This is an HTML rendering of a working paper draft that led to a publication. The publication should always be cited in preference to this draft using the following reference:
When designing and implementing
cryptographic protocols one must avoid a number of possible flaws.
In this paper we divide possible flaws based on the flaw pathology
and the corresponding attack method, into elementary protocol
flaws, password/key guessing flaws, stale message flaws, parallel
session flaws, internal protocol flaws, and cryptosystem flaws.
We then outline and comment on different attack construction and
inference-based formal methods, protocol analysis tools, and process
integration techniques and their effectiveness in aiding the cryptographic
protocol design process by discovering protocol flaws with regard
to the aforementioned proposed taxonomy of them.
1 Introduction
A protocol is a set of rules and conventions that define the communication framework between two or more parties. The parties are said to be communicating (principals) and can be end-users, processes or computing systems. In cryptographic protocols part of at least one message is encrypted.
When developing a cryptographic
protocol it is desirable to uncover any flaws as soon as possible.
These flaws can occur because of incomplete or erroneous specifications.
However, even correct specifications do not necessarily guarantee
the correctness of a given implementation. Generally we can distinguish
between three categories of cryptographic protocol flaws [1] according
to the flaw source:
2 A Taxonomy of Cryptographic
Protocol Faults
After a thorough study of
the flaws belonging to the aforementioned general categories we
propose the following more detailed taxonomy of these flaws based
on the flaw pathology and the corresponding attack method:
2.1 Elementary protocol flaws
In the elementary flaw category belong all flaws that occur in protocols providing minimal or no protection against adversary attacks.
The flaw of the protocol proposed by [3] for authentication key exchange between two communication parties belongs to this category [1]. The session key is signed by A's private key before being sent to B. The flaw in this case is that a signature is used to provide message confidentiality. Similar problems [1] [4] appear in the CCITT X.509 authentication protocol [5]. The cause behind the most important of them is that the messages are encrypted before being signed making it therefore possible for an adversary to masquerade as the sender by changing the initial signature with his own.
2.2 Password/key guessing flaws
The flaws belonging to this category occur because users often choose their passwords from a small set of common words [6] [7]. In addition, in cases where a protocol uses a pseudo-random key, it is possible that the key is constructed in a way that can be reproduced by an adversary. As a result in case of an exhaustive key search attack the adversary can use a restricted probable password key space instead of the - much larger - possible key space. For this reason attacks based on this flaw category are referred to [8] as dictionary attacks or as verifiable-text attacks.
The user-supplied passwords
could be rejected if they occur in a dictionary or consist of
too few characters. The smallest allowable password size Psize
can be calculated [9] depending on the password alphabet size
Asize, the required password life time Plife,
the maximum rate at which passwords can be tried Grate
and the maximum password guessing probability Gprob
and is given by the relationship:
Psize = log
(Plife x Grate / Gprob) / log
Password guessing attacks
can be divided into three categories:
Authentication protocols can
be strengthened by introducing two basic requirements:
These requirements are vital for dealing with detectable on-line password guessing attacks [11], but are not relevant in relation to off-line attacks [12].
A number of protocols have
been proposed for dealing with on-line [13] and off-line [14]
[15] [12] password guessing attacks. In addition, two tools have
been proposed for helping users pick stronger passwords [16]:
password generators and password monitoring programs.
Password generators are programs that are made available on systems
in an effort to ensure "good password choices", which
means that the selected password is difficult to guess, and easy
for the user to remember. These programs have to be sufficiently
random in the specific method in which they select password. Password
monitors are programs that accept a user's choice for a password
based on how likely it is that the password could be guessed.
More sophisticated password monitors may ensure the password is
not a known easy-to-guess one, check that this is not in a dictionary,
analyse it to see if it looks too much like a real word, and use
an addition process named "password guesser", in order
to try and guess this password.
2.3 Stale message flaws
Often an adversary instead of a direct attack on a security protocol will try to utilise genuine protocol message fragments that he can neither read nor legally create. For this reason a lot of effort has been put into designing protocols that are not vulnerable to replay attacks.
Studying message replay attacks
[17] has proposed a taxonomy based on the message origin
and the message destination.
2.3.1. Message origin attacks
In run external attacks
message fragments from one protocol run are used in another run.
An example of such an attack [18] is based on the secret key Needham-Schroeder
[19] protocol where the attacker can read the third protocol message:
[1] A S : A, B, Na
[2] S A : {Na, B, Kab, {Kab, A}Kb}Ka
[3] A B : { Kab, A}Kb
[4] B A : {Nb}Kab
[5] A B : {Nb-1}Kab
and having enough time and processing power can guess the session key and use it in a next protocol run as the original communicating parties will not know that the session key has been compromised. This attack is of course only viable when there are no mechanisms for outdating session keys. This attack is a run external attack because during a protocol run a message from a previous run was used. A parallel protocol run was not needed.
A parallel protocol run can
also lead to a successful attack [17]. The BAN-Yahalom [4] protocol
contains the following steps:
[1] A B : A, Na
[2] B S : B, {A, Na}Kbs, Nb
[3] S A : {B, Na, Kab}Kas, {A, Kab, Nb}Kbs, Nb
[4] A B : {A, Kab,
Nb}Kbs, {Nb}Kab
When Eve is performing
an attack masquerading as A-Alice, after the protocol's
step 2 she starts a parallel protocol run:
[1] A B : A, Na
[2] B S : B, {A, Na}Kbs, Nb
[1'] Ea B: A, (Na, Nb)
[2'] B Es: B, {A, Na, Nb}Kbs, N'b
[3] ............
[4] Ea B :
{A, Na (=Kab), Nb}Kbs,
Eve is using in the second run the concatenation of Na and Nb as a nonce. As soon as Eve receives the encrypted message from step 2 of the second run she is using it as the first encrypted part of step 4 of the first run. In the end Eve has masqueraded as A-Alice to B-Bob and received the session key. This attack is also a run external attack because during a protocol run a message from a previous run is used. In this case however, the attack was based on a parallel protocol run.
Run internal attacks
are using message fragments from the same protocol run. Such an
attack [20] on the Neuman-Stubblebine protocol [21] contains the
following steps:
[1] A B : A, Na
[2] B S : B, {A, Na, Tb}Kbs, Nb
[3] S A : {B, Na, Kab, Tb,}Kas, {A, Kab, Tb}Kbs, Nb
[4] A B : {A, Kab,
Tb}Kbs, {Nb}Kab
During the protocol run, the attacker Eve, masquerading as A-Alice, receives a part of message 2 and is using it to construct message 4.
[4'] Ea B : {A,
Na (=Kab), Tb}Kbs,
{Nb}Na(= Kab)
The new message 4 is the same
as message 2, but the session key has been changed with the nonce
Na. In this way the last part of the protocol's
step 4 was correctly implemented and therefore Eve could
run a session with B-Bob masquerading as A-Alice,
and make B-Bob accept the session key that belongs to Eve.
This attack is a run internal attack because during a protocol
run a message from the same run is used.
2.3.2 Message destination
One other attack [20] on the
previously discussed BAN-Yahalom protocol is the following:
[1] A Eb: A, Na
[1'] Eb A: B, Na
[2'] A Es: A, {B, Na}Kas, N'a
[2''] Ea S: A, {B, Na}Kas, Na
[3'] S Eb: {A, Na, Kab}Kbs, {B, Kab, Na}Kas, Na
[2] ............
[3] Es A: Ni, {B, Kab, Na}Kas, {A, Kab, Na}Kbs
[4] Ea B: {A,
Kab, Na}Kbs, {Ni}Kab
This attack demonstrates a
message reflection problem, i.e. the return of a message
to the original sender. Straight replays of message 2'
to message 2'', are those where the message is sent from the sender
to the supposed receiver even though the message semantics are
not preserved (text has been added or the message has been delayed).
Message deflection of message 3' to message 3, occurs when
protocol exchange messages are redirected to a third entity.
2.4 Parallel session flaws
Parallel session attacks (or oracle session attacks, multi-role flaws) are flaws that allow an adversary to gain the desired information by exchanging suitable protocol messages.
Participants in these protocols can be distinguished [22] either as single role, or as multi-role participants. In single role protocols there is a one to one relationship between a participant and his role. In a multi role protocol this relationship is a one to many. In both cases a participant's presence can only be interpreted as a specific role and not as the specific participant's name. Therefore a participant p can at different times act in role A and role B. It can be proven [22] that any analysis method that fails to distinguish between the possible roles of a participant and the participant's name will not yield dependable results.
In the following paragraphs
we will study a parallel session single role flaw and a parallel
session multi role flaw [1] using the three-pass protocol
[1] A B : {M}Ka
[2] B A : {{M}Ka}Kb
[3] A B : {M}Kb
The protocol can be used for transferring a secret message without the use of a trusted third party. It does however not provide authentication as A and B do not share any secrets.
The protocol utilises a cryptographic
commutative function, which satisfies the relationship:
= {{M}Kb}Ka .
2.4.1 Parallel session
single role flaws
In a single role run of the
protocol the following situation can occur [1]:
[1] Alice Eve Bob : {M}Ka
[2] Eve Bob Alice : {M}Ka
[3] Alice Eve Bob
: M
Participant A-Alice,
sends a request to B-Bob. The message is however intercepted
by Eve who masquerades as Bob and uses steps 2 and
3 for intercepting the cleartext of the secret message M.
This attack could have been prevented if participant A had
a way to distinguish between different message types and could
therefore prevent the transmission of messages of type unencrypted.
2.4.2 Parallel session
multi role flaws
The protocol can be used by multi role participants as follows:
[1.1] Alice A
Eve Bob B : {M}Ka
[2.1] Eve Bob A Alice B : {M}Ka
[2.2] Alice B
Eve Bob A : M
[1.2] Eve Bob B Alice A : any text
[1.3] Alice A
Eve Bob B : {any text}Ka
In this case [1], after step
1.1 Eve intercepts the message from Alice. After
step 2.1 Eve establishes a new session masquerading as
BobA in order to return to AliceB
the message that was sent by AliceA. In step
2.2 AliceB returns the message M decrypted
which is of course received by Eve. Eve's mission
has been accomplished since she is now in possession of a decrypted
version of M. Eve can potentially complete the session
so that Alice will not realise that the message has been
2.5 Internal protocol flaws
Internal protocol flaws occur when at least one of the protocol participants fails to complete all requisite actions.
A typical example of this
flaw [1] is step 3 of the three pass protocol. Before the message
is sent it is desirable for the participant A to ensure
that the message is encrypted. As mentioned above, this requirement
should be part of the protocol specifications and implementors
should always ensure that it is always satisfied.
2.6 Cryptosystem flaws
Encryption algorithms and related protocols are designed and used in order to satisfy some data confidentiality or authentication requirements. A specific implementation may satisfy all properties required by the algorithm and the protocol specification, but exhibit additional properties that compromise the confidentiality or authentication requirements. In that case cryptosystem - related flaws [24] [25] [1] are said to occur.
Often a poor implementation of a given cryptosystem is all that is needed in order to compromise it. [25] details a number of protocols based either on public key algorithms (e.g. the low entropy protocol) or on secret key algorithms (e.g. the single key protocol) that exhibit such flaws.
3.1 Introduction
In the last decade a number of methods and tools have been published and implemented that detect cryptographic protocol flaws by analysing and documenting their operation [26]. The most important methods can be divided into two categories [27] according to their operation domain:
Attack-construction tools construct probable attack sets based on the protocol's algorithms algebraic properties. These methods [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] are targeted towards ensuring authentication, correctness or security properties and are not dependent on the correctness of a proposed logic. Their disadvantage lies mainly in the big number of possible events that must be examined.
tools are utilising
either modal logic, logic of knowledge, or logic
of belief. These methods [4] [34] [35] include belief logics
which are potentially much faster, capable of analysing large,
complicated protocols that the attack-construction tools are incapable
of analysing in a reasonable time, and are widely used. A number
of specific problems associated with them [27] [36] [37] [20]
[38] range from their inability to analyse zero knowledge protocols
or to address only authentication or to detect parallel session
multi-role flaws to the difficulty of transforming messages and
prepositions to idealised messages.
3.2 Flaw detection by attack construction
Flaw construction tools can
be distinguished into three categories based on their theoretical
foundation. These categories are:
3.2.1 Methods based on
validation languages and tools that are not specifically
developed for analysing cryptographic protocols.
These methods analyse a cryptographic protocol as any other program whose correctness they are trying to prove. This is done by specifying the protocol: as a finite-state machine [32] [33], using predicate calculus [29], or within a process algebra [39] [40].
Some researchers [32] [33] map the protocol to a finite-state machine. The analysis method proposed by [32], verifies the basic properties of a number of protocols, detects basic flaws, but can not detect flaws due to the re-use of old messages as no temporal assumptions are used. The method proposed by [33] also verifies the basic properties of a number of protocols, but exhibits a number of problems as the number of states increases. In addition, in order to deal with flaws related to the re-use of old messages the author proposes to incorporate into the analysis data from the session key message contents.
Another approach [29] is based on predicate calculus extensions. This method is using the specification language Ina Jo [41] and the Formal Development Methodology (FDM). Formal specifications written in Ina Jo specify definitions, initial conditions, transforms, axioms, and criteria. Criteria are used to specify critical requirements for a secure state. Ina Jo formal specifications can then be executed and verified by tools such as Inatest. This approach has been successful in locating both active and passive attack flaws, since in both cases the intruder is a separate entity in the model's mathematical framework.
A more recent approach [39] [40] is based on modelling the communicating principals and the intruder as CSP processes. The proposed method can be used to formalise messages, traces, intruders, and nonce challenges. The Failures Divergence's Refinement Checker (FDR) tool is a general purpose tool that can be used to determine whether an implementation refines a specification. In the case of protocol authentication, checking for refinement amounts to testing whether each trace of the implementation is also a trace of the specification.
Although these methods have
been judged as an important contribution to the field, research
has turned into more specialised directions. The driving force
behind this turn is the desire to use cryptography domain specific
reasoning knowledge.
3.2.2 Expert system, scenario
based methods
The method due to [31], known as the Interrogator Model, is using a system based on a Prolog solver to guide the designer towards examining whether a specific protocol can lead to an undesirable situation, such as compromising a key. Although this method can not guarantee absolute safety, it works very well in identifying specific protocol flaws.
The method has been successfully
used to find various known flaws in protocols such as the [42]
[19] [43] [44] and [45]. No previously undetected vulnerabilities
in well known protocols have been discovered using this method.
The tool's applicability is limited by the operators it supports
(conventional and public key encryption, exclusive-or and limited
finite-field exponentiation).
3.2.3. Algebraic simplification
theoretic model methods
Important methods in this category have been proposed by [28] [46] and [30]. Among them the NRL Protocol Analyser [30] is believed to be the most promising method of assuring correctness in cryptographic protocols. This method specifies the protocol and its analysis as a set of transition rules governing the actions of honest principals as well as rules describing possible - non intruder caused - system failures, a set of operations available to the principals, and rewrite rules obeyed by the operations.
The NRL Protocol Analyser
has been successfully used to uncover known flaws of all our proposed
taxonomy types, especially stale message flaws. The NRL Protocol
Analyser has also been used to locate a series of previously unknown
flaws in a number of protocols [45]. The current implementation's
main drawback is the paucity of reduction operators which are
limited to conventional and public key encryption operators. In
addition, as with most rule rewrite systems, it is not clear how
well the system scales as more complicated algorithms will need
to be expressed using an ever increasing set of rules.
3.3 Inference based methods
Inference based methods are based on formal protocol specification modelling using the Logics of Knowledge and Trust. A representative such method, BAN Logic [4], is widely used for authentication protocol verification. BAN Logic considers authentication as a function of message freshness and integrity and is using a formal model for the authentication protocol messages based a predefined set of axioms.
BAN Logic has been successfully used to uncover a number of unknown flaws [5] [19] [47] as well as superfluous operations in widely used protocols [5] [48] [19] [49] [47]. BAN Logic can not be extended to zero knowledge protocols [20], and can not detect parallel session multiple-role flaws nor stale reflected message flaws [37], although it can detect run external attack flaws [4]. Furthermore, BAN Logic does not cover implementation-related flaws such as those included in [21] and detected in [2].
A number of other alternative logics have been proposed correcting or extending the existing framework [34] [35]. GNY Logic includes a parser that can detect whether a message has been sent in the past. However, even this extension does not completely detect stale message flaws.
The most important drawback
of BAN-type logics is the lack of strict application techniques
for converting messages and beliefs into idealised messages. A
number of improvements have been suggested [50] [36] to deal with
this problem. Despite this problem, inference based methods, and
BAN Logic in particular is used in many new protocol specifications
as for example in the analysis, specification and verification
of Internet commercial transaction protocols [51] [52]. As BAN
Logic can not prove that a protocol is secure, but can provide
information about the possible occurrence of undesirable properties
it can be used as a complement to the NRL Protocol Analyser [30].
3.4 Design process integration
The multitude of protocol analysis approaches, methods, and tools hinders their integration into the protocol design process. Every different protocol analysis tool provides its own formal specification language; different from the message-oriented protocol descriptions that are typically published. Two approaches have been proposed in order to bridge the gap between the protocol analysis formalisms and the protocol design process.
One approach [53], proposes the use of an Interface Specification Language (ISL) in order to allow arbitrary protocol design processes to interface to the analysis tool. This approach has been used to provide a front end to the Automatic Authentication Protocol Analyser (AAPA) [54] [55] a tool that uses an extension of the GNY logic for proving protocol properties.
A second approach [56], proposes
the use of a Common Protocol Specification Language (CAPSL) to
bridge the gap between the typical informal presentations of protocols
given in papers and the precise characterisations required to
conduct formal analysis. The proposers of this approach hope that
proponents of different analysis techniques will offer algorithms
for compiling the CAPSL language into whatever form they require
making it therefore possible to directly compare technique protocol
assumptions and analysis results. This work is in progress, has
not yet been completed, and it is described in a WWW site for
suggestions, refinement and standardisation of the language definition.
4 Conclusions
Having examined a number of cryptographic protocol flaws we provided a possible taxonomy based on the flaw pathology and the corresponding attack method: exploitation of protocol or implementation weaknesses, password/key guessing, message re-use, or the establishment of a parallel session. The use of formal methods can definitely aid in the analysis, verification, validation, and security valuation of existing and proposed cryptographic protocols. As distributed systems and open interconnected networks are increasingly being used for transactions of commercial value, the transfer of sensitive personal data, and as society's infrastructure fabric increasingly depends on them the formal analysis of cryptographic protocols will be an important research topic.
The outlined presentation
of general purpose formal analysis tools used in the cryptographic
protocol domain as well as domain specific approaches presented
in section 3 is an initial attempt at categorising tools and providing
our view of their relative strengths and weaknesses with regard
to the aforementioned proposed taxonomy of cryptographic protocols
flaws. We believe that in the coming years formal method based
tools will increasingly be used during cryptographic protocol
design process, especially in the initial stages of the whole
The authors would like to
thank Prof. P.Georgiadis, University of Athens, Greece, for his
helpful comments.
5 References