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program analysis for Java Card applets
1 Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
2 Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics
and Business
Patision 76, 104 34 Athens,
Abstract. The Java Card API provides a framework
of classes and interfaces that hides the details of the underlying smart card
interface, thus relieving developers from going through the swamps of
microcontroller programming. This allows application developers to concentrate
most of their efforts on the details of application, assuming proper use of the
Java Card API calls regarding (i) the correctness
of the methods’ invocation targets and their arguments and (ii) temporal safety, i.e. the requirement
that certain method calls have to be used in certain orders. Several characteristics
of the Java Card applets and their multiple-entry-point program structure make
it possible for a potentially unhandled exception to reach the invoked entry
point. This contingency opens a possibility of leaving the applet in an
unpredictable state that is potentially dangerous for the application’s
security. Our work introduces automatic static program analysis as a means for
the early detection of misused and therefore dangerous API calls. The shown
analyses have been implemented within the FindBugs bug detector, an open source
framework that applies static analysis functions on the applet bytecode.
KEYWORDS: Java Card, static
program analysis, temporal safety
1 Introduction
analysis has the potential to become a credible means for automatic verification
of smart card applications, which are security critical by definition. This
work explores the adequacy of the FindBugs open source framework for the static
verification of correctness properties concerning the API calls used in Java
Card applications.
The Java Card API provides a framework of classes and interfaces that hides the details of the underlying smart card interface, thus allowing developers to create applications, called applets, at a higher level of abstraction. The Java Card applet life cycle defines the different phases that an applet can be in. These phases are (i) loading, (ii) installation, (iii) personalization, (iv) selectable, (v) blocked and (vi) dead. A characteristic of Java Card applets is that many actions can be performed only when an applet is in a certain phase. Also, contrary to ordinary Java programs that have a single main() entry point, Java Card applets have several entry points, which are called when the card receives various application (APDU) commands. These entry points roughly match the mentioned lifetime phases.
In a Java Card, any
exception can reach the top level, i.e. the applet entry point invoked by the
Java Card Runtime Environment (JCRE). In this case, the currently executing
command is aborted and the command, which in general is not completed yet, is
terminated by an appropriate status word: if the exception is an ISOException, the status word is assigned
the value of the reason code for the raised exception, whereas in all other
cases the reason code is 0x6f00 corresponding to “no precise diagnosis”.
An exception in
an applet’s entry point can reveal information about the behavior of the
application and in principle it should be forbidden. In practice, whereas an ISOException is usually explicitly thrown
by the applet code using throw, a potentially unhandled exception is implicitly raised when executing an API
method call that causes an unexpected error. This may result in leaving the
applet in an unpredicted and ill state that can possibly violate the
application’s security properties.
The present
article introduces a static program analysis approach for the detection of
misused Java Card method calls. We propose the use of appropriate bug detectors
designed for the FindBugs static
analysis framework. These bug detectors will be specific to the used API calls
and will check (i) the correctness of the methods’ invocation target and their
arguments and (ii) temporal safety in their use.
We introduce the
two bug detectors that we developed by applying interprocedural control flow based
and dataflow analyses on the Java Card bytecode. Then, we discuss some recent
advances in related theory that open new prospects to implement sufficiently
precise property analyses.
Our proposal
addresses the problem of unhandled exceptions based on bug detectors that in the future may be supplied by Java Card
technology providers. Applet developers will check their products for correct
use of the invoked API calls, without having to rely on advanced formal
techniques that require highly specialized analysis skills and that are not
fully automated.
Section 2 provides a more thorough
view of the aims of this work and
reviews the related work and the basic differences
of the presented
approach. Section 3 introduces static analysis with the FindBugs
framework. Section 4 presents the work done on the
static verification of Java Card API calls and section 5 reports the latest
developments that open new
prospects for implementation of efficient static analyses that do not compromise precision. The paper ends with a
discussion on our work’s potential impact and comments interesting future research prospects.
2 Related work on static verification of Java Card
Our work belongs
to a family of static verification techniques which, in general, do not guarantee sound and complete analysis.
This means that there is no guarantee that we will find all property violations
and also we cannot guarantee the absence of false
positives. However, our bug detectors may implement advanced static analyses
that eliminate false negatives and minimize false positives (Section 5).
In related works, this sort of analysis cannot be compared with established formal approaches that have been used successfully in static verification of Java Card applets: JACK [1], KeY [2], Krakatoa [3], Jive ([4], [5]) and LOOP ([6], [7]). These techniques aim in precise program verification and they are not fully automated. Moreover, they require highly specialized formal analysis skills for the applet developer.
Static analysis alternatives for Java Card program verification include abstract interpretation [8], i.e. a semantics-based description of all possible executions based on abstract values in place of the actual computed values. In [9], the authors introduce the use of ESC/Java (2), a tool for proving specifications at compile time, without requiring the analyst to interact with the back-end theorem prover (Simplify). The provided analysis is neither sound nor complete, but has been found effective in proving absence of runtime exceptions and in verifying relatively simple correctness properties.
In contrast with [9], our proposal for static program analysis is not based on source code annotations. This reduces the verification cost to the applet developers, since they do not have to make explicit all implicit assumptions needed for correctness (e.g. the non-nullness of buf in many Java Card API calls). Instead of this, the static analyses of FindBugs are implemented in the form of tool plugins that may be distributed together with the used Java Card Development kit or by an independent third party. Applet developers use the bug detectors as they are, but they can also extend their open source code in order to develop bug detectors for custom properties. Note that in ESC/Java (2), user-specified properties assume familiarization, (i) with the Java Modeling Language (JML), (ii) with the particular “design by contract” specification technique and (iii) with the corresponding JML based Java Card API specification [10]. On the other hand, the development of new FindBugs bug detectors assumes only Java programming skills that most software engineers already have.
User defined bug detectors may be based on an initial set of basic bug detectors concerned with (i) the correctness of the API calls invocation target and their arguments and (ii) the temporal safety in their use. This article is inspired by the ideas presented in [11]. However, the focus on the Java Card API is not the only difference between these two works. The static analysis of [11] is based on stateless calls to a library that reflects the API of interest. Violations of temporal safety for the analyzed API calls, however, can be detected only by a statefull property analysis that spans the whole applet or even multiple applets in the same or different contexts. As we will see in next sections, FindBugs static analyses are applied by default to individual class contexts and this is one of the restrictions we had to overcome.
3 Static analysis with the FindBugs framework
FindBugs [12] is a tool and framework
that applies static analyses on the Java (Java Card) bytecode in order to
detect bug patterns, i.e. to detect
“places where code does not follow correct practice in the use of a language
feature or library API” [13]. In general, FindBugs bug detectors behave according to the Visitor design pattern: each detector
visits each class and each
method in the application under analysis. The
framework comes with many analyses built-in and classes and interfaces that
can be extended to build new analyses. In our work, we
exploit the already provided intraprocedural
control flow analysis that transforms the analyzed bytecode into control flow graphs (CFGs), which are used
in our property analyses and dataflow analyses.
The bug pattern detectors are implemented using the Byte
Code Engineering Library (BCEL) [14], which provides infrastructure for
analyzing and manipulating Java class files. In essence, BCEL offers to the
framework data types for inspection of binary Java (Java Card) classes.
One can obtain methods, fields, etc. from the main data types, JavaClass and Method. The project source
directories are used to map the reported warnings back to the Java source code.
Bug pattern detectors are packaged into FindBugs plugins that can use any of the
built-in FindBugs analyses and in effect extend the provided FindBugs
functionality without any changes to its code. A plugin is a jar file
containing detector classes and analysis classes and the following
meta-information: (i) the plugin descriptor (findbugs.xml) declaring the bug patterns,
the detector classes, the detector
ordering constraints and the analysis engine registrar, (ii) the human-readable
messages (in messages.xml), which are the localized messages generated by the
detector. Plugins are easily activated in the developer’s FindBugs installation
by copying the jar file into the proper location of the user’s file system.
FindBugs applies the loaded detectors in a series of AnalysisPasses. Each pass executes a set of
detectors selected according to declared detector ordering constraints. In this
way, FindBugs distributes the detectors into AnalysisPasses and forms a complete ExecutionPlan, i.e., a list of AnalysisPasses specifying how to apply the
loaded detectors to the analyzed application classes. When a project is
analyzed, FindBugs runs through the following steps:
The basic FindBugs algorithm
in pseudo-code is:
analysis pass in the execution plan do
application class do
detector in the analysis pass do
the detector to the class
end for
end for
end for
All detectors use a global cache of analysis objects and databases. An analysis object (accessed
by using a ClassDescriptor or a MethodDescriptor) stores facts about a class or method, for example
the results of a null-pointer dataflow analysis on a method. On the other hand,
a database stores facts about the entire program, e.g. which methods
unconditionally dereference parameters. All detectors implement the Detector interface, which includes the
visitClassContext method that is invoked on each application class. Detector
classes (i) request one or more analysis objects from the global cache for the
analyzed class and its methods, (ii) inspect the gathered analysis objects and
(iii) report warnings for suspicious situations in code. When a Detector is instantiated its
constructor gets a reference to a BugReporter. The Detector object uses the associated BugReporter, in order to emit warnings
for the potential bugs and to save the detected bug instances in BugCollection objects for further
4 Static verification of Java Card API calls
The test cases for
the bug detectors shown here were
derived from an electronic purse applet developed for the purposes of this
work. The electronic purse applet adds or removes units of digital currency and
stores the personal data of the card owner. Moreover, there is also a bonus
applet that interacts with the electronic purse for crediting the bonus units
corresponding to the performed transactions. The two applets lie in separate
contexts and communicate data to each other through a shareable interface. Both
applets are protected by their own PINs. They are accessed through the Java
Card Runtime Environment (JCRE) that invokes the process
method, which in turn invokes the methods corresponding to the inputted APDU commands.
Figure 1. Public members of the PurseApplet and
the BonusApplet
detectors for the temporal safety of API calls use a control flow graph (CFG)
representation of Java methods to perform static verification that either
exploits the builtin dataflow analyses or is based on more sophisticated
user-defined analyses. The following pseudo-code reflects
the functionality of the visitClassContext() method of a typical CFG-based detector.
each method in the class do
a CFG for the method from the ClassContext
one or more analysis objects on the method from the ClassContext
each location in the method do
get the dataflow facts at the location
the dataflow facts
if a dataflow fact indicates an error then
a warning
end if
end for
end for
The basic idea
is to visit each method of the analyzed class in turn, requesting some number
of analysis objects. After getting the required analyses, the detector iterates
through each location in the CFG. A
location is the point in execution just before a particular instruction is
executed (or after the instruction, for backwards analyses). At each location,
the detector checks the dataflow facts to see if anything suspicious is going
on. If suspicious facts are detected at a location the detector issues a warning.
Temporal safety of API calls concerns rules
about their ordering that are possibly associated with constraints on the data
values visible at the API boundary.
Temporal safety properties for the Java Card API are captured in appropriate
state machines that recognize finite execution traces with improper use of the
API calls. Figure 2 introduces the state machine for a Java Card applet bug
raising an APDUException for improper use of the setOutgoing()
Figure 2. Illegal use of short setOutgoing() corresponding to a Java Card
Bug detectors
for temporal safety of API calls track the
state of the property and at the same time track the so-called execution state, i.e. the values of all
program variables. Accurate tracking of the execution state can be very
expensive, because this implies tracking every branch in the control-flow, in
which the values of the examined variables differ along the branch paths. The
resulted search space may grow exponentially or even become infinite.
For the property
of Figure 2 we developed the path-insensitive
bug detector, shown in this section, to explore the suitability of the
FindBugs framework for the static verification of Java Card applets. The more precise
path-sensitive analyses rely on the
fact that for a particular property to be checked, it is likely that most
branches in the code are not relevant to the property, even though they affect
the execution state of the program. Detectors of this type may be based on
heuristics that identify the relevant branches and in this way they reduce the
number of potential false positives. Recent advances in path-sensitive static
analyses and their applicability in the FindBugs framework are discussed in
section 5.
In any applet,
it is possible to access an APDU provided by the JCRE, but it is not possible
to create new APDUs. This implies that all calls to setOutgoing() in a single applet are applied to the same APDU instance
and this fact eliminates the need to check the implicit argument of the setOutgoing() calls. The developed detectors take into account two distinct
cases of property violation:
More precisely,
the InterCallGraph class
we developed makes it possible to construct call graphs including calls that
span different class contexts. This extension allowed the detection of nested
method calls that trigger the state transitions of Figure 2 either by direct
calls to setOutgoing() or by nested calls to methods causing
reachability of the final state. The following is the pseudo-code of the
path-insensitive interprocedural analysis.
request the call graph of the application classes
each method
in the call graph do //mark
methods with setOutgoing() call
method contains setOutgoing() then
method to the black list
end if
end for
each method in the class do //mark methods with nested black method call(s)
start a Depth First
Search from the corresponding graph node:
if method of the node is in the black list then
if final state of Fig. 2 is reached then
the detected bug
end for
each method
in the class do //detect
property violation caused in a loop
request a CFG
for the method
check if
method has loop, enclosing call of setOutgoing()
or a gray method
end for
Finally, the
methods’ CFGs are inspected for loops enclosing method calls that do not cause
reachability of the final state by themselves, but they result in a property
violation when encountered in a loop. Figure 3 shows the bytecode patterns matching
the use of a loop control flow in a CFG. Unhandled exception violations are
detected by looking for an exception
thrower block preceding the instruction by which we reach the final state
(Figure 4). Access to an exception handler
block (if any) is possible through a handled
exception edge. In FindBugs, method isExceptionThrower() detects an exception thrower block and
method isExceptionEdge() determines whether a CFG edge is a
handled exception edge.
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 3. CFG patterns with basic blocks corresponding
to (a) for/while and
(b) do . . . while loop
4. CFG pattern to find
unhandled exception edges
Figure 5
demonstrates how the detector responds in two different property violation
cases. In the first case, the client applet named PurseClientApplet calls setOutgoing() and subsequently invokes the method getUserName() of the PurseApplet
thus causing the detected property violation. The second case concerns a property
violation caused by a call to setUserAddress() in a for loop.
(a) |
(b) |
5. Illegal use of setOutgoing() detected
(a) in interprocedural analysis and (b) within a loop via call to another
analysis is the basic means to statically verify the correctness of the called
methods’ arguments. Its basic function is to estimate conservative
approximations about facts that are
true in each location of a CFG. Facts are mutable, but they have to form a
lattice. The DataflowAnalysis interface shown in Figure 6 is the supertype
for all concrete dataflow analysis classes. It defines methods for creating,
copying, merging and transferring dataflow facts. Transfer functions take dataflow
facts and model the effects of either a basic block or a single instruction
depending on the implemented dataflow analysis. Merge functions combine dataflow
facts when control paths merge. The Dataflow class and its subclasses implement: (i) a
dataflow analysis algorithm based on a CFG and an instance of DataflowAnalysis, (ii) methods providing access to the
analysis results.
We are
particularly interested for the FrameDataflowAnalysis class that forms the base for analyses
that model values in local variables and operand stack. Dataflow facts for
derived analyses are subclasses of the class Frame, whose
instances represent the Java stack frame at a single CFG location. In a Java
stack frame, both stack operands and local variables are considered to be
“slots” that contain a single symbolic value.
6. FindBugs base classes
for dataflow analyses
The built-in
frame dataflow analyses used in static verification of the called methods
arguments are:
The class
hierarchy of Figure 6 and the mentioned built-in dataflow analyses form a
generic dataflow analysis framework, since it is possible to create new kinds
of dataflow analyses that will use as dataflow facts objects of user-defined
A bug detector
exploits the results of a particular dataflow analysis on a method by getting a
reference to the Dataflow object that was used to execute the
analysis. There is no direct support for interprocedural analysis, but there
are ways to overcome this shortcoming. More precisely, analysis may be
performed in multiple passes. A first pass detector will compute method summaries (e.g. method parameters
that are unconditionally dereferenced, return values that are always non-null
and so on), without reporting any warnings and a second pass detector will use
the computed method summaries as needed. However, this approach excludes the
implementation of context sensitive
interprocedural analyses like the ones explored in Section 5.
In the following
paragraphs, we present a bug detector for unhandled exceptions concerned with
the correctness of arguments in method calls. Consider the following method:
short arrayCopy( byte[] src, short srcOff,
dest, short
destOff, short length)
NullPointerException is raised when either src or dest
is null. Also, when the copy operation accesses
data outside the array bounds the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is raised.
This happens either when one of the parameters srcOff, destOff
and length has a negative value or when srcOff+length is greater than src.length or when destOff+length
is greater than dest.length. We provide the pseudo-code of the visitClassContext() method for the detector of unhandled exceptions
raised by invalid arrayCopy arguments:
for each method in the class do
request a CFG
for the method
get the
method’s ConstantDataflow from ClassContext
get the
method’s ValueNumberDataflow from ClassContext
get the
method’s IsNullValueDataflow from ClassContext
each location in the method do
get instruction
handle from location
instruction from instruction handle
instruction is not instance of invoke
static then
the invoked method's name from instruction
the invoked method’s signature from instruction
invoked method is arrayCopy then
ConstantFrame (fact) at current location
ValueNumberFrame (fact) at current location
IsNullValueFrame (fact) at current location
the method's number of arguments
each argument do
argument as Constant, ValueNumber, IsNullValue
argument is constant then
argument is negative then
a bug
if argument is not method return value nor constant then
argument is not definitely not null then
a bug
end for
end for
Figure 7
demonstrates how the detector responds in two different property violation
cases. In the first case, PurseApplet
calls arrayCopy with null value for the parameter accountNumber. It is also important to note that it is not possible to
determine by static analysis the correctness of the method call for all of the
mentioned criteria, because buffer gets its value at run time by the JCRE.
However, a complete FindBugs bug detector could generate a warning for the
absence of an appropriate exception handler. In the second test case, parameter
offset is assigned an unacceptable value.
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 7. Illegal use of arrayCopy detected with (a) null value parameter and
(b) unacceptable constant value parameter
5 Precise and scalable analyses for the static
verification of API calls
The static analysis case studies of Section 4 point out the
merits as well as some shortcomings of the FindBugs open source framework, for
the static verification of Java Card API calls. Although there is only limited
documentation for the framework design and architecture, the source code is
easy to read and self-documented. FindBugs is a live open source project and we
will soon have new developments on shortcomings, like for example the lack of
context-sensitive interprocedural dataflow analysis. Appropriate bug
detectors can be supplied by the Java Card technology providers. Thus, Java Card applet providers will be able
to use FindBugs in their development process with limited cost. This
possibility opens new perspectives for automatically verifying the absence of unhandled security
critical exceptions, as well as prospects for the development of bug detectors
for application-specific correctness properties.
The static
analysis techniques shown in the two case studies can be combined in bug
detectors where either
the following paragraphs we review the latest developments in related
bibliography that address the second aim and in effect designate static program
analysis as a credible approach for the static verification of security
critical applications.
A notable success
story in temporal safety checking is the ESP tool for the static verification
of C programs. ESP utilizes a successful heuristic called “property simulation” [15] and a path feasibility analysis called “path simulation” [16], in order to
perform partial program verification based only on the control-flow branches
that are relevant to the checked property. This results in a selective
path-sensitive analysis that maintains precision only for those branches that
appear to affect the property to be checked. For one particular instantiation
of the approach, in which the domain of execution states is chosen to be the
constant propagation lattice, the analysis executes in polynomial time and
scales without problems in large C programs like the GNU C compiler with 140000
is still possible to construct programs for which property simulation generates
false positives, but the authors claim that this happens only to a narrow class
of programs that is described in their article. Property simulation is designed
to match the behavior of a careful programmer. In order to avoid programming
errors programmers maintain an implicit correlation between a given property
state and the execution states under which the property state machine is in
that state. Property simulation makes this correlation explicit as follows:
property simulation requires generation of context-sensitive function summaries,
where context sensitivity is restricted to the property states. This happens in
order to exclude the possibility of a non-terminated computation that exists if
the domain of execution states is infinite (e.g. constant propagation). Thus,
execution states are treated in a context-insensitive manner: at function entry
nodes, all execution states from the different call sites are merged.
The proposed
path simulation technique manages execution states and in effect acts as a
theorem prover to answer queries about path feasibility. In general, path
feasibility analysis is undecidable. To guarantee convergence and efficiency, ESP
makes conservative assumptions when necessary. While such over approximation is
sound (i.e. does not produce false negatives), it may introduce imprecision.
More recent research efforts in cutting down spurious errors that are at the
same time scalable enough for solving real world problems focus on applying
iterative refinement to path-sensitive dataflow analysis [17].
Another notable
success story in temporal safety checking is the SAFE project [18] at the IBM
Research Labs. Both ESP and SAFE build on the theoretical underpinning of a typestate as a refinement of the concept
of type [19]. Whereas the type of a data object determines the set of
operations ever permitted on the object, typestate determines the subset of
these operations which are performed in a particular context. Typestate
tracking aims to statically detect syntactically legal but semantically undefined
execution sequences. The heuristics applied in SAFE are reported in [20]. In
that work the authors propose a composite verifier built out of several
composable verifiers of increasing precision and cost. In this setting, the
composite verifier stages analyses in order to improve efficiency without
compromising precision. The early stages use the faster verifiers to reduce the
workload for later, more precise, stages. Prior to any path-sensitive analysis,
the first stage prunes the verification scope using an extremely efficient
path-insensitive error path feasibility check.
The most serious
restriction in the current version of FindBugs regarding the perspectives to
implement sophisticated analyses like those described is the lack of support
for interprocedural context-sensitive dataflow analysis. However, we expect
that this restriction will soon be removed.
6 Conclusion
work explored the adequacy of static program analysis for the automatic verification
of Java Card applets. We utilized the FindBugs open source framework in developing
two bug detectors that check the absence of unhandled security critical exceptions,
concerned with temporal safety and correctness of the arguments of Java Card
API calls. The developed detectors are sound, but they are not precise. We explored
the latest developments that open new prospects for improving the precision of
static analysis, thus making it a credible approach for the automatic
verification of security critical applications. The results of our work and the
bug detectors source code are publicly available online
future research goal is the static verification of multi-applet Java Card
applications (like the one in our case studies), in terms of temporal
restrictions of inter-applet communications through shareable interfaces [21].
Also, we will continue to seek ways to overcome the experienced shortcomings in
the current FindBugs version.
This work was supported by the funds of the
bilateral research programme between Greece and Cyprus, Greek General Research
Secretariat, 2006-2008.
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