© ACM, 2007.
This is the author's version of the work.
It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use.
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The definitive version was published in
In B. Boehm, S. Chulani, J. Verner, and B. Wong, editors, 5th
International Workshop on Software Quality. ACM Press, May 2007.
Refactoring - Does it improve software quality?
Konstantinos Stroggylos, Diomidis Spinellis
Athens University of Economics and Business
Department of Management Science
and Technology
Patision 76, 10434 Athens, Greece
Software systems undergo modifications, improvements and enhancements to cope
with evolving requirements. This maintenance can cause their quality to
decrease. Various metrics can be used to evaluate the way the quality is
affected. Refactoring is one of the most important and commonly used techniques
of transforming a piece of software in order to improve its quality. However,
although it would be expected that the increase in quality achieved via
refactoring is reflected in the various metrics, measurements on real life
systems indicate the opposite. We analyzed source code version control system
logs of popular open source software systems to detect changes marked as
refactorings and examine how the software metrics are affected by this process,
in order to evaluate whether refactoring is effectively used as a means to
improve software quality within the open source community.
Software metrics have been proved to reflect software quality, and thus have
been widely used in software quality evaluation methods [6].
The results of these evaluation methods can be used to indicate which parts of
a software system need to be reengineered. The reengineering of these parts is
usually performed using refactoring. Refactoring is defined as "the process of
changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external
behavior of the code, yet improves its internal structure" [30].
The abundance of available tools for collecting software metrics and performing
automated refactoring on source code simplifies maintenance. This means that
more developers and software engineers use refactoring consciously as a means to
improve the quality of their software. However, as this study suggests, the
expected and actual results often differ. Although people use refactoring (or
claim to do so) in order to improve the quality of their systems, the metrics
indicate that this process often has the opposite results.1
Software metrics provide a means to extract useful and measurable information
about the structure of a software system. This explains why the first metrics
like LOC (Lines Of Code) appeared very early. Today the software engineer has a
very large list of metrics at his disposition in order to gain the insight
required for understanding and evaluating the structure and quality of a system.
This has created the need to determine which set of metrics is most appropriate
for each environment [39]. Popular metrics suites are Order of
Growth (Big O notation) [13], Halstead's Complexity Measures
[19], McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity
[26,27,28] and
Maintainability Index [38]. For object-oriented
systems the metrics used more commonly include the suites proposed by Henry and
Kafura [20,21], Chidamber & Kemerer
[11,12], Li & Henry
[24], Lorenz & Kidd [25] and Briand et
al. [7,8].
Several studies attempt to correlate software metrics with quality
[35,23,34] or validate the
significance of the various metrics proposed in the
literature[9]. Others use metrics to predict the
fault-proneness of classes from the early development phases, or evaluate their
effect on the maintenance effort required to keep a system up to date with
changing requirements, both of which are indicators of a system's
quality[4,24]. These methods have been used
to reliably detect the parts of a system that are most likely to suffer from
errors or exhibit maintenance difficulty and thus need to be reengineered.
Probably the most influential factor for software quality is its design. A good
design will allow a software system to evolve with little effort and less money.
Object oriented systems expose this behavior more than ones written in
procedural languages, since many powerful mechanisms such as inheritance,
polymorphism and encapsulation are available. Therefore by evaluating the
quality of the design of a system one can estimate its overall quality. Various
studies attempt to correlate attibutes of the design of a system (often
represented by design complexity metrics) to its quality. They are targeting
mostly towards defect density and maintenance effort or time, and provide
predictive models based on the values of the metrics for these attributes
[16,2,3]. Others define formal
models for object oriented design and use them to formally define established
object-oriented metrics, so as to ease the automated design evaluation
[10,31]. It is therefore clear that
metrics can be used to detect whether a system's quality suffers and needs to
be reengineered, as well as identify which of its parts need to be refactored.
Refactoring is considered as one of the most important means of transforming a
piece of software in order to improve its quality. Its aim is to decrease the
complexity of a system at design and source code level, allowing it to evolve
further in a low-cost manner by ensuring the developers' productivity and
leaving less room for design errors[29]. The problem faced by
software engineers is discovering where to apply refactorings. Fowler
[17] states that the detection of such problematic areas
is based on human intuition and descibes the notion of `bad smells' in code.
Fortunately, among other methods, software metrics can be used to identify areas
that would benefit from refactoring. Tool support is necessary to assist the
human intuition in this decision-making process in an efficient manner. Simon et
al. in [33] employ distance-based metrics to detect targets for
four common refactorings. Joshi and Joshi in [22]
introduce two new microscopic metrics that they claim are best suited for
fine-grained decisions about needed refactoring actions.
Software quality can be described as the conformance to functional
requirements (related to correctness) and non functional requirements (NFRs),
which are related to characteristics described in the ISO-9126 standard
(reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability)
[1]. Refactoring is by definition supposed to improve the
maintainability of a software product, but it its effect on other quality
aspects is unclear.
In order to determine which refactorings have a positive effect on quality it is
necessary to analyze the dependecies between NFRs, as - more often than not - a
reengineering decision affects more than one of its aspects. Such an attempt is
described in [37]. This study, which also presents metrics for
evaluating the effect of refactorings on a system, establishes an explicit
relation between design decisions and quality requirements, by representing NFRs
as soft-goals and examining the dependencies between them. The work in
[36] also employs a modeling of soft goals and their
interdependencies as graphs. However it takes a step further by associating them
with specific transformations which are not applied unless an evaluation
procedure suggests that the desired qualities will be met in the reengineered
system. Yu et al. [40] also use such graphs combined with
metrics in order to select the order in which refactorings should be performed,
taking into account various trade-offs between code complexity and performance.
An extensive research has been performed under the name of refactoring
detection in detecting refactorings between different revisions of a software
system. This technique is useful for examining the evolution of a system but it
does not always convey a clear image about the reason that led the developers to
perform such changes.
A primary target of refactoring is the minimization of code duplication which
usually occurs from copy-and-modify operations. Refactorings such as Extract
Method help in minimizing the number of locations requiring modification when a
change is performed. To facilitate the maintenance process, a clone
detection-based method to automatically detect refactorings that occured between
two consecutive versions of a component is proposed in [15].
Another method described in [18] is the detailed analysis of
function call relations and origin analysis. Others employ data mining
techniques to detect high-level similarities in code [5].
An older study [14] proposes heuristics for detecting
refactorings by calculating metrics over successive versions of a system.
Most of the studies presented in the previous section do not correlate the
evolution of a system with the change in metrics. In this study we attempt to
show how refactoring has affected metrics in open source software. Instead of
using one of the proposed techniques to detect the refactorings performed
between consequent revisions, the commit logs were used as a source of
information. This means that we trust the developers in performing refactorings
and documenting them in the system's change history. In essence we take into
account only reengineerings that the developers mark as refactorings.
The whole process, which is straightforward and can be easily automated, is
depicted in Fig.1 and can be described as a sequence of simple
steps, as follows:
- Obtain the commit log from the source code repository of the software
system being examined
- Search through the log entries for mentions of words stemming from the
verb 'refactor' (e.g. refactoring, refactored, etc.)
- Create a list Lrev containing pairs (Revstart, Revend) of
consecutive revision numbers of the system between which a refactoring was
- Enumerate through the items contained in Lrev. For each pair
(Revstart, Revend) of revisions in Lrev use the 'diff' command
of the source code revision control system used for the system being examined
in order to obtain a list of source files Lfilesstart-end that were
modified (added, removed or changed) between Revstart and Revend
- Enumerate again through the items contained in Lrev. For each
revision Revstart and Revend in each pair, download (check out) the
corresponding revision of the source code of the system being examined from
its repository and compile it.
- Once the compilation of a revision Rcur is complete, enumerate
through the list of files Lfilesstart-end where Rcur is one of the
revisions Rstart and Rend of the pair currently examined. For each
file contained in the list Lfilesstart-end use a metrics tool to extract
metrics from either the source code file itself or the compiled class file
and store the results in a text file or other persistent storage for further
- Enumerate through the list of files Lfilesstart-end analyzed for
the current pair (Revstart, Revend) and examine how the various metrics
were affected between the revisions Revstart and Revend
Note that the compilation in step 5 does not necessarily have to complete
successfully. As long as the classes or files in Lfilesstart-end, their
dependencies and the ones depending on them compile the analysis can still be
performed. This has allowed us to get away with commits that break the build for
reasons unrelated to refactorings.
Figure 1: The process used to evaluate the effect of refactorings
The process described above was used for the evaluation of the effect of
refactorings on three object-oriented and one procedural system. The tool used
for the object oriented systems is the latest version of ckjm
2, an open source
tool written by this paper's second author, which calculates the metrics
proposed by Chidamber&Kemerer as well as Ca (Afferent Coupling, the number of
other packages depending upon a class) and NPM (Number of Public Methods of a
class), by processing the bytecode of compiled Java classes.
As the experiments were being conducted it became evident that in many cases the
commits performed by the developers would break the system's build. In order to
cope with this situation another tool was used to calculate the metrics for the
examined classes, the (misnamed) C and C++ Code Counter (CCCC)3. CCCC can process C, C++ and Java source files
directly, and it calculates 4 out of the 6 metrics of the Chidamber&Kemerer
suite, as well as McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity (the number of linearly
independent paths), so it was used both whenever the compilation of a revision
failed and for the procedural system examined.
The metrics examined also include WMC(Weighted Methods per Class), DIT (Depth of
Inheritence Tree), NOC (Number Of immediate Children subclasses), CBO (Coupling
Between Objects, a count of the non-inheritance relations with other classes),
RFC (Response for a class, the sum of the number of methods of the class itself
and all other methods it calls) and LCOM (Lack of Cohesion of Methods, expresses
the similarity of methods). As shown in [32] big values in these
metrics indicate possible problems.
A big percentage of software systems in use today is not written in object
oriented languages. A prime example of this is operating systems, such as the
kernels of the GNU/Linux and BSD families. In the context of this study, the
popular Apache Software Foundation HTTP server4 was chosen as a sample for numerous reasons
besides its popularity5. It is one of
the most actively developed open source projects with many contributors from all
over the world. Additionaly, the description page of the latest branch of the
system (version 2.2) states that one of the major core enhancements was the
refactoring of certain modules (namely the bundled authentication and
authorization modules). This meant that it wouldn't be necessary to examine
specific consecutive revisions, but one could do a more macroscopic examination
of these modules instead.
The versions of the system that were studied were 2.0.59 from the stable branch
and 2.2.3 from the experimental branch. Besides the renaming of the examined
modules, which is not of interest for this study as it does not affect metrics,
one module (mod_auth) was split into two separate ones (mod_auth_basic and
mod_authn_file), which were the ones examined in detail.
Figure 2: The effect of refactoring on Apache
As one can see in Figure 2, the McCabe Complexity has increased
about 30% for mod_auth due to the fact that it was broken down into two
modules, although the overall module architecture has been simplified. On the
other hand, the mod_auth_digest module displays slightly improved metrics,
which can be explained by the fact that the digest mechanism has been redesigned
in the 2.2 branch. Finally, the metrics for the other modules appear to have
improved significantly. This is mainly caused by changes in other parts of the
system and the module architecture in general, which allow the code for these
modules to become simpler. The effect is less visible in mod_auth_digest
because it is much more complicated than the others, so the metrics difference
is relatively smaller.
The method described was used to evaluate the effect of refactoring on the
metrics of three popular open source object oriented libraries. The libraries
selected were Apache Software Foundation's logging library for Java (Log4J),
MySQL's JDBC Driver (MySQL Connector/J) and JBoss Hibernate Core. These projects
were chosen because they have been around and studied for years, they are
actively being developed, they have strong communities of users supporting them
and are very popular among developers.
Figure 3: The effect of refactorings on the object oriented libraries examined
Log4J is an open source logging library for Java developed by Apache Software
Foundation. It is a medium-sized component, as the latest revision weighs in
at about 89KLOC6.
For the purpose of this study, a set of 30 revisions in 16 pairs was selected
(some revisions participated in two consequent pairs). The metrics for 4 of
these pairs that compiled cleanly were calculated using ckjm, whereas CCCC was
used for the rest. The experimental results are presented in Figure
These results imply that the refactorings overall had little impact on the
calculated metrics - especially the NOC and DIT were not affected at all, which
makes sense considering that the refactorings examined did not include
transformations that affect the class hierarchy except for two cases.
The experimental results also suggest that there was overall a non-trivial
increase in the value of the MVG and RFC metrics. While the CBO displays a small
increase, we noticed a significant increase in the values of the RFC and Ca,
which approaches 10% and 11% respectively. These values may suggest that each
reengineered class ended up with more (diverse) responsibilities. Given that the
increase in Ca was accompanied by an increase in LCOM it may be safe to suggest
that the methods contained in the classes refactored became less related to each
other - and perhaps with their initial purpose.
MySQL Connector/J is an open-source JDBC driver for the MySQL server
7. It is a
medium-sized component, as the latest stable revision weighs in at about 89KLOC.
For the purpose of this study, a set of 10 revisions in 8 pairs was selected.
The metrics for the files affected between the various revisions were calculated
using CCCC. The results calculated are presented in Figure 3.
As one can see, these results do not seem to agree with the ones of Log4J. This
could be due to various reasons. For example it could have occured because
diferrent types of refactorings were applied to the source code, which may
affect the calculated metrics in a different way. However since not all the
Chidamber & Kemerer metrics are calculated by CCCC and the set of revisions
examined is small the calculated results may not be representative.
Hibernate is a popular open source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library
written in the Java programming language8. The component examined in this study is
Hibernate Core, which is fairly large, as its source code weighs in at about
185KLOC. For the purpose of this experiment a total of 59 revisions in 30 pairs
were examined. The results are presented in Figure 3.
The statistics calculated for Hibernate indicate a similarity in the way the
various metrics were affected to the ones of Log4J. Both Log4J and Hibernate
displayed a quite strong overall and average increase of the RFC and CBO metric.
Moreover, the increase in the value of the LCOM and Ca metrics is even bigger,
approaching 18% and 16% respectively. This means that as the classes were
reengineered they became less coherent and more interdependent, and given the
large average values of these metrics one could come to the conclusion that
these refactorings were not beneficial to the project's overall quality.
Software systems need to go under modifications, improvements and enhancements
in order to cope with evolving requirements. This maintenance can adversely
affect their quality. Refactoring is one of the most important and commonly used
techniques for improving the quality of software, which can be measured by
employing various metrics. However, although it would be expected that the
improvement is reflected in the various metrics, this does not seem to be the
case in real life systems.
This study examines how the metrics of popular open source projects were
affected when the development team performed refactorings, regardless of
the reasons that led to that decision. The results indicate a significant change
of certain metrics to the worse. Specifically it seems that refactoring caused a
non trivial increase in metrics such as LCOM, Ca and RFC, indicating that it
caused classes to become less coherent as more responsibilities are assigned to
them. The same principles seem to apply in procedural systems as well, in which
case the effect is captured as an increase in complexity metrics. Since it is a
common conjecture that the metrics used can actually indicate a system's
quality, these results suggest that either the refactoring process does not
always improve the quality of a system in a measurable way or that developers
still have not managed to use refactoring effectively as a means to improve
software quality.
To further validate these results, more systems and even more revisions must be
examined, because the number examined so far is relatively small. Using a
refactoring detection technique to identify the refactorings performed each
time, one could also correlate each kind of refactoring to a specific trend in
the change of various metrics and thus deduce which ones are more beneficial to
the overall quality of a system.
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research has been funded within the frame of the Operational Programme
"COMPETITIVENESS", measure 8.3.1 (PENED), and is co-financed by European
Social Funds (75%) and by national sources (25%)
2Available at http://www.spinellis.gr/sw/ckjm/
at http://cccc.sourceforge.net/
4Available at
5Netcraft Ltd. Web Server Survey. Available at
6Available at http://logging.apache.org/log4j
7Available at http://dev.mysql.com/
8Available at