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Tsilira, Adamantia Pateli, Erast Athanasiadis, Diomidis Spinellis,,,
ELTRUN: The E-Business Center
Department of Management of
Science and Technology
University of Economics and Business
47A Evelpidon Street, 11362, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-210 8203663, Fax: +30-210 8203664
Considering the advances of wireless, mobile and positioning
technologies and the high requirement of the mobile marketing world for
reaching as many customers as possible in a personalized way, this paper
presents a wireless technology solution for sending targeted advertising or
information messages on mobile devices. The research and development work
presented in this paper has been conducted as part of a European-funded project
named mEXPRESS (mobile in-EXhibition PRovision of Electronic
Support Services) which aims at developing a Mobile Exhibition
Guide providing location based services. In this context, we have built a
Targeted Messenger subsystem enabling on-site promotion of exhibits via targeted spots as
well as targeted announcements to user groups based on their profile,
preferences and location in exhibition halls. This
paper discusses the Targeted Messenger component’s architecture and design
specification, with the aid of UML tools, as well as its implementation, based
on J2EE multi-tier implementation platform.
Key Words: mobile advertising,
positioning services, targeted messages
In the
wireless communications industry, one of the main issues raised is how to effectively target the
mobile consumer market (DMA). Software companies move on to identify opportunities and requirements
for mobile advertising, while marketers try to determine how to choose and
implement the best options and services to meet their needs. The main goal of
both groups includes the development of strategies for delivering wireless
content and services that appeal to mobile customers (Bayne, 2002).
The ultimate goal of the marketing world is dual: a) reach
anyone at anytime and anyplace, b) reach customers in a personalised way. The
evolution of wireless and mobile networks as well as the advances in
positioning systems for both outdoor and indoor environments has raised
expectations for fulfilling this goal. On the one hand, advances in wireless
technology and mobile networks and devices have fulfilled the need for
real-time information and for communication anytime. Through mobile devices,
business entities are able to reach their customers, and provide them with
their content or services, anywhere and anytime. On the other hand, mobile
services, compared to Internet services, provide many more possibilities for
tailoring information to the individual profile of user that possesses a mobile
device (Siau and Shen, 2003). The development of advanced positioning systems,
based over network-based or handset-based technologies (Giaglis et al., 2002),
has enabled tailoring information based on user’s location. The knowledge of
user’s physical location at a particular moment constitutes a rather
significant parameter for personalizing mobile content and services. User’s
profile and location can be combined to filter information and tailor services
to individual user needs.
Taking into consideration the existing trends, described
above, this paper addresses the need for an application that enables business
users of an organization to compose and deliver
targeted messages (alerts, advertisements, offers, announcements) to their
current (or potential) customers of specific profile, preferences and location.
The main goal of our research
work has been the design and implementation of a functional component, which allows the composition,
targeting, and delivery of messages (statements, news, offers, advertisements)
to certain user groups in a closed environment of interaction (e.g. an
exhibition or museum). The targeting mechanism of message’s recipients is
implemented via a filter that matches the requirements of the sender with the
profile and the needs of individual users or user groups
The developed system is called “Targeted
Messenger” and constitutes part of the mEXPRESS overall system (mobile in
Exhibition Provision of Electronic Support Services). Targeted Messenger
provides exhibitors with the ability of on-site promotions of exhibits through
targeted spots and organizers with enhanced broadcasting abilities enabling
contact of a selected set of visitors according to their location and/or other
The contributions of this paper are
twofold: a targeting mechanism implemented based on a series of demographic,
behavioural and location data, and an architectural design that includes
targeted messenger as a separate component. On the first front, our application
combines the location data acquired from the mobile clients with data on their
profiles and behaviour during the exhibition running to dynamically target sent
messages. On the second front, the design we followed decouples in a
significant, though unfortunately not absolute degree, the functionality of
targeted messaging from the rest of the system.
Architecture specifications and design specifications of Targeted
Messenger described with the aid of UML are discussed in Section 2. Section 3
discusses the most important implementation issues. Reference to related work
in research and commercial world is made in Section 4. The last section
concludes with discussion of the major contribution made and insight for
further work.
Architecture and Design of the System
mEXPRESS (mobile in-EXhibition PRovision of Electronic
Support Services) (mEXPRESS D1.1, D2.1, D2.2) is a
European-funded project that aims to exploit the technological opportunities
arising from evolution in the areas of wireless networks and indoor positioning
technologies, such as WLAN and Indoor-GPS (Mathes et al., 2002) in order to
support and facilitate the professional exhibition industry in a context-aware
manner. The project has developed a mediation platform, namely a Mobile Exhibition
Guide, oriented to exhibition shows and events, aiming at: a) enhancing
visitors experience in terms of interaction and functionality in an
information-rich environment such as an exhibition show, b) improving business
communications and promotions within the exhibition and extending promotional
effectiveness during and after the exhibition, and c) assisting and supporting
exhibition management and operations by offering real-time location
Based on a number of user
(visitors, exhibitors, and organizers alike) behavioural requirements captured
and analysed at the early phase of the project (Fouskas et al., 2002), the
Mobile Exhibition Guide is designed to provide a list of services for each user
group. The most important services for visitor include navigation map, routing
advice, bookmarking facilities, and catalogue searching. Exhibitors receive
value through the use of targeted messages service, statistical reports, and
access to questionnaires filled in by visitors. Finally, services for
organisers’ benefit include online registration facilities, receiving real-time
messages by exhibitors for any problem raised, sending targeted messages to
visitors, receiving results of statistical analysis made and uploading
questionnaires for conducting surveys. More information on provided services,
physical architecture and technology framework can be found in mEXPRESS site: The necessary functionality for the
provision of the above services is implemented through the following
subsystems: Parameters (Form) Manager, Visitor Manager, Questionnaire Manager,
Group Manager, Exhibitor Manager, Catalogue Manager, Bookmarking Manager,
Organiser Manager, Virtual Business Card Manager, Communication Engine,
Analysis and Reporting Tool, Visitor Behaviour Manager, Authenticator,
Navigator and Router, Map Manager, Positioning, and Targeting Messenger.
2.2 Description of
Targeted Messenger
The main
business entities of the system are Organizer and Exhibitor. In the mEXPRESS system,
targeted messages are defined as the messages that the mEXPRESS business actors can send
to their customers (visitors), based on a set of targeting parameters including
their location and profile. The profile is defined during the creation of the
message. The delivery of the message is made through certain delivery
parameters, which are also defined during the creation of the message. In
current implementation, the messages are by default classified into two
categories (draft and sent) for the sender of the message. Further
categorization is possible by the creation of new folders. Users are able to
view and delete the messages of all categories, or move the messages to any of
the new folders. Draft messages can be updated. Targeted Messenger provides the
ability to create new folders and delete previously created folders. In summary, both
exhibitor and organizer using the appropriate web based user interface can
execute the following tasks: 1) send targeted messages to visitors, 2) manage
sent messages (move to folder, delete, browse in folder, view/update), 3)
manage draft messages (move to folder, delete, browse, view/update), and 4)
manage folders of messages (add, delete folder). Use case diagrams, with the
aid of UML design tool (Booch, 1997; Booch et al., 1998 Larman, 2002), were created to
give in a more clearway the main interactions of business actors taking place
within the Targeted Messenger.
The next paragraph describes in detail the
most important use case of this functional subsystem, which is named
“Composition of a targeted message”.
Composition of a Targeted Message
The mEXPRESS business actors, exhibitor and organiser, can either create
a new message or use as template, and thus update, an already sent or draft
message, located in Sent Messages or Draft Messages Folder respectively. For
the composition and delivery of a message, communication with other components
is needed. Description of the use case “Create New Message” follows.
Figure1. Phase
(a) of Message Composition
actor (Exhibitor or Organizer) selects “Create new messages” option from the
services menu.
Figure 2. Phase (b) of Message Composition
A message can be sent once or more times
(multiple delivery). In the first case, issuers are asked to define delivery
time and day. In the second case, they are asked to opt for either a delivery
from time to time for one specific day, or delivery from time to time and from
day to day. In the case of a multiple delivery, users have also to define if
they wish the message to be received more than one times from the same
recipient. The available dates among of which users have to choose the
message’s delivery date/s, are obtained through communication with Organizer
Manager subsystem.
Finally, users define the targeting parameters a) the recipients’ profile and
b) location (Figure 4). Rules such as “Occupation equals Financial
Manager” and “age equals 50” and “Bookmarked Product is pmobile2004” construct
recipient’s (visitor’s) profile.
3. Phase (c)) of
Message Composition
Demographic parameters names and values
such as occupation, age, income and other are obtained
through communication with Parameters Manager component. This
data is collected through visitor’s registration. Behavioural parameters names
and values such as bookmarked product are obtained through communication
with Catalogue Manager subsystem.
Behavioural information like products or stands that the visitor has bookmarked
is collected through the interaction of the visitor with the system during the
exhibition show. The location of the recipient can be defined as either one of
the stands of exhibitors, or restaurant, or conference room, or seminar place
or any other place defined to the system as location area. Coordinates of the
specified location (stand, restaurant, etc.) and proximity value as radius
define the exact area in where visitors are located. Location coordinates are
obtained through communication with Map Manager subsystem and the names
of defined locations are retrieved trough communication with Catalogue
have to select one of the following option: Send, Save As Draft or Cancel.
If they press the Send button, a
daemon wakes up ready to perform all the necessary actions for the delivery of
the message. 1) The rules of demographic parameters, will construct a select
statement, with the help of which all
visitors who satisfy the rules will be retrieved from Visitor Manager
subsystem database. 2) Communication with Bookmarking Manager takes
place, in order to find out the visitors, who have bookmarked the specified
product. 3) Communication with Visitor Behaviour Manager subsystem
returns the visitors in the specified location area. The set of message’s
recipients constitutes the intersection of visitors returned from steps 3.1,3.2
and 3.3, in other words the visitors with the desired profile found in the
defined location. After the set of message’s recipients is defined, collaboration
with Communication Engine components follows, and the message is
delivered according to the specified delivery instructions. In case the
delivery is multiple each one of steps 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 will be performed once
or more times.
3. Implementation Issues
The implementation of mEXPRESS system and
consequently the implementation of Targeted Messenger are based on J2EE
platform. The multi-tier architecture, that J2EE offers proved to be very
suitable to the distributed character of mEXPRESS system. This section includes discussion on J2EE architecture
as it was implemented on mEXPRESS system, reference on patterns used, and
discussion on Targeted Messenger implementation.
3.1 J2EE Architecture as implemented
on mEXPRESS system
The implementation of Targeted Messenger
follows the J2EE Architecture as it was implemented in mEXPRESS system and
illustrated in Figure 5. In the context of J2EE (Flanagan et al, 2002), interface tier (client tier and web tier), business logic tier (business
tier) and persistent storage tier (data tier) are used as virtual distinct
tiers. These distinct tiers are apparent inside of each one of the mEXPRESS
subsystems. What its one of these tiers contains, as far as Targeted Messenger
is regarded, is discussed on paragraph 3.3.
The enterprise application consists of
EJBs, Servlets and JSPs. J2EE is
characterized by Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs). EJBs fall into two very
distinct categories session beans (stateless or stateful) and entity beans
(EJBs), (Roman et al, 2001), (Haefel, 2002). Moreover J2EE offers two kinds of data persistence for
entity beans, container-managed persistence and bean-managed persistence (Roman
et al, 2001). For mEXPRESS system and consequently for Targeted Messenger,
container-managed persistence has been selected.
Figure 4. Server
Logical Architecture (mEXPRESS D2.1)
3.2 Session Beans as a Facade to Entity Beans
One of the most useful J2EE patterns (Berry et. al., 2002) used also in
Targeted Messenger implementation is the use of session beans as a façade to entity beans. A facade provides a unified
interface to a set of interfaces. The use of application-specific session beans
to manage the interactions of various entity beans provides a simpler interface
to the client by giving the client a central point of entry. The client always
interacts with this session bean and is unaware of the existence of the other
entity beans in the system In the Targeted Messenger subsystem two facades have
been implemented,
TargetedMessagesManagerFacade and
3.3 Targeted Messenger Implementation
As mentioned earlier, the Targeted Messenger implementation has been
based on a multi-tier architecture. For each tier, it follows a paragraph
referred to the tier in relation with Targeted Messenger.
Interface Tier
In web tier of Targeted Messenger are found JSP pages.
Create_New_Message and update_Message java server pages communicate with
Organizer Manager, Parameters Manager, Map Manager and Catalogue Manager in
order to get all the necessary information for the construction of the form’s
targeting section. Create New Message, Update Message, Browse Messages; Manage
folders pages and other are the user interface of message’s sender. Visitor as
recipient of the message view the message with interface provided by
Communication Engine subsystem.
Business Logic Tier
business tier includes the session and entity beans. Targeted Messenger is implemented with
container-managed persistence. For each of the Entity Bean classes, the container
managed persistent fields and the container –managed relationship fields are
defined. As container managed persistent fields are defined those which will be
also columns in the database table Container-managed relationship fields have
the role, the foreign keys have in database and are defined by the same way of
thinking. For example on TargetedMessage entity bean, the fields
visiTortargetingInfo, locationTargetingInfo, uniqueDeliveryInfo and other
exist, which are container-managed relationship fields. From the software
engineering approach, the above fields correspond to the VisitorTarget,
LocationTarget, UniqueDelivery objects respectively (composition relationship,
see Figure 4). However, from the database approach, the same fields
constitute foreign keys to the respective records of database tables
VisitorTarget, LocationTarget and UniqueDelivery respectively.
Data Tier
In database and database schema, we can find a table for each of the
defined entity beans. The composition relationships defined in logical design
and given with the container-managed relationship fields are reflected in
database by cascade deletes, which will take place when necessary. For example
the deletion of a TargetedMessage object means the deletion of the respective
record from Targeted Message table but also the deletion of the related
VisitorTarget, LocationTarget and ”delivery” record from the respective tables
of the database.
4. Related Work
Messaging Service (SMS), Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS), Multimedia Messaging
Service (MMS), and Instant Messaging are some of the ways mobile advertising
uses to reach its audience. Mobile phones offer a unique channel that is
interactive, direct, targeted, personalized, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Marketers
in their try to reach consumers effectively have developed products, which
support direct marketing services and targeted messages.
Avesair’s MATCH platform (MATCH) is
a quite good example of a solution that takes advantages of mobile technology
and it supports SMS, MMS, and WAP as well as technologies for Palm OS, Voice
XML, MP3. MATCH (Messaging And Targeting for Carriers and Handsets) could be
considered as a decision engine that enables mobile operators to target
relevant mobile marketing campaigns based on individual subscriber preferences.
From a technical perspective, MATCH is a targeting and decision engine that
enables operators to schedule, deliver and track highly specific messages,
promotions, and content using any type of wireless medium. Drawing
on sets of user-defined rules, the Decision Engine performs an array of key
operations to establish and apply that intelligence.
Despite the obvious similarities that
MATCH decision engine share with Targeted Messenger, exist also distinct
dissimilarities. MATCH engine provides a matching mechanism of information and
recipients based on the subscription profile of each potential recipient,
without taking in account more dynamic parameters, as bookmarked product
is for the construction of recipient’s profile in Targeted Messenger. While
Targeted Messenger creates a list of recipients based on a dynamic profile and
location, the MATCH engine takes in account only the mobile subscriber declared
profile. Furthermore, Targeted Messenger is oriented to closed environments,
and consequently is of much different context of that of MATCH platform.
Therefore, a full comparison between the two targeting message solutions is
related application includes the groupSMS platform, developed by FORTHnet S.A,
a Greek Internet Service Provider (ISP). The groupSMS platform enables sending
short text messages (SMS) towards one or multiple mobile phones around the
world. The primary options provided through the groupSMS platform include: a) Address
Book for organising names and mobile numbers into groups, b) Sending
Messages either to a single mobile number or to a group of recipients included
in the address book, c) Sending Mass Messages to
recipients not included in the address book for confidential or other
reasons, d) Creating and Saving as Template Messages that are
used frequently, e) Schedule Messages to be dispatched at some
predefined date and time, f) Defining
maximum number of messages to be sent per day/week/month, and g) logging
sent messages, so that users can view them at anytime.
5. Limitations and Future Work
adoption of J2EE architecture and the multi-tier implementation of the Targeted
Messenger sub-system enable easy extension or change of the Targeted Messenger,
without causing disturbance to the implementation of the rest system. The
current design and implementation makes the produced source code much more
portable and reusable. Following, we discuss the most significant challenges
raised by current research and development in the field of mobile targeting
messages sending, as a service, implemented in the context of mEXPRESS is
subject to several constraints. For the moment, it allows only text messaging,
although multimedia messaging could be used too, given the design of the
It is
noteworthy to mention that the delivery of the message is not implemented by
the Targeted Messenger but by Communication Engine, which has responsibility
for any communication function within mEXPRESS. Enhancement of Targeted
Messenger subsystem could be performed either by extending the current
Communication Engine or by incorporating an individual delivery mechanism
within Targeted Messenger.
Messenger uses other subsystems’ functionality in a very constructive way to
offer an advanced service. The tight collaboration with the other subsystems is
a significant issue under consideration, since it impairs the system’s
modularity and portability.
Targeted Messenger has been implemented
for an indoor environment with exhibition-specific characteristics and
requirements. Transfer of the system in other indoor environments, such as
galleries, museums, and libraries (Giaglis et al., 2002), and adjustment to the
respective requirements constitutes a rather challenging research and
development issue.
This work has been performed in the
framework of the IST project mEXPRESS (IST -2001-33432), which is funded in
part by the European Commission. The authors would like to acknowledge the
contributions of their colleagues from
Intracom Hellenic Telecommunications and Electronics Industry S.A, L.M.
Ericsson A/S, Elisa Communications Corporation, Pouliadis Associates
Corporation, Space Systems Finland Ltd., Research Centre of Athens University
of Economics and Business, Helsinki University of Technology, The Finnish Fair
Corporation, ROTA Ltd.
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