems like ours more resistant to
collusion have been proposed in the literature and are currently being
In reference [
KSGM03] the notion of pre-trusted peers is introduced,
whereas IP clustering is proposed as a solution in reference [
but both of these approaches may not be practically applicable in our case.
Among the most interesting approaches, Jurka and Faltings
JF07] suggest and analyse an incentive-based collusion
resistant approach for online reputation mechanisms, while Feldman et al.
FLSC04] propose the reciprocative decision function, and the
use of a maxflow-based reputation management system to achieve optimal levels
of cooperation. Zhang et al [
ZG+04] work on Eigenvector-based
reputation systems defining a metric they call amplification factor designed to
make them more robust to collusion, and in a relevant subject Marti et al.
MGGM04] propose leveraging the trust associated with social links
inherent within peer-to-peer networks for improved DHT routing.
7 Further Experiments and Simulation Studies
It would clearly be beneficial to carry out additional, and different, sets
of trials and experiments and simulations of the
PTRIM system, and on more wide-scale deployment.
More long-term trials would allow more feedback to be collected and utilised by
the participating subjects. We also have considered different experimental
set-ups that would allow more rigorous data collection and analysis.
One additional area of particular interest is the modelling of different peer
behaviour patterns in simulation studies. For example it would be
possible to simulate specific types of threats and attacks to the system,
such as individual malicious peers, malicious collectives, spies,
impersonation or Sybil attacks, etc.
In these studies, a number of malicious peers would be introduced in the
network who would behave individually or collectively according the these
threat models. For example individual malicious peers could transmit
incorrect information, or malicious collectives could transmit
perfect feedback for every other peer within their group. The
system's response to these attacks would then be studied to determine how
resistant it is.
8 Conclusions
Our approach for managing the risk of distributed peer-to-peer transactions
is based on the principles governing financial markets.
PTRIM builds and utilises a
transaction default market on top of a main transaction processing system,
within which peers offer to underwrite the transaction risk for a slight
increase in the transaction cost. The cost is determined through market-based
mechanisms, and forms a way of identifying untrustworthy peers and perilous
transactions. The risk of the transactions is effectively minimised while the
transacting peers are alleviated from the need to collect, process and evaluate
reputation information. At the same time our system showcases a way for
members of a peer-to-peer network to capitalise on their market knowledge by
participating in a new role, as transaction insurers.
The PTRIM approach can be considered as an alternative, but also as
complementary to the use of distributed reputation management systems. We
evaluated and discussed the performance of our approach through a
methodology relevant to the one used for distributed reputation
management systems. Our experimental findings suggest that our system functions
in an efficient manner, and is able to support the transaction
processing layer through the insurance offers it produces. At the same time
our findings
expose interesting observations regarding the behaviour of the subjects of
our trials, and how this behaviour affects the market and its growth towards
We discussed the system's current limitations and planned future work. One
additional concept we feel might be worth exploring concerns the
fundamental "tension" between a centrally managed trust system, and the
decentralized market-based approach we advocate. How does a system like eBay,
for instance, reflect the value of the reputation management services they
offer in its cost model, and how can one relate this to our market-based
approach from a financial perspective? In theory, is our approach going to be
cheaper or more expensive for the participants? This is an interesting open
issue beyond the scope of the current work that we feel warrants some more
in-depth analysis.
In the meantime, we believe that this work may provide an incentive for other
researchers to utilise our concepts in different applications and cases.
The authors wish to thank Athanasios Giannacopoulos, Eric Soderquist, Raphael Markellos, Angeliki Poulymenakou and Nick Nassuphis, for their helpful insights and assistance.
This work is implemented within the
framework of the “Reinforcement Programme of Human Research Manpower” (PENED),
and co-financed by National and Community Funds (25% from the Greek Ministry of Development-General Secretariat of Research and Technology and 75% from E.U.-European Social Fund).
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To correct for the fact that
x) is applied instead of
x) in the sampling distribution,
if the property of interest is γ =
x)], then this can be rewritten
γ = Ef[g(x)] = | ⌠ ⌡
g(x)f(x)dx = | ⌠ ⌡
g(x) |
f*(x)dx = |
x) =
x) is denoted as the likelihood ratio. The expected
value of the observations under
f is equal to the expected value under
corrected for bias by the likelihood ratio, i.e.
x)] =
x)] [